One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 29: Terrible Xiu Zuo!


Aoki has been away for several months and knows nothing about what happened in the headquarters. It is normal for him to feel strange after seeing who Ron's opponent is.

After all, in the year-end test, instead of arranging for new recruits at the same time, he chose to let the instructors compete against each other. There were a total of 29 high platforms, but in his memory, there were only two times!

This is the first time I heard...

Back then, Garp and Zefa competed for the top spot in the year-end review, and the fight was so chaotic that Sengoku was the only one in the trio. In the face of the abnormal power of the giant Buddha fruit of the phantom beast species, no one of the new recruits at the same time was his opponent, not even Crane. After careful consideration, Marshal Kong asked the then chief instructor of the new barracks to arrange for the instructors to compete with Warring States, and he was promoted directly after persisting for two hours, which set a precedent.

The second time was when I witnessed that in their group, he and Sakaski were divided into a group beforehand. Porusalino had a bye, and Zefa arranged for Shuzo to fight Kizaru.

There is no need to mention the subsequent achievements of these people!

They are all top people!

But in the following decades, there was no third example...

Because the overall strength of the new recruits is not as good as in the past. In the new recruit camp of the headquarters with countless geniuses and strong men, they can all find their own opponents. There is no absolute overlord to rule!

You can imagine how difficult and glorious it is to be invincible and unable to find an opponent in the same period! The value and significance behind it are immense! !

Unexpectedly, he just came to watch the ceremony as a routine, but when he saw such a scene, Qingzhi was immediately shocked.

"Is there anything special about him? Why haven't I seen him before..."

"Come, let me tell you..."

Such and such, such and such.

After listening, Qingzhi's eyes darkened and he looked at Ron seriously.

"I see, Thunder Fruit?"

Thunder, thunder and lightning from the sky.

Aokiji is very familiar with the New World Thunder God Island. Before Hell Island was developed, it was a training place that top naval recruits had to visit. Dark clouds cover the sun on the island, thunder snakes dance wildly, and what pours down from the sky is not raindrops, but terrifying purple and black thunder! In the face of that vast power, anyone will feel a sense of insignificance and powerlessness. Even if he now has the ability to destroy Thunder God Island, that inviolable majesty will always be engraved in Aokiji's heart.

"interesting… "

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "You have chosen the most likely time. Two hours is no different than winning. Then I..."

Before he finished speaking, Kizaru's eyes widened: "Hey, no, you want to bet on him to win?"

"No, I'll bet for an hour too..."

Clicking his tongue, Aokiji showed a strange smile: "General Akainu, you have to be prepared to go on two missions in a row!"

"Hmph! How ridiculous!"

Akainu snorted coldly, crossed his arms and lowered his gaze.

In this regard, the two looked at each other and didn't care. Akainu has this kind of character, so it would be impossible to argue with them.

How can it be? !

Even during the Warring States Period, he could not survive two hours from the instructor. Before breaking through the limits of ordinary people, the kind of precipitation accumulated over time is much more powerful than talent.

But it is worth mentioning that the only exception later appeared, Kizaru...

Relying on the speed of movement of the Sparkling Fruit, which is the best in the world, he continuously restrained and dodged, and finally found an opportunity to delay it for two hours.

Then he told Zefa with his slow speaking speed and wretched expression that had not changed for thousands of years, that even if he was not good at physical skills, he could still stand on top of the world just by relying on his fruit ability.

Zefa was so angry that he almost died!

But when did that happen

Twenty years ago!

Nowadays, Shuzuo is different. He has already developed a unique way of dealing with these guys who move at amazing speeds. How could he suffer a second loss

Moreover, Kizaru was able to do this only a year after he joined the navy. After additional training on Raijin Island, his doki was worth 1,500, and he was able to survive Shuzuo's fierce attack.

How long had it been since Ron showed up

Two and a half months is enough!

The power value is only 700!

It’s twice as different as Kizaru!


The high platform in the field is still wooden and does not conduct electricity!

In a small area, he had no advantage in fighting against Shuzuo, a standard naval taijutsu expert who was several times more powerful than himself. Now, even the environment was restrained, leaving no room for excuses. What Ron should consider is indeed how long he can hold on.

The Naval Headquarters Square is very noisy and lively!

On the remaining 28 platforms, the sounds of fighting were endless. Meat and meat, knives and blood, the recruits seized this annual opportunity to show off their hormones and show themselves in front of all the navy's top brass! A beautiful victory today may determine their future!

Therefore, even if they know that being on stage first will result in a round-robin battle, which will be detrimental to the final result, some of them will still hold on to the idea of showing their courage and still have no hesitation. Just moments after the battle started, dozens of people fell off the platform and were declared defeated.

