One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 3: Thunder!


Just like you should never trust the health of a Noxian, you should never trust your own eyes.

From the time the old man first made a sound to the time he used the impact shell to impact, there was an interval of less than a second. But it was the gap of less than a second that gave Ron enough time to make small moves.

He exerted force on his toes and hit the tribute platform harder, and his strength burst out. The person is floating in the air and there is no force on his feet, but it cannot be seen from the side because of the slow acceleration.

When the impact hit him, his palm was actually in front of the Thunder Fruit. Then, the displacement caused by the impact caused him to slap the Thunder Fruit and fly it away. With the influence of the violent airflow, the colorful ribbons in the temple stirred and sand and rocks flew. The old man did not notice this.

Then Ron picked up the Thunder Fruit in his arms, and curled up on the ground with his forehead and knees supporting his body. Not only was he unable to move because of the pain, but also to protect the fragile Thunder Fruit in his arms.

After all, the Devil Fruit can remain incorruptible until eaten, but it is just an ordinary fruit. A slightly larger impact can crush it and lose its effectiveness.

However, this is all in the past...

"Ugh! This smells like shit... I will remember it for the rest of my life..."

Sizzling... crackling!

The sudden sense of crisis behind him shocked the old man and turned around quickly. But the expected attack did not appear. He saw Ron standing up with frivolous steps and his body swaying, showing that he was seriously injured.

But at the same time, streaks of sky-blue electricity flowed through his body, making a crackling sound. An invisible aura rushed towards his face, and the tingling sensation on his face made the old man look solemn. The colorful ribbons in the entire temple moved automatically without wind, defying the rules of physics and ignoring gravity, fluttering in the direction of Ron, just like the worshipers meeting their faith and wanting to see the holy face.

Feeling the surging power of thunder in his body, Ron was greatly surprised by something he had never had before.

"Is this the power of Devil Fruit? It's really... unique!"


With a thought, electricity flashed between the index finger and thumb, making a crackling sound. Even with just a tiny bit of thunder and lightning, Ron could smell a stink.

That's the smell of ozone emitted by the oxygen in the air being decomposed by electric current.

"I don't know how effective this power is on people..."

While speaking, Ron raised his head and met the old man's eyes with cold and ruthless eyes.


"Do you know what you did?!"

At this moment, the old man looked crazy and no longer as calm as before.

As a member of those who have guarded secrets for generations, Ron's behavior today has turned their efforts of several generations into smoke and completely negated the meaning of his existence!

The older it is, the more conservative it is, and the more determined it is.

But when this will collapsed, it brought about a complete mental collapse!

"What did you do? It's none of my business..."

Turning a blind eye to the old man's expression, Ron tilted his head, with a hint of amusement... and bloodlust at the corner of his mouth.

Wounded beasts are the most dangerous!

When he was injured, Ron was the most murderous!

There are still moral laws and weapon restrictions on earth that he cannot resist, but in this world...

"How about... you tell me?"


Seeing this, the old man raised his hand, pointed the palm impact shell at Ron, and roared with a ferocious face: "Go to hell, you bastard!!!"


Invisible energy wrapped around the shell in the old man's hand, and the terrifying fluctuations made people palpitate. The impact stored in the impact shell can be fired in batches. If it is fired too much in one time, the recoil will not be any weaker than the legendary volley shell.

He had only used a little against Ron before, but this time, he was going to use them all!


The strong concentration caused dense cracks in the shell, and the air buzzed continuously. After this use, the shell was scrapped. But if Ron can be killed, the old man thinks everything will be worth it. When the impact reached its peak, the old man shouted loudly, pushed his palm, and pressed the switch.

"Impact shell, max! Launch!!"

The air seemed to freeze here for a second, and the next moment...

Bang! ! !

A terrifying impact burst out, forming an air column several meters thick! In a straight line, the clutter disappears instantly and becomes extremely empty in the blink of an eye! The hard wall did not stop the impact for a minute and a second, and a big hole was punched through in an instant!

Outside the shrine, the Sky Island soldiers who had not dispersed were suddenly startled by the loud noise. The impact filled with the breath of death is chilling!

When they turned around, they saw that the temple wall suddenly exploded, and the smoke and dust rolled up covered the sky, like a yellow dragon smashing into the sun!

"This is... Impact Shell?!"

"What is the priest doing? Why do you use this kind of thing in the temple?!"

The temple is sacred, and other people are not allowed to enter at all, let alone carry weapons or even big killers like impact shells! As a QH person, Ron cannot have the controlled weapons strictly guarded by Bika, so only priests can use the shock shell!

At this time, a startled breath attracted their attention.

"Team... Captain, look at that!"

The middle-aged captain turned around, dumbfounded for a moment, and sat down with his hands and feet weak: "Then... was that also the one that hit Beigan?!"

On the clouds in the distance, a cylindrical channel stretching hundreds of meters penetrated the clouds and appeared in the sky, clearly visible. Wherever it passes, everything disappears and is turned into powder by the impact, forming an empty passage!


A group of people took a collective breath, looked into the distance in horror, and were speechless for a long time. Such a powerful impact was inconceivable even in their eyes.

It took a long time before someone said hesitantly: "Under such an attack, that qh person... should be dead, right?"


That’s right!

The priest must have launched the attack to deal with the qh criminal. Such a terrifying impact was no weaker than the legendary platoon attack. The qh man must have been shattered to pieces under the impact!

Suddenly, they turned their attention to the temple again, wanting to know the result.


Sizzling... sizzling...!

Behind the smoke, the crisp sound of electricity sounded, vaguely reflecting the human form.


Boom! !

Accompanied by earth-shattering screams, a handful of green smoke floated in the air, and surging electricity fell from the sky like a torrential downpour. One blow could shatter rocks and crack the ground!

"Is this... thunder?"

"What... exactly... happened?"

The soldiers breathed heavily and stared at the darkening sky in horror.

The thunder that fell from the sky did not cover a large area, but only enveloped the shrine. Eniru covered his bleeding ears and ran away in a hurry, running directly in front of the soldiers, but the soldiers who used to yell at him for entering the shrine no longer cared about him now.

They all stared dumbly at the temple covered by thunder, losing the ability to speak... The dark clouds in the sky, the strange thunder and lightning, and the screams of the priests were as frightening as the end of the world.

"God... the gods must be angry!"

"Run! The God of Thunder is angry!"

Suddenly waking up, the soldiers were horrified. Bika has worshiped the God of Thunder for generations, and this scene is exactly the same as what the priest said about the God of Thunder being angry!

… …

New book is on the way, please recommend it! Please collect it!