One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 38: Sold!


"That's good! Sit down and have a drink of water, talk about your feelings, and let them collect information."

Hearing this, Kizaru pointed to the scientific researchers who were waiting with bright eyes and said to Ron.

With the help of Ron, the thunderbolt man and founder, all the data that the researchers expected to take a week or even weeks to obtain was completed in just one afternoon, leaving only some piecemeal evidence collection.

Ron also gave his own opinion. Except for a small amount of current intensity corresponding to the power value that needs to be adjusted, the rest is perfect! Of course, the most important thing is that the user's comfort in the internal space needs to be improved. It is best to add a pillow... This was rejected by Zefa with his fist!

Finally, when the two walked out of the scientific force station, a group of scientific researchers gave Ron a warm welcome, patted their chests and assured him that they could come over to practice at any time if he needed it.

When the instrument testing work is completed, not only Ron will be rewarded, but they will also receive corresponding credit. And it was completed many days in advance to ensure quality and quantity, so the credit is even greater!

"This time, although the lower-level soldiers still need to slowly lay the foundation and develop their potential, most of the middle-level officers can achieve rapid improvement in a short period of time! The navy's future will be even better!"

After walking out of the building and bidding farewell to Kizaru and others, Zefa said with sincere emotion.

Over the years, the navy has not produced a new monster, and the fault is quite serious. Not only is Warring States anxious, Zefa is also very uncomfortable. Smoker, who was promising in the past few years, was a thorn in the side, and his strength could not be called absolute dominance, which disappointed the navy's top brass.

it's good now!

Even if no real monster appears, with the instruments developed by Vegapunk, the backbone of the navy can grow explosively! We now have enough capital to do many things that we could not do in the past due to troop strength issues.

Zefa is looking forward to the future!


On top of that, they also have a real monster!

Ron, the user with thunder fruit ability!

Not only the backbone, but also the peak combat effectiveness in the future is guaranteed!

Ron was also beaming with joy at this time, silently debating in his mind which of the six moves he should choose.

Both shaving and iron blocks are very practical skills, and the former need not be mentioned much. As Zefa taught, with his lightning speed, using shaving in short-distance confrontations is faster and more labor-saving than teleportation. The latter technique of accelerating blood flow and making the body as hard as steel can not only resist beatings, but also cooperate with the lightning stimulation method to form a stronger exercise effect.

"Lan Jia? No, the cutting ability of thunder and lightning can also be done, and the settings overlap. The lethality of the finger gun is defeated by thunder and lightning, so don't worry about it for the time being... As for the moon step... The thunder and lightning man can fly after being elementalized, but currently I can't control thunder and lightning. With the speed, learning the moon step is a good supplementary choice, as well as paper painting... My biggest problem now is that I am too strong but not flexible... "

Walking on the path, one of them was thinking and the other was talking. The moonlight stretched their figures, making them look so harmonious.

But the brain circuits are not on the same frequency at all!

It wasn't until they were about to enter the new barracks that a figure appeared in front of them, making them stop. Ron glanced at the other party, and suddenly there was a phantom pain in his head, and he subconsciously took half a step back: "Lieutenant General Garp?!"

"Uh... useless!"

Zefa glared at Ron fiercely, then frowned and asked, "Is it almost time?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Ron was confused, not knowing what they were talking about. In response, Garp glanced at him, grinned, and showed his big white teeth, like a beast that chooses people to eat: "You kid, go back to bed. Children, please don't interfere in adults' business!"

"Tch! Who cares!"

Ron curled his lips in displeasure, but he also knew that the navy was not a pirate, and it was not only about strength but also about status. My current status is not high enough and I am not qualified to know many things. It suddenly turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning, leaving a bright spot in the night, and disappeared at the end of the road in the blink of an eye.

After Ron left, Zefa looked at Garp seriously and said, "Marshal is really that worried about Ron?"

"Well! If you're not afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst!"

Garp sighed and shrugged self-deprecatingly: "You also know about Dorag, don't you?"

Seeing Zefa frowning and knowing that he was very dissatisfied with this, Garp suppressed a smile and said: "Don't be so nervous, Zefa? It's just a small test! Don't you still know Ron's character? You have some confidence in him."

"Huh... maybe!"

Thinking of what happened in the science team today, Zefa pulled his collar and looked at him strangely.

To be honest, he is not sure now whether it is a good thing for Ron to become a marine.

