One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 28: Against Shuzuo!


Naval Headquarters, half past one in the afternoon.

Confrontation training is a must-have training course for almost every force. Ron has also participated in it before, but if he didn't use the thunder fruit at that time, he would not be able to compete with the new recruits in fist, foot and sword skills at the same time. Not to mention experience and skills, physical fitness alone is enough to distance them, but the foundation is weak and there is no comparison.

But it's different now. Even if he doesn't use the fruit ability now, the power in his body is enough to make the recruits despair! Compared to pure fruit-powered users, Ron is a guy who puts more emphasis on physical development than devil fruits. He would rather let his body drive the fruit development than become a useless person who is nothing without the fruit!

Self-challenge is not simply the pursuit of destruction...

When Ron came to the square, the Colosseum seats were already full of people who came to watch the test. It is worth mentioning that they all changed directions at this time... The seat that was wrapped in a circle during the morning power test was cut out from the test bench and stretched to the left and right to form an arc, surrounding the area in front of it that was enough A square that accommodates 100,000 people!

A huge square with towering towers. On each high platform, there is an instructor standing with his feet crossed, his hands behind his back, sitting on the high platform. They are responsible for protecting recruits from being fatally injured during confrontation training, and they also serve as referees to determine the outcome.

When the new recruits entered the stage under the leadership of Zefa, cheers resounded throughout the sky!

"Come on, little bastards!"

"Remember, beat his balls! Beat his balls!"

"Hahaha! Ron, I like you!!"

In addition to cheering, officers at all levels privately discussed which recruits in this batch were worthy of their attention and win over... The Navy is just a piece of iron to the outside world. It can put aside all conflicts in front of pirates. This is an iron law! But there are different factions within the family. The hawks and doves are just the main mainstream. More are the different naval giants who compete openly and covertly with each other to attract talents and seek benefits for the family.

The Navy and the World Government have almost the same history. They have stood in the sea for hundreds of years, and their descendants all serve in the Navy. It is a joke that there are no factions.

In this world where the strong are respected, those with real potential, such as Ron, a natural genius who may ascend to the position of general in the future, befriending him will bring unlimited benefits to the family.

"Hey, Stein, what do you think of that Zorro?"

"He's a promising talent, but he's been a little down lately, and I don't know what's going on..."

"Is Ron here? The Quest kid will definitely go help his father, if we can..."

"Save it! With how much the Marshal pays attention to Ron, how could he allow us to win over Ron!"

"Tsk, that's right! Then I can only pretend to be familiar..."

"Who says it isn't?"

It is impossible that the naval marshals of all generations were unaware of the cliques formed by their subordinates, but they never suppressed them excessively. Because they know that even in this world that belongs to the strong, they cannot solve all problems with their fists... For example, there is a mosquito lying on Jie Bao.

As long as you don't touch things you shouldn't touch, Warring States won't bother to take care of him.

For example, even a blind person can see that Ron's future is extremely bright, and such a person cannot take sides in the navy. The Warring States Period and the World Government would not allow him to take sides and become the flag of a certain family, causing that family to dominate.

Moreover, it is more conducive to rule to lead controllable disputes than to have subordinates whose hearts are twisted into ropes.

It has nothing to do with good or evil, this is just the wisdom of a superior person.

When Sengoku took the first place, the colonel took the stage and began to clarify the rules. It is not much different from the confrontation training rules, with only three major changes.

1. You are not allowed to kill someone intentionally. Those who disobey orders will be expelled from the navy and will never be hired!

Second, you are not allowed to operate in secret or bribe your opponents. Those who disobey orders will be expelled from the Navy and will never be hired!

Third, you are not allowed to deliberately interfere with other people's games. Those who violate the order will be expelled from the Navy and will never be hired!

In daily confrontation training, there would be no such serious punishment as expulsion from the Navy or never being hired. For the same foul, the most severe punishment would be imprisonment and conviction. Purely because today's occasion is too serious, the Navy needs stronger discipline!

After a brief explanation, the colonel announced: "Now... the adversarial test begins!!"

