One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 30: The Six Styles are terrifying!


The teleportation of those with Thunder Fruit ability is actually very simple. The planet itself has a strong enough magnetic field. All it takes is the electromagnetic field to move the current (body) there. Because they are thunder and lightning themselves, except that they need to eat, drink and relieve themselves like normal creatures, they are not human beings at all. This method of movement, which sounds mysterious and magical, is nothing more than a piece of data on the earth, traveling through the network through data lines.

It is an instinct among instincts!

The only difficulty is how to capture the trajectory of the magnetic field and transfer it.

Ron has not awakened the Haki of Wisdom and Information, and can only rely on the Thunder Man's keen perception of the magnetic field. But his strongest thunder is only 30 million volts, which is quite different from the future Enero. Trying to fight against the planet's magnetic field is tantamount to wishful thinking and cannot allow him to travel freely between the magnetic fields.

So he came up with a trick...


His elementalization is not only used to avoid Shuzuo's domineering attacks, but also to capture electromagnetic fields in a way that continuously consumes a lot of physical energy, and uses every ray of lightning in his body to outline nodes to facilitate teleportation.

This teleportation distance is not far, and the area that can be affected after elementalization includes high platforms at most. Only by awakening the Haki of Visibility and Knowledge can one capture the magnetic field further away, but it is enough at this time.

So at this moment, Xiu Zuo looked at the empty front in shock, his eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

At that moment, Luo Xiu didn't move away from him, but disappeared out of thin air! !

Any movement of an object will leave traces, and the traces left behind will be captured by the Haki of Insights!

No matter how fast it is, this is true!

This is the absolute truth!

There is just one problem, even if traces are found, whether they can respond... For example, even if the traces of Kizaru's shining fruit are the best in the world, few people can make an appropriate counterattack.

But just now...

He didn't find any movement tracks!

Ron disappeared in front of him like a ghost, and then appeared behind him.

There is no trace of this process! !

"Could it be that... the one in front of you just now was an illusion?"

No, it's impossible!

This idea was rejected as soon as it came up... Seeing and hearing Haki can't lie. On the premise that Ron has no physical clone ability, it is sure that the person in front of it is Ron, so it must be Ron!

He just used some method unknown to him to offset or hide his traces.

"There are a lot of things hidden, Ron..."

In the stands, Zefa raised the corners of his mouth and was in a good mood. He also failed to capture Ron's movement trajectory, but he could understand what kind of ability it was. In order to teach Ron, he dug out the information about thunder fruit ability users from the warehouse hundreds of years ago. Of course he could see it. . I thought that Ron would never be able to do it, but I never thought that Xiu Zuo's exaggerated offensive ability would inspire him, but instead he would reveal a trump card.

"This little bastard even hid it from me!"

He cursed a lot, but everyone could see the smile on Zefa's face.

On the high platform, Kizaru and others also discovered the strangeness in Ron's movements through seeing and hearing Haki. Without detailed information about the Thunder Fruit, they were unaware of it. However, that weird movement method is not suitable for a battle, especially a battle where victory can be won by just dragging it on!

"From the current point of view, General Akainu, you will be very busy in the days to come..."

"Hmph! The outcome has not yet been decided, just wait and see!"

"Okay, as long as you're happy..."

Xiu Zuo is worthy of being a practical fighter among the elite of this department. Although he can't figure out how Ron did it, he obviously knows the key points of this battle very well.

That is to defeat Ron!

So after only hesitating for less than 0.3 seconds, he took a step forward to stop his momentum. At the same time, he turned around and twisted, pulling out his feet like a whip!


call out!

This kick was so powerful and heavy that it whipped the air with a whimpering sound, and its edge was faintly visible!

But before he could stand still, Ron was already ready to attack.

"Be careful not to stand firmly with one foot off the ground, Brigadier General Shuzuo... By the way, didn't you pay attention behind you?"


Turning around suddenly, Xiu Zuo saw only lightning in the sky, filling his vision. Suddenly there was thunder and lightning and electric current surged!

Thirty million volts of diamond!

It's cool to turn thunder and lightning into animal form, but that only leaves the lethality of thunder and lightning, which is flashy and not what Ron likes. He likes simple, rough and powerful!

