One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 41: Old lover and mistress?


Do you have any thoughts on traveling to the world of One Piece

If you interview thousands of time-travelers, most of them will answer this way.

"Become stronger and stand on top of the world!"

"No matter what happens in the world, swim in the sea and live happily!"

"Overthrow the World Government and defeat the Celestial Dragons!"

"Girls, all girls are mine! White stockings, black socks, and little leather whip!"

But the fun of traveling to the world of One Piece is definitely more than that. In Ron's eyes, appreciating the scenery here that is different from the earth, tasting the local customs and customs, witnessing the magic of the island, and his reasons for joining the navy and becoming stronger are all the fun.

In addition, it is a great pleasure to discover the hidden truth in the original work and reveal those unknown secrets! ! !

In Ron's eyes, the question "Who is Garp's wife?" is equivalent to what kind of secret "One Plece" hides!

Because this is something that thousands of pirate fans around the world don’t know!

If you can discover it by yourself, that sense of accomplishment will be so exciting!

As if Ron's gaze was too intense, Queen Rosa turned around and asked, "Sir, do you have any questions?"

At the same time, she impatiently withdrew her hand from Garp's frozen palm and let out a soft "hum".

Rosa didn't know Ron, but she knew the significance of being able to stand on Garp's right hand side, and she would not look down upon him just because he was dressed as a handyman.

In response, the fire of gossip in Ron's eyes almost burst out, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Of course it's about you and Garp..."

Boom! ! !

The next second, a thick circle of smoke and dust exploded on the spot! Thick smoke billowed among the flying sand and rocks, with a height of more than ten meters!

The people were immediately frightened and didn't know what was happening. Fortunately, Queen Rosa immediately signaled to the people around her and asked the escort to appease the people, and the riot was quickly subsided.

After looking at the dust, Garp knelt down on one knee and shook his fist into the ground. As well as the thunder and lightning that was crawling all over the ground, jumping and jumping like an elf, Queen Rosa smiled slightly.

"The Thunder Fruit that has disappeared for hundreds of years? No wonder you think so highly of him..."

"Haha, haha..."

Garp's hearty smile also had a dry day. He gritted his teeth and smiled uglier than crying. He said to Rosa: "This little guy is going to sea for the first time. He doesn't understand the rules. I hope Her Majesty the Queen doesn't mind." ”

He didn't use Armament Haki, otherwise Ron would have been beaten into a pulp by his punch.

But even though he escaped with his life, Garp was not prepared to let him live in peace in the coming days... Even a fool could hear the murderous intent in these words!

"It doesn't matter, no matter how beautiful the flower is, it is born from an ugly seed, and no matter how beautiful the jade is, it still needs craftsmen to carefully carve it."

Seeing Ron's frightened transformation from thunder to reality, huddled behind the dark-faced Tryon, Rosa said calmly: "That's enough for the welcome ceremony, let's go back to the palace."


The reason why the queen came to Xiayu Port to welcome naval visitors was not only because the climate here was peaceful and the sea was quiet, making it suitable for entering the port, but also because her palace was at the foot of the mountain at the end of Xiayu.

West Island is somewhat similar to Ciggu Country, with a tall and straight snow-capped mountain in the middle. But Cigu Country is just a single peak, ordinary. And the snow-capped mountain called Mont Saint Gall on West Island stretches for thousands of miles! The entire country's area is countless times larger than that of the Drum Country, and it's not far behind the desert kingdom of Alabasta!

At the same time, this snow-capped mountain is also an active volcano, which is where the four-season climate on the island comes from.

The cold wind in the northern region was completely blocked by the active volcano, so the summer region in the south had high temperatures and bright sunshine all year round. Coupled with the accumulated magma zone at the top of the mountain, the temperature of the airflow changes and then blows along the ridge into the autumn and spring regions, forming a four-season climate unique to the Grand Line.

