One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 35: A narrow victory!


Two months later, in the new barracks building, in the underground testing site.

The two black shadows kept colliding, making the air sound loudly. The strong wind blew up the debris and smashed it into pieces in the corner, which shows the great strength of both parties! Zefa stood on the edge of the room with his arms folded, watching the battle between the two, and suddenly shouted: "Xiu Zuo! Don't attack recklessly! Pay attention to the defense behind you!"


Taking half a step back to distance himself, Xiu Zuo was covered in bruises and wiped the sweat from his face.

"And you Ron! If you can't control the high speed of lightning, forget about it. Short-distance attacks have more advantages than teleportation. Don't always think about teleportation and sneak attacks!"

"bright… "


While Ron was distracted in replying, Xiuzo hit him with a flying knee, knocking Ron away hard and hitting the ceiling. He looked even more embarrassed than Xiu Zuo at the moment, with blood at the corner of his mouth and one eye swollen with only a slit left.

"Ho... bah! Got it, teacher!"

Spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, Luo Xiu sunk his feet into the ceiling, hanging upside down and glaring at Xiu Zuo.


"What can you do to me?!"

Ron was furious and roared violently. The overloaded form made his whole body light up with blue light, and then he suddenly exerted force!

Navy six, shave!

Phew… bang!

The two collided with each other again, fists clashed head-on, and a circle of smoke and dust exploded in the air, pushing outwards! Feeling the pressure coming from his arm, Xiu Zuo was merciless, but he was already secretly frightened.

Ron's growth rate is recognized as a monster, but even so, he never expected that in just two months, the other party would be no weaker than him in terms of pure strength!

From the very beginning when he couldn't even step on his feet when shaving, to today's thirteenth duel where they were indistinguishable, Ron's progress was astonishing!

Even though his Dao power value and combat experience are still not as good as his, and he was beaten in a miserable state, everyone in the headquarters now knows that Ron has a move that can unleash a terrifying attack that is at least four to five times his own Dao power!

Ron's current power level is five times!

Xiu Zuo can't stop it at all!

If there is a life and death showdown, who will win and who loses, the answer is already obvious...

"That's fine! The better you are, the less embarrassed I will be!"

Thinking of this, the muscles in Xiu Zuo's free left hand bulged, obviously ten centimeters thicker than his right hand, weird and ferocious! At the same time, a black halo appeared on the elbow, accompanied by a dangerous vibration, and he swept forward fiercely!

Iron block elbow! !

The black elbow swept out like a thunder!

Iron block armed color domineering plus six-style power skills...

Seeing this scene, Ron made an instant judgment: It can't be stopped! !

In the past two months, in addition to the right to learn two of the six navy moves as a reward for the championship, Ron's biggest gain was his eyesight! As a time traveler, he only talks about the power system of the pirate world on paper, with only theory but no reality. He is worse than Wang Yuyan.

But after two months, this only shortcoming was being continuously made up, allowing him to see Xiu Zuo's attack skills at a glance and make accurate judgments.

Can't stop it...

But you can fight back!


The lightning burst, and Ron lowered his head instantly, dodging the attack in an instant.

call out! ! !

The elbow struck through the air, causing the wind to make a sharp and harsh sound, and the light of fire was faintly visible! That is the air film that burned due to the terrible compression! Xiu Zuo was able to do this just by relying on his strength. It is conceivable that if he were hit by this elbow, even if his self-healing ability was amazing, Ron would inevitably be seriously injured!

"Ha! What a great opportunity!"


Seeing Ron lower his head and bend down to avoid the attack, facing down with his back exposed, Xiu Zuo sneered and subconsciously raised his foot, trying to kick him away. But at this moment, a huge thunder light suddenly lit up under the hidden body!

"not good!"

Xiu Zuo's eyes widened in an instant, he stepped forward and dodged backwards. He is very aware of the power of Ron's current Thunder Fist, which is a super-speed punch formed by an overloaded form. Although it is different from General Kizaru's light-speed kick, it is still enough to determine the outcome!

And don’t forget that there are cloud-like spots on his skin now, and his eyes are dark blue and as bright as light bulbs. This move is obviously familiar...

Overloaded Mysterious Eight Dragons Holding Pearls! ! !


After retreating less than half a meter, a fist hit Xiu Zuo hard on the chin. Eight thunder dragons arrived one after another, earth-shattering thunder sounded in my ears, and blue light filled the training room!

The terrifying blow immediately made Xiu Zuo's head dizzy, and he fell backwards with a shudder in his steps.

But at this moment, Ron was unreasonable and refused to give Xiu Zuo a chance to breathe. He still had a breath and must completely eliminate the opponent before the sequelae of overload appeared. Using the inertia of getting up and punching, Ron's body flew into the air, and his muscles twisted ferociously like a python. He spun around in a circle and then landed with a barb!

Overload Lightning Kick!

Just one word, quick! !

The explosive power of thunder and lightning is unparalleled, and combined with Ron's tempered physique, the speed is quite amazing!