But immediately, a new challenger rushed forward and challenged the champion.

However, unlike other high platforms, Xiu Zuo had just come up to the 29th platform where Ron was. The instructor and referee in charge here decisively rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and did not even do his own job.

Creak, creak...

Xiu Zuo's knuckles kept crackling as he pressed them. Wearing a black off-shoulder T-shirt, Xiu Zuo had a sneer on his face.

"Hey, isn't this Ron? Why do you look so ugly? Do you see my despair?"

Hearing this, Ron raised his eyebrows.

"What do you think?!!!"

"How can I still laugh if I don't cry?!"

"Is this situation 100% caused by Teacher Zefa targeting me?"

"You came here with the idea of beating me to death, right?!"

"Don't think of me as a fool!"

"To show my face to you!"

Below the high platform, Zefa heard these words through the Haki of Wisdom and Information, and his eyelids jumped rapidly: "Kill this bastard to death, Xiu Zuo!"


Responding loudly, Xiu Zuo shrugged and said: "Don't say it so harshly. Wooden venues are easy to make, and the year-end evaluation has always been like this. And you can't beat me to death... I am your instructor, how can I beat you to death?" I'll kill you, at most..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Xiu Zuo suddenly burst out at his strongest speed. Under Ron's horrified gaze, his whole body turned into a black line and suddenly rushed in front of him.

"At most... I'll beat you to the point of paralysis!"

Boom... boom!

The gas exploded, sending circles of smoke and dust in the air. An invisible pillar of air shot out, penetrated the clouds, and disappeared into the blue sky!

The serious Xiu Zuo is completely different from the Xiu Zuo who restricted himself during the test and was disturbed by the steel channel! Each move is made after several years of hard training, without any unnecessary movements, and is extremely powerful!

The failure twenty years ago taught him an unforgettable lesson. Today, I will beat Ron down no matter what!


After fierce punches, Xiu Zuo smiled slightly and thought he was sure of success. But suddenly, he was startled and looked at his wrist that passed through Ron's chest.

He made sure that he had covered his fist with armament-colored Haki, and Ron could not dodge this punch with elementalization. But such a strange scene made him understand that the opponent had calculated his attack time and elementalized it in advance!

Natural elementalization is divided into active and passive. Armed Color Haki cannot invalidate the elementalization. It only needs to contact the entity to offset its passive effect. But after the opponent takes the initiative to elementalize and disperse his body, the armed color Haki is useless. After all, if it is still effective at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to inserting your hand directly into the opponent's internal organs? The natural system is too weak!

Regarding this situation, Xiu Zuo's mouth twitched and he had to retreat to avoid the thunder that struck from Ron's palm.

boom! !


A power grid coiled up between the two of them and disappeared after a few seconds.

Looking at Ron who was drifting back and pulling away a safe distance to reunite, Xiu Zuo gritted his teeth in displeasure.

"Tch, little slippery man!"

In response, Ron curled his lips, with a strange smile on his face, clasped his hands in his fists, and said with squinting eyes: "To each other! Your Excellency's sneak attack skills are also very good!"

Xiu Zuo's sneak attack was extremely fast. If he hadn't dispersed his body through elementalization in advance, the punch just now would have knocked him down!

In order to win, Xiu Zuo was completely shameless!

This shows how terrifying the natural element is. Even Ron can avoid the powerful attacks from naval combat sects like Shuzuo.

But actively dispersing the body through elementalization will consume a lot of physical energy!

It was impossible for Ron to predict where his attack would land, so he must have elementalized his entire body.

In this way, Xiu Zuo is willing to admit defeat if he can persist for an hour!

"Hmph! You're such a tough talker! Let's see how long you can hold on!"

With a cold snort, Xiu Zuo leaned forward again. With such an elite burst of full speed, coupled with the almost instinctive Marine Sixth Form and Shave, the speed is not weaker than Ron's lightning movement! Therefore, Ron could only see an afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, Xiu Zuo's fist fell on him again.

"So fast!"


"Just what I wanted!"

Phew… bang! ! !

With a sneer on his lips, Ron allowed the explosive fist wind to scatter him into small lightning snakes, and then worked hard to capture the electromagnetic field in the air. The next second, his figure flashed!


… …

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Tomorrow is finally Friday, and if nothing else happens... in four days, this book will be the first recommendation.

Hey, you may not believe it when I tell you. My contract was for express delivery on Monday morning, but the status was changed at 6:30 on Friday afternoon. Even if the processing time is included, at least the readings will arrive at four or five o'clock on Friday, more than four days apart. Obviously it only took two and a half days to ship the computer power supply I bought from Guangdong... This incident tells us that STO's express delivery speed depends on your mood.