Moving along Xiayu's unique bustling trail, soon a majestic mountain peak appeared in front of the group of people. The upper part of the fault is covered with a thick layer of snow, which hangs down like a waterfall. But at a certain point, the wind and snow are blown away by the warm summer wind, revealing a dark stone wall that is clearly distinct from the white snow on the upper part. The scene is shocking.

This is true for thousands of meters of continuous high cliff faults, which is enough to make anyone sigh with emotion and praise the miraculous craftsmanship of nature. Not to mention that under that fault, a group of palaces that are also continuous for thousands of meters are located there.

In front of the main entrance of the palace, there was a group of people waiting here. They were the guards who welcomed the queen back to the palace.

At this time, Ron suddenly felt a murderous aura. When he looked back, Garp was staring at someone opposite him intently. Following his line of sight, he saw a middle-aged man with a calm face and a handsome uncle's face. This man wore heavy black armor that was incompatible with the Queen's guards. The others took half a step back and stood behind him. Even if he didn't master the domineering power of seeing and hearing, Ron could feel the strong murderous aura from him!

This is a decisive and decisive general!

Coupled with this momentum, masculine charm came to his face, and many maids around him looked at each other with bright eyebrows.

After wandering back and forth three times between the handsome face on the opposite side and Garp's old face, Ron suddenly understood.


Kapton suddenly turned around and stared at Ron with an unkind expression: "What are you thinking about?"

Ron shook his head decisively: "I didn't think about anything."

Garp wanted to say something else, but then Queen Rosa stepped down from the carriage and gave Garp a look. The latter continued to glare at Ron before walking up.

"General Fred, this is Lieutenant General Karp from the Navy Headquarters. Lieutenant General Karp, this is General Fred."

As if knowing that the two of them were very familiar with each other, Queen Rosa did not use many words, but gave a brief introduction in a calm tone, and then asked: "Are the accommodation issues for the navy soldiers well prepared?"

"Back to Her Majesty the Queen, everything is ready."

The general named Fred has a very nice voice, with a kind of hoarseness and magnetism unique to mature men. It is completely different from the noise of Kapp's loudspeaker. In this comparison, Ron felt that Garp had no chance of winning.

"Well, that's good. I will return to the palace first, and you can take care of the rest."

Queen Rosa said calmly, and then walked towards the depths of the palace, supported by a large group of guards and maids. The other guests are not qualified to be greeted by the Queen in person. The reason for welcoming Garp is because they represent the Navy Headquarters and the face of the World Government. As a member country, according to etiquette, the King must come out to greet them. Now that it's over, Queen Rosa naturally doesn't need to stay here any longer.

As soon as Rosa left, Ron turned his attention, fully expecting the confrontation between his old lover and the little bitch.

Unexpectedly, Fred's first words would change everything.

"It seems that the Navy still refuses to give up, Lieutenant General Garp."

Navy, not Cap...

The things involved here are like clouds and mud.

Under Ron's slightly different gaze, Garp looked calm and said calmly: "Your conspiracy will not succeed, Fred."

"Then I have to look forward to the performance of your navy, Lieutenant General Garp... In three days' time it will be the Queen's birthday banquet, and it will also be the grand day for me to ascend the throne... You have to have a good drink!"

After speaking, Fred turned around and left without giving Garp a chance to fight back. At this time, Ron still couldn't see the problem. Ron was a fool. Recalling how he was kidnapped and taken out to sea, Ron asked in a low voice: "Is it him? Our mission target..."

"It's not us, it's you..."

Taking a deep breath, Garp loosened his clenched fists and waved his hands: "Go to the camp first and I'll explain it to you slowly."

… …

Fat people are good, they have a lot of meat and are resistant to obesity! The air conditioner was broken today and the heat was not turned on. The temperature was too low when it was turned on. A group of people had stuffy noses and sore throats from the cool breeze. Only the fat man, the big tree, could sit comfortably under the wind outlet and have no trouble.

Hey, watching them team up to buy Cold Ling 999, it feels so comfortable!