One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 32: Decide the winner!


"Die! Bastard!"

On the high platform, the battles in other venues were coming to an end one after another. The powerful ones intimidate others with the help of their colleagues who are wailing and healing from the high platform, and seize the time to breathe and recuperate. There are also those who are unwilling to continue to come to power, trying to pry a brick from the gradually stable high wall.

On Platform 29, the battle has just begun!

At least in Xiu Zuo's opinion, this is indeed the case...

Got fooled!

In front of the entire navy, he was fooled!

Xiu Zuo only has this one thought left now...

He understood what was happening.

When Ron showed that he was going to collide with him head-on, he was wary of deception. He restrained a lot of strength and waited for the opportunity. But he didn't expect that this was the result Ron was waiting for. The moment he gathered his strength and exhausted all his old strength, he suddenly launched an attack and forced himself back with the strongest attack under normal conditions!

Fortunately, he was in the middle of the field behind him, otherwise this move would have a good chance of knocking him off the edge of the high platform!

But even if he didn't fall off the high platform, his face would be very humiliating! ! !

The well-known practical brigadier general was repulsed by the new recruits in a head-to-head confrontation. This was even more embarrassing than Ron's trickery in defeating him a month ago. Not mixed with any external factors, purely due to the opponent himself... crushing IQ!

Shameful, so damn shameful!

Xiu Zuo was furious. He no longer wanted to think about the twists and turns, and frequently used extreme moves. He wanted to defeat Ron with his strongest posture. Anyway, with his armed domineering power, Ron's thunder and lightning could not cause much damage to him. He was like a tank with extremely thick armor, charging at the thin Ranger Ron again and again.

Once you succeed, the consequences are self-evident!

"Some nonsense, Brigadier General Shuzuo..."

"Yeah, but that's understandable, right?"

"Pfft... shush, keep your voice down!"

In the stands, the audience couldn't stop laughing. Xiu Zuo's angry look was hilarious and hilarious. But it's funny, Xiu Zuo's strength is all there. After the opponent broke out, Ron was gradually forced into a disadvantage. At this time, the situation was extremely dangerous. If he was not careful, he would be kicked off the stage by the angry Xiu Zuo.

"That's about it, right? Let me check the time..."

Kizaru said slowly, rolling up his sleeves: "55 minutes... Well, we should win..."

Hearing these words, Akainu's mouth twitched involuntarily, snorted coldly, and stopped talking. He indeed lost this gambling battle, and half an hour had passed. He was not a sore loser. Kizaru's behavior of holding a black listening phone and pretending to check the time was very abominable in his eyes.

But at this time, Qingzhi, who had been half asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, carefully looked at the high platform, and said calmly: "Although I really want to take a vacation, it seems that the result is not certain."


Kizaru turned around in surprise and glanced at Aoki: "Do you think there's still a chance for him to turn around?"


As he spoke, there was another explosion!

In anger, Xiu Zuo exerted 100% of his strength. In addition, the high platform was narrow. Even though the Thunder Fruit was incredibly fast, Ron himself also mastered the teleportation skills. But in the face of Haki, he would end up every time he moved. Facing Shuzuo's explosive punch, he could only continue to dodge and fall into an infinite loop of passivity!

Over time, the biggest difference between recruits and veterans has become obvious. That is, Ron's breath is getting worse now, his chest is rising and falling, and his physical strength is almost exhausted. On the other hand, Xiu Zuo couldn't see any consumption at all!

Human beings in this world are all monsters, and the higher they are, the more so! In the original Punk Hassard, Aokiji and Akainu fought for ten days and ten nights without rest, which is evident from this!

As an elite member of the headquarters, Shuzuo can fight fiercely for three days and three nights without any problem!

If he continues to delay, Ron will eventually make a mistake due to lack of physical strength. At that time, Xiu Zuo will be able to catch him easily and take him down in one fell swoop!

"Yes, there is a turning point..."

Looking at the man chasing the light on the high platform, Qingzhi gave a slow hunch and replied: "But it's not him who created it, it's whether Xiu Zuo gave it to him or not..."

"Huh? You mean..."

As the only one who defeated the instructor in the recruit camp, Kizaru was very familiar with Shuzuo's fighting style. When I heard Qing Pheasant say this, I suddenly remembered something.