Early the next morning, just after dawn, Ron ran to Zefa's office in high spirits, preparing to collect the reward from him. He spent the whole night thinking about which of the six moves to choose, for fear that it would be deemed as giving up if it was too late.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in!"

After receiving the response, Ron opened the door and said excitedly: "Teacher Zefa, I'm here to see you... uh... Lieutenant General Garp?"

In the office, in addition to Zefa, there is also Garp who appeared last night. At this time, the two people looked solemn, making Ron lower his voice involuntarily.

"What happened?"

"Oh, it's Ron!"

Zefa raised his head and said, "You are here to receive the reward, right?"

Over the past few months, Zefa has become very familiar with Ron. Looking at the excitement on his face, you can tell what he is thinking. In response, Ron nodded blankly: "Uh... That's right! I thought about it all night, and now I am lacking in flexibility, so I want to learn paper painting."

Although paper painting is not well-known in the original work, far less than shaving and moon walking, it can be listed as one of the six naval styles. It is compiled from the strengths of hundreds of schools, so it naturally has its own uniqueness. This is not only a move to strengthen perception and flexibility to avoid enemy attacks, but it is also the best way for practitioners to fully understand their physical condition! If you want to master the ultimate secret of life return, it is self-evident that you need to control your body, and among them, paper painting plays a very large role!

The only case is Rob Luqi's Paper Painting Martial Body, which changes the body shape, reduces consumption and strength, and focuses on strengthening agility. This is the wonderful effect of the combination of Paper Painting and Life Return.

Men should be able to bend and stretch, be soft and hard, and being tough will only make the strong easy to break.

This point also applies to cultivation.

"Yeah, I got it… "

Zefa nodded and took out a form: "Then sign this!"

Still need to sign?

Year-end review rewards don’t need to be so troublesome!

Ron picked up the form with a head full of questions and looked at it. This was signed by Marshal of the Warring States Period. The terms listed the reasons and process for Ron's right to learn the Sixth Form of the Navy. At the bottom are the supporting documents and seals provided by the Science Force, as well as the signatures of Zefa and Kizaru. Now he is the only one left. The party concerned did not sign.

When did the Navy need this process

Ron couldn't figure it out, but since Zefa asked him to sign, he should sign it. He couldn't be sold to the Draco as a slave, right

Under the watchful eyes of the nervous Zefa and Garp, Ron signed his name. Before I put down my pen, I suddenly noticed that the two old men breathed a sigh of relief.

not good!


Before Ron could react, Garp suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Want to learn paper painting?! No problem! I will teach you well in the next month."

Ron: "w... t... f?"

He looked at Zefa in shock, only to find that Zefa didn't even look at him. Instead, he nodded and said: "Vice Admiral Garp's attainments in the Sixth Form of the Navy are unrivaled. He is the strongest in hundreds of years." ! I feel relieved to have him teach you... Remember Ron, don’t slack off in training, you still have a long way to go!”

Is that the point? !

Look into my eyes and talk!

Did you really sell me out, bastard? !

Wait, there’s something fishy about that signature!

Ron suddenly woke up and reached out to grab the form. But Garp had quick eyes and quick hands, and was covered with armed domineering energy. He controlled Ron and dragged him out.

"Hahahaha! You can't escape! Come with me Ron!"

Seeing Zefa put the form inside his shirt, covered with thick armor-colored domineering, Ron dismissed the thunder and lightning in grief and anger, and clasped his fingers on the door frame. He tried to struggle, but couldn't withstand Garp's strange strength. He forcefully tore off the wooden bars and dragged him out.


When Ron disappeared from sight, Zefa sighed, took out the form from his arms and kneaded it twice. One piece of paper suddenly turned into two.

The one above is indeed the instruction manual that gives Ron the right to learn the Sixth Form of the Navy. It roughly means that he helped the Navy complete the lightning stimulation instrument in exchange for credit. Zefa was responsible for teaching him and made sure to fulfill his promise. The one below is the necessary process for Ron to officially join the Navy, a... recruit file that will take effect after two months.

"Hey! It's obvious that even the five old stars have acquiesced to this matter, why would any franchise country jump out to make trouble? I'm doing this for your own good, Ron."

Sitting in the office on the top floor, Zefa looked at the distant port, where Garp's dog-headed warship had been waiting for a long time, ready to set off at any time.