Xiu Zuo, who had been hit hard, only had time to raise his hands to support him. The next second, the back heel, which almost turned into a ball of blue light, kicked down, breaking through the defense of his arm, and collided with his Tianling Cap.

Bang! ! !

"This is... what a terrifying power!"

A person's legs are inherently stronger than their hands. The force of the kick on the arm gave Xiu Zuo the illusion that he was facing Zefa! There was no time to think about it, the lightning kick was accompanied by the terrifying excitement of Silver Snake, and a dark cloud exploded in place!

Boom... boom! ! !

All of a sudden!

The silver snake dances wildly and the thunder continues!

Seeing this, Zefa covered his forehead and sighed: "I asked you to guard against sneak attacks from behind, but you don't care about the front? You... ugh!!"

Ron is a thunderbolt!

Fast, explosive, and extremely lethal!

Even if he didn't bring the Sixth Form with him in the surprise attack, the speed of thunder and lightning was extremely terrifying! At this time, retreating straight back is the most irrational thing to do. Ron doesn't even need to make a judgment. The speed of lightning in a straight line is enough to catch up with anyone and hit him hard!

Instead, Xiu Zuo should use his knowledge and knowledge to determine the attack range, counterattack without defending, and get close enough to break one of his arms, leaving him unable to use his advantage and forcing him to teleport away!

Xiu Zuo controlled the return of life and had plenty of physical energy. As long as he could hold on to this wave of onslaught and continue to delay, Ron would be defeated sooner or later after the extreme overload.

But now...

During the explosion, he was hit on the head twice in a row. When the dazed Xiu Zuo heard Zefa's sigh, he was speechless and choked.

"I... Poof!!"

Blood spurts out, and Xiu Zuo, who could still continue fighting, tilts his head and loses consciousness.

What’s the point of explaining it

Continuing to fight would be nothing more than delaying the victory, but the breath left in his heart made Xiu Zuo simply admit defeat.

The smoke dissipated, and Ron, who was about to continue the attack, saw this scene. He suddenly stopped and pointed at his nose: "Wait, did I... win?!"

Xiu Zuo fainted, but he was still standing. Doesn't it mean that... he finally won? !

In two months, he and Xiu Zuo played thirteen games.

In seven of the previous twelve games, Shuzuo seized the opportunity and fell to the ground with serious injuries. In the remaining five games, as he became stronger like a monster, Ron did not give his opponent a chance, and ultimately lost due to lack of physical strength.

I thought this one would be similar...

Unexpectedly, he actually won? ! ! !

"Yes! Congratulations Ron..."

Zefa stepped forward, after confirming Xiu Zuo's injury, the corner of his mouth twitched, kicked him away, and clapped his hands: "With the strength of 3000 power points, defeat the master of dual-color domineering power of 4000 power points. Xiu Zuo... I have to say, you are very good!"

"Ashamed, ashamed, it was all taught well by the teacher..."

I saw Ron, who had grown to 2.33 meters in height due to practicing the six postures to develop his potential, with a strange smile on his face. His tall and straight body was covered with bruises, his eyes were narrowed to a slit, and his face was swollen like a bun. , but still stood firm: "I think you can always let Instructor Xiu Zuo go to sea for some experience and continue to stay in the recruit camp. This person is considered useless..."

Going to sea to gain experience is something that only new recruits need to do.

When Ron made this comment, he undoubtedly meant that Shuzuo looked like a newbie... a fried ice cream graduate who graduated thirty years ago, crispy on the outside... tender on the inside!

If Xiu Zuo hadn't lost his breath and fainted, he would have jumped up in anger and fought Ron to the death!

This was originally a joke, and Ron didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect Zefa to raise his chin seriously after hearing this: "That's right! Xiu Zuo's temper has been suppressed in the recruit camp for the past few years. It's really difficult for him. I'll go there tomorrow. Talk to Warring States and reinstate him... Uh... what are you doing?"


Ron slapped himself in the face and muttered to himself: "It's okay, I'm just fighting mosquitoes..."

I'm not being mean!

Without Xiu Zuo, where could I find such a perfect opponent

Looking at the entire recruit camp, do you want him to fight Zefa? !

This span is too big!

No matter how weak Zefa is, he is still a general, and he is countless times stronger than Xiuzuo!

In the face of absolute strength, he only had one option: to be beaten unilaterally!

"Are mosquitoes coming in this cold weather?"

Zefa frowned and waved his hand to signal him to stop talking: "Okay, you have completely learned how to shave and iron, and the championship reward ends here. If you want to learn the rest, you have to exchange for military merit, do you understand?!"


"That's good! Come out with me now, there's something I want you to do!"


Ron, who was rubbing the bruises on his body, stopped and looked at Zefa in confusion.

"Got a mission? Am I a new recruit?"

The recruit camp will indeed go out for internships, but the time is usually in May and June. It has only just arrived in March of 1515. What tasks will be given to him