Condensing the lightning into a drill bit reduces the attack contact area and enhances the power, making it perfect for surprise attacks. At the same time, the rotating thunder and lightning currents will stir up the electromagnetic field even more violently, and its power cannot be underestimated!

At this distance, the spiral pattern on the drill formed by lightning was clearly visible, and an invisible thrust suddenly rose, making Xiu Zuo unable to stop leaning back.

It was an electromagnetic pulse, the chain reaction caused when Ron unleashed lightning. The thunder and lightning attack from the Thunder Fruit is not just pure thunder. The physical world allows the existence of conditions, such as the destructive chaotic current and indiscriminate impact surge that envelopes the entire high platform at this moment.

The thunder drill and the surge bombarded Xiu Zuoli's single leg one after another, and then exploded suddenly!

Boom... boom! ! !

Rolling thunder resounded through the sky, shocking the audience so much that they couldn't help but cover their ears. Other high platforms were affected by explosions one after another, and the battle came to a standstill.

In the stands, Kizaru narrowed his eyes slightly, felt it with a domineering look, and said regretfully: "The idea is very good, and the opportunity was seized well, but it's a pity..."

"Yeah, the only chance I missed..."

Qing Zhi replied calmly and glanced at the high platform.

After suffering a loss once, Xiu Zuo would not make a second mistake. Ron was a little too naive.

In other words, his definition of "powerful" is not clear yet.

The chaotic and violent current surged in all directions, causing Ron to squint his eyes and take half a step back. He then dispersed the radio waves into the space in all directions, ready to teleport at any time, patiently waiting for the result.

Logically speaking, even Shuzuo would not be able to maintain his balance after suffering such a heavy blow while standing on one leg.

After being attacked before, Ron deliberately retreated to distance himself and landed on the edge of the high platform. Sure enough, Xiu Zuo immediately attacked and was distracted by his own teleportation. At this time, he used the thunder drill to attack the support point and lose his balance... step by step, everything was within Ron's calculation. Logically speaking, falling was his only result.

When defending on a high platform, it doesn't matter whether you are in the sky or on the earth. As long as the translation distance exceeds the edge of the high platform, you are a loser.


Qing Pheasant is right.

"I have to say, well done Ron!"

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the edge of the thunderous platform. Ron was suddenly startled and subconsciously took another half step back. At this moment, a big black hand waved forward, scattering the thunder and lightning, and also revealed the figure behind it.

Xiu Zuo slowly walked out of the smoke and dust. The edge of the high platform behind him was surrounded by charred black. But where Shuzuo was standing before, the wooden block was intact, except for a footprint left in the center... a footprint only two centimeters deep, which did not penetrate the entire board or even leave any cracks!

At that moment, Xiu Zuo stepped down with all his strength, and in the inertia of twisting and striking, he forcibly blocked Ron's carefully planned winning blow with the barrier brought by the wooden board! The force was neither too much nor too little. It completely offset the impact without damaging the board at all!

It is conceivable that if the board is broken, Ron will definitely make up for the attack. At that time, even if there were moon steps to turn back, Xiu Zuo could not guarantee that he would not go beyond the edge of the high platform.


After seeing how Shuzuo kept himself from falling, Ron took a breath and sighed sincerely.

"Monster! Is this the power of Six Styles?"

In other words... life is returned! ! !

This kind of terrifying control was something he couldn't envy. This can only be achieved by practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy to the extreme and perfectly controlling every ounce of power in the body, even the hair!

It’s simply incredible and beyond comprehension!


Hearing these words, Xiu Zuo suppressed the slight panic in his heart and smiled slightly: "The Sixth Marine Style is not a simple attack style!"

Although the fight with Ron was short, the feeling of being crushed by IQ just like a month ago left Xiu Zuo with lingering fear. During this month, he had seen more of Ron's ferocious fighting style and his perseverance. So much so that he almost forgot that the most terrifying thing about Ron was not his strength, but his cunning and strategizing control in the battle situation!

Ron couldn't envy his powerful control over his body, and Xiu Zuo couldn't compete with Ron in figuring out the battle situation.

But the same move will not be effective twice against Saint... Shuzuo!

If the sneak attack fails this time, there won't be a second one!

The last time I failed to defend the ring, there will not be a second time!