One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 27: Adversarial testing!


Many people believe that among the three types of devil fruits, the natural type is called the "natural type" because the power they represent can be found in nature, so they are named after the natural type.

This is not the case…

Through Zefa's explanation to Ron, he learned that the real reason why the natural system is called "natural system" is that they are like nature and represent the vast power of God! Because of the fear and reverence of nature, the devil fruits that control these powers are given the title of natural type.

Just like now, Ron's move with the dramatic name of "Eight Dragons Holding Pearls" once again evoked human beings' awe of nature!

There was a shocking muffled thunder, and nothing could be heard in the ears, only a buzzing sound. The dazzling lightning was overwhelming, and wherever the sight could be seen, there was only one piece of lightning. Occasionally, a ray of thunder and lightning bursts out and hits the face, causing stinging pain and letting people know that they are still alive.

In the stands, Warring States held down his hat that was about to blow off and sighed with complicated emotions: "I finally know why Zefa asked me to increase the distance between the audience stand and the test stand..."

If the distance is not increased, Ron's move will involve everyone around him, and the consequences will be very serious! Unlike now, all the instructors in the recruit camp took action in unison and quickly blocked the thunder and lightning.

The lightning didn't last long and disappeared after almost a few seconds. But in the stands, a group of ordinary people were breathing heavily, looking at the calm test bench, as if they were in another world.

The recruits in Ron's team were even more unbearable. They collapsed on the ground one by one and accepted Zefa's protection. When I remember that I was almost exposed to such a terrifying thunderstorm before, my heart beat faster in fear.

"Weird... monster!"

I don't know how long it took before someone spoke dryly and said this. Hearing this, people around him nodded and looked at Ron with admiration.

This is the world of One Piece, a world where the strong is respected!

No matter how bad Ron's results were in the first test, he is strong now!

Worthy of respect from all!


"Well… !!"

Seeing Ron fall down together with the smoking test machine, the cheers of the crowd were stuck in their throats. They looked around and stared helplessly with their big eyes.

They were about to cheer, but the protagonist fell down. This was... quite embarrassing!

"Carry him down! You... check the results!"


Zefa was well prepared for this. With an order, someone immediately picked up Ron, who was spitting out black smoke, and sent him to the rear. Plenty of food was prepared for him there, and the amount was large enough to fill him up. Considering Ron's special physique, this injury was not a concern.

Afterwards, the colonel officer used his unskilled Armed Color Haki, lifted up the test machine that was constantly flashing electric light, and looked down. The instructor in charge of reporting the numbers immediately looked at the number in horror and his eyes widened. It wasn't until the colonel officer glared at him impatiently that he swallowed and raised the flag.

"The results are valid!"

"Recruit Ron, the power level..."


Swallowing hard again, the instructor shouted at the top of his lungs: "2700!!!"


The colonel, whose hands and feet were paralyzed, threw away the nearly scrapped test machine. The sound it made was like explosives, detonating the atmosphere of the scene!

"What?! 2700!!!"

"Incredible! Unbelievable!!!"

"2700 power points!!!"

"This kind of power is almost comparable to that of a colonel from our headquarters, right?!"

"More than that! Being a major general is enough for you!"

The officers who can stay in Marineford have the same status as the officers in the branches of the Four Seas and the Grand Line, but their strength is absolutely different! Shuzuo's 4,000 Daoli is enough to serve as base commander, which is the position of lieutenant general, in any branch of the Grand Line. But in this department, even if there are no mistakes made in the past, he is still a major general at most.

The reason why this situation occurs is, in the final analysis, the strength gap between the opponents.

The highest position of the base director of the Sihai branch is major general, and the most common position is colonel. But because it is a weak sea area, ordinary people without strength can sit on it as long as they have ability and military merit. Because the enemy they have to face is very different from the great shipping route. The navy's powerful ships and guns are not just for nothing. The army can crush the enemy and destroy everything!

But in the Grand Line…

Are you trying to put a person with no strength in a high position

The next day he would have to be killed by pirates to sacrifice his flag!

As the entrance to the New World, the last gateway adjacent to the Chambord Islands, with the Holy Land - Mariejoia, the important fortress impel city, and Judicial Island standing behind it, the enemies our navy will face are those who have passed through the first half of the Grand Line. The best ones are the overlords who do evil in the new world!

Therefore, it is natural that the requirements for the strength of officers are very strict!

This is also the fundamental reason why the status of our officers is transcendent in the world.

But after hearing this, someone quickly retorted.

"No, I think it's still too low! Ron is a thunderbolt! An attack with the same power value is more terrifying than fists, feet and swordsmanship! Not only is it fast, but it also has the advantages of distance and coverage area! Although his move has He will be seriously injured, but most of the pirates in the Four Seas and even the Grand Line can't survive it!"

After's thunder and lightning!

The lethality to the human body is a huge advantage!

"Hiss... In other words, just by looking at this move, Ron is already qualified to serve in the Grand Line?!"

"I think it's okay!"

"It's incredible! Another monster appears in the navy!"

"Ron! Ron! Ron!"

On this day, the legend of monsters left behind by the three generals decades ago was finally continued, and that was Ron, a new recruit who had joined the navy for more than a month!

Seeing the cheers in the stands, shouting the same name neatly in the mouth, like the tide and the sea, the Warring States veteran was greatly relieved.

"Well, not bad! Not bad! Hahahaha!!!"