Xiu Zuo was not an instructor in the new camp at the beginning. He was a veteran of the first phase with Flying Squirrel. He received training under Zefa thirty years ago. In the battle with him twenty years ago, Xiu Zuo was a special Enter the scene as a training instructor.

At that time, Xiu Zuo fought continuously after graduation and gained countless military achievements. He soon became an outstanding navy who took the lead and took charge of his role... However, due to some reasons in his personality, he was never able to advance in military rank.

Later, Edward Weibull, the self-proclaimed "Whitebeard II", attacked the training ship. His beloved disciple was massacred, and he also had one of his hands chopped off. Zefa was unable to afford it.

At that time, Zefa, who was tortured by guilt and pain all day long, rarely interfered in the affairs of the recruit camp, and even began to deny the value of his existence as a chief instructor. So Warring States had to find a way to maintain the daily management of the new barracks until Zefa cheered up.

Coincidentally, Xiu Zuozheng, who committed another crime, was banned from the Navy Headquarters. Considering his relationship with Zefa, Sengoku arranged for him to come to the new barracks.

After that, I stayed there for many years!

If you want to ask Xiu Zuo what personality reasons prevent him from rising in military rank... that is that this person is extremely easily angered! And once you get angry, you will not care about the small details except for the general direction of right and wrong!

The pirates who were being pursued that time took advantage of this and deliberately provoked him. When he led his team to attack fiercely, they fought and retreated, and sent some people to sneak around and attack, causing heavy casualties to the navy. Although the pirates were successfully annihilated in the end, the merits of the ancient times were unworthy. Letting such a being enter the high-level command is something that the Warring States Period must avoid.

The world government can be corrupt, and the navy branch can produce scum, but in the navy headquarters, even letting incompetent people in high positions is absolutely unacceptable! Throughout the original work, the top brass of the Navy Headquarters are all righteous people without any stain to criticize!

Kizaru rubbed the beard on his chin, and behind his brown sunglasses, his eyes were fixed on the high platform.

"I see, as expected... there's nothing left to play..."


Akainu was stunned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means...Xiu Zuo will definitely lose, and we will all lose..."

Qing Zhi lazily hit it, waved his hand, and stood up: "Forget it, I'd better go back and write the report, otherwise I won't have any rest tonight... Bye!"

After Aokiji left, Akainu looked at Kizaru and frowned: "What's going on?"

He didn't see where Ron's winning point was at all. Why were these two guys so sure that Ron won? The current situation is not good for Ron!

"Well... how should I put it?"

Holding his chin, Kizaru tilted his face and thought obscenely, and then spit out four words: "Win or lose decision!"

It is difficult to distinguish between the good and bad of the three generals, they are all outstanding men in the world. It's just that Aokiji's thinking is more flexible than the other two. At this moment, he was awakened by Kizaru. Suddenly, Akainu suddenly turned his head and fixed his eyes on the high platform... instead of the two people who were fighting!

"Hiss... Xiu Zuo is careless!"


Buzz! !

The tall Xiu Zuo jumped up like a moving fortress. Then he raised his foot, squeezed the air with his toes, and swept it out fiercely.

Suddenly, as the air vibrated, dark green sword energy burst out!

Below, the thunder dragon roared endlessly, facing Lan Jiao's sword energy head on.

laugh! ! !

There was just a crisp sound, and the blue thunder dragon was instantly cut into two pieces. At the same time, Xiu Zuo stepped hard on the void with his right foot, making a sound in the air, and dived towards Ron.

Moon step!

Seeing this scene, Ron took a deep breath.

"This is the only and last chance, then..."

At this moment, he was already in an overloaded state, and the consumption of successive fierce battles was beyond what he could afford! But he did not admit defeat, but for this opportunity, he forcibly endured the pain of exhaustion and weakness in his limbs and waited patiently.

Finally, the opportunity has come!

Seeing Xiu Zuo dive downwards at a 45-degree angle to the ground, Ron's whole body turned into thunder, mustering up his last bit of strength, teleported upward to dodge.


Xiu Zuo landed on the ground, smashing the already charred wooden board into pieces. Since he was defending from a high platform, he always controlled the intensity and would not directly knock down the high platform.

However, this attack brought unexpected results.

Because of the location where his fist hit, the boards instantly shattered and turned into ashes, without giving him any reaction force. At the same time, Ron appeared high in the sky with his hands crossed.

The last overloaded thunder fist!

Bang! ! !


Suddenly, Xiu Zuo was shocked.