"Then... I'll go first..."

Ron glanced around, and under the gazes of the recruits whose mouths twitched, it turned into thunder and moved rapidly. Ordinary people could only judge through the mottled light and shadow left by the retina that something had just flown by.

Even though he hasn't learned the Sixth Marine Style yet, Ron's movement speed is still scary!

"That is… ?"

"It's Ron! I didn't expect him to go up first!"

"You can go up... that's fine! Anyway, we're just sitting and playing..."

"Hahaha! That's right, these little guys can't do anything about the natural system!"

There are hundreds of recruits in the recruit camp, fighting against each other one by one, so you don't have to do anything today, just sit there and watch the game! Therefore, certain adjustments have been made to the process of the competition. In summary, it is... a battle for the high platform!

The duration is two hours and the number of platforms is 30. Those who were still standing on the stage at the end of the time were the top thirty in the recruit camp. After that, fifteen groups were arranged to compete in pairs, and the first place was decided based on the ranking. It ended at almost eight or nine o'clock.

"Wait! Something's wrong!"

Someone with sharp eyes suddenly spoke up, carefully counted the number of high platforms, and then exclaimed: "Why is there one missing, only 29 platforms?!"

"Nani?'s true!"

There are only 29 platforms, doesn’t it mean that there are only 14 groups of winners competing

There is another person who will either get a bye or advance directly. Either…

"Hey, could it be..."

Looking at Ron's confused look, it was obvious that he also discovered this. The onlookers who came to watch the performance looked back at Zefa and the man flexing his muscles around Zefa, and the corners of their mouths twitched...

Now, there is something good to watch!

"Pfft hahahaha!!! You little brat with a discharge, you have today too!!!"

Garp's iconic hearty laughter echoed in the quiet boss area. The sound was deafening. Sengoku raised his eyebrows and snorted: "Be quiet Garp!"

"oh… "

After popping his nose indifferently, Garp looked back at Ron and "poofed" again, spraying the donut crumbs all over the floor.

"Hahahaha!'s so funny!!!"

"Ah la la, what are you so happy about, Mr. Karp?"

Suddenly, a figure slowly walked onto the high platform. He has fluffy black hair, a tall and slender figure, and is wearing a white mandarin jacket and a blue shirt. The suit jacket is draped lazily on his shoulders. He exudes an aura called "listlessness" all over his body.


Hearing the sound, Garp looked back and said with a smile, "Kuzan is back so soon?"

That’s right!

The person who came was none other than Kuzan, one of the strongest combat forces in the Navy Headquarters, one of the three generals who went to sea to perform a mission, codenamed "Blue Pheasant".

"Yeah, I thought there would be a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect... Ugh!"

Halfway through the words, Qingzhi stretched his body and gave a big sneeze. Then he rubbed his eyes and said to Warring States: "You are overthinking, Marshal."

"It's a good thing there's no big trouble! The world needs peace!"

Warring States replied calmly, paused, and added: "After watching the game, hand in the report to me immediately. What does it sound like to be lazy all day long? Do you understand?"

"Hey, hey, I got it..."

Qing Pheasant shrugged, not surprised by this. That lazy look really has no resemblance to the majestic admiral.

With these three great generals, it's no wonder that Sengoku doesn't care about Ron's character... In comparison, he is the most normal guy!

After saying hello to Garp and others, he came to the seat belonging to the general and sat... paralyzed. Kizaru next to him came up, pouted and smiled obscenely: "Hey, Kuzan, seeing that you are so tired, why don't you take a gamble on the chance to attend the next mission?"

"Huh? Okay...but what's the bet?"

Turning over, Qing Zhi replied lazily.

"Just bet on how long that kid can last..."

Kizaru pointed with his chin to the quietest high platform in the center of the venue, with a mocking look on his face: "Sakaski said he could only hold on for half an hour. I said one hour, how long do you bet?"


The originally lazy and dull sight suddenly became brighter after staying behind the high platform. Qingzhi rubbed his chin and said in surprise: "The opponent is actually Brigadier General Shuzuo? Is this kid that strong?"