In a slightly lower position, Akainu and Kizaru were staring ahead in stunned silence. After a long while, Kizaru's mouth twitched and teased: "What did you just say... 1,000 at most?"

"I… "

Akainu opened his mouth, looking a little embarrassed. But he quickly adjusted and took a deep breath: "Awesome! In one month, his strength has grown so quickly! What a monster!"

"I thought I should have bet something with you just now... What a pity!"

Kizaru added regretfully, earning Akainu's unhappy look.

It only took a month to go from the maximum burst of 500 power to 2700!

This achievement represents not only strength, but also the frightening and terrifying talent!

He has grown to this extent in just over a month. You can imagine what a terrifying monster Ron will grow into in the future if he is given time!

The only thing that makes the recruits happy is that Ron's overall evaluation is still within the acceptable range... The terrifying lethality of thunder and lightning and the special blessing of the overloaded form, plus the "Eight Dragons Holding Pearl of Lightning Fist Derived Body" and the superposition of eight thunder dragons In terms of power, his score was 2700, but his physical fitness was only 700 in the comprehensive test.

Isn’t 700 high

Very high!

Among the new recruits this year, except for the monsters who were trained on Hell Island, Ron ranked first!

But compared with his sky-breaking 2,700 attack power, the 700 power of the main body is not that exaggerated.

However, this is still a terrifying number that no one in the recruit camp can beat. Coupled with his terrifying growth rate, it is difficult for ordinary people to beat his back. The gap will only get wider and wider as time goes by, until most people despair!

But it is not the soldiers of the navy headquarters' recruit camp who give up so easily. In the next test, they gritted their teeth one by one and unleashed their strongest moves, igniting the atmosphere again!

Ron is a monster, yes, but these little guys are also the backbone of the future navy!

The atmosphere at the scene was high for a while, and cheers and cheers could be heard all the time.

After the preliminary test was over and lunch time came, everyone reluctantly went to find something to eat. The recruits had a rare day off, so they got together with their families and friends and went to the town to have a good meal.

As the Navy's most lively event of the year, the morning's individual test was just the beginning. In the afternoon, there will be more intense confrontation training! It is also the place where the recruits rank up and compete for the best stage in the future!

It can be said that all the previous generals of the headquarters have shone brightly in confrontation training!

Veterans from fifty or sixty years ago, Garp, Warring States, and Zefa, Flying Squirrel, the representative representative of the headquarters of the class thirty years ago, and Shuzuo, Zefa's right-hand man in the new barracks, who came out of the class twenty years ago The current three generals, Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu...etc., etc., as long as you can pronounce their names, they are all without exception!

While everyone was intensely discussing the performance of the outstanding performers this morning, in a corner of the headquarters fortress, Kizaru took out his phone: "Moxi Moxi, Mr. Vegapunk, what can I do..."

"Ah, don't worry about that. You should pay more attention to the pacifists. Marshal Warring States is so angry today... what? Want me to draw blood again? Can't you be considerate of me, an old man?"

At the same time, in the headquarters hospital near the square. Ron took off the bandages on his body, and under the doctor's suspicious gaze, he picked up the rice bowl and ate.

It’s the so-called equivalent exchange!

The energy to restore the body to heal injuries does not come out of nowhere. How much is consumed must be replenished. After the tedious tests in the morning, he was so hungry that his heart was pressed against his back. Now that he is sure that his body is fine, he just wants to eat him until he is drunk!

Zefa stood aside with a smile. Seeing Ron so energetic, he felt relieved: "Eat slowly Ron, there is plenty of food..."


"Huh? What did you say?"



A cross was wrinkled on his forehead, Zefa's eyelids were beating rapidly, and he wrapped his fists with armed domineering, "duang"! !

"Swallow it before I talk!!!"

After a month, Zefa felt that at this age, his armed color and domineering skills had improved a lot. I just have a lot of anger lately... and my pee is all yellow.

I heard that anger damages the liver and shortens lifespan, so don’t be angry!

Ron deeply suspected that his mouth full of food was not swallowed, but was hammered down by Zefa!

It really... hurts so much!

However, Zefa couldn't tease him in this state, so he stood up immediately and said, "Teacher Zefa, don't I need to go to the confrontation training in the afternoon?"

With his current strength, there is no way he can find an opponent in the new military camp. In the term of the three great generals, the three of them fought against each other to hone their skills. In Smoker's generation, there was also "Black Throne" Tina who was his rival... But now!

Who should Ron call

Is it the "top 100 recruits" Zorro who was subdued as soon as he came on the field

Or is it the talented swordsman Quin Donte who was finally born in the Quinn family

It's not necessary at all!

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, Zefa immediately smiled and said: "Go, why not go? Why not go on such a wonderful stage? The world is focused on you! Don't worry, I have arranged everything!"

At this moment, Zefa smiled as if some mysterious eastern power... gave Ron an ominous premonition!

… …

Um, I said that the plot of my year-end test was all written in one text. Do you believe me? I really didn’t mean to break the chapter, everyone! I wrote tens of thousands of words in one text, and then cut them one by one into several chapters. I thought it would be good to leave the break here, and then click... Without further ado, since it is watery, I will use the number of words to make up for it. The text of this chapter is 3300, and the text of the next chapter is 2500. Are you sincere? In the end, I was so cute that I rolled around. Please give me your recommendation votes and the number of favorites!