One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 42: Rebellion and its aftermath


The story started exactly half a year ago. In September 1514 in the Haiyuan calendar, due to pirate rebellion, the Queen's confidant General Jed went to sea to suppress the bandits. Unexpectedly, General Fred of Huadu took the opportunity to rebel and sent heavy troops to capture the core areas of West Island, forcing the Queen to abdicate.

When the navy received news of the Queen's guards desperately bringing him out for help, General Jade had been ambushed by unknown forces at sea, and his life or death was unknown. The Queen has absolutely no way out, and the situation is at stake!

Because he had angered Sengoku by returning to the East China Sea during his last strike, Garp was forced to take on the task of dealing with the civil unrest on West Island. At the same time, they also found out that the force that ambushed General Jed was the infamous Baroque Working Society in the first half of the Grand Line!

Logically speaking, if there is civil unrest in the country, the Navy cannot intervene.

But this time it is not only civil strife, but also the Baroque Works Society behind it. The navy has half the reason to take action. However, although they knew about the existence of Baroque Works, they had no concrete evidence of contact between Fred and the other party, so it could not be charged at all.

Sengoku was very angry about this... Seeing that Baroque Co., Ltd. was reaching out to the countries that joined the World Government, the Navy was suffering from the fact that it could not do anything without evidence.

What to do

So Cap went!

A typical example of taking the blame and sending you to death.

Of course, Garp walked very secretly, not even returning to his headquarters. He used the permanent pointer to change his route halfway and headed west.

But even so, his whereabouts were still exposed and he was blocked halfway...

"The world government doesn't care about the internal affairs of the Alliance. It's better for the Navy not to interfere..."

This General Fred is no ordinary person.

In terms of status, he is not only the military general of Huadu, but he also bribed some high-ranking officials of the World Government and assigned himself an official position without real power within the World Government!

In terms of strength, he himself is a strong man who is not inferior to the Vice Admiral of the Navy. Although he has not mastered Haki, but look at the pirates who died under his hands, there are many pirates with more than 50 million! In addition to its external reputation, the peace and tranquility of Huadu was also created by him!

In terms of reputation, he is a hero who protects the country respected by everyone in Huadu. He is more loved by the people than Crocodile and has a huge number of supporters. At the same time, he is the nephew of Queen Rosa and has the legitimate right to inherit!

If he wants to rebel, not everyone can stop him.

Unless the Queen can suppress him completely...

But without Jade, the powerless Queen of Huadu wants to compete with her eldest nephew who has the power of military affairs. The result is self-evident...

After hearing this, Ron also understood how difficult this handsome uncle Fred was. It was justifiable to rebel!

But even though the atmosphere was so gloomy, he still asked quite speechlessly: "Don't Queen Rosa have an heir to succeed to the throne?"

Not to mention the problem that the queen is too old to have a happy family, raising children also prevents her from growing old!

One more heir means more hope. As long as there is another heir to the throne, the difficulty for Fred to succeed to the throne without damaging his own reputation will be increased by several levels! Judging from his attitude of not dirtying his own hands with the help of Baroque Works to get rid of Jed, the threat posed by one heir is more effective than two Garps!

Regarding this question, Garp suddenly stiffened.

Tryon coughed nearby and explained: "The queen was diagnosed with a disease when she was young and was unable to have children for the rest of her life, so she had no heirs."

"Forehead… "

It seems that something big happened!

"I see, because I have no opponent, I can't wait...?"

Ron changed the subject, as if he suddenly realized something.

To put it simply, this is the story of the queen who has been on the throne for too long and has no children. The eldest nephew, the heir to the throne who has been the crown prince for decades, is dissatisfied and joins forces with foreign thieves to overthrow the queen's rule by force.

Logically speaking, Queen Rosa Lafayette will turn 70 in three days. In a few years, her energy will decline, and it is inevitable and natural to give up the throne. For the sake of the throne, what can you not afford to wait for in just a few years

But this is the terror of power!

Especially when you know you have no competitors!

That kind of unchecked ambition can make the most rational person become extremely extreme and irritable!

Decades of suffering have exhausted the eldest nephew's last bit of patience. He decided not to wait any longer, and followed Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's example to rise up!

Fred threatened him in the name of the World Government. Of course, Garp could kill this person regardless and eliminate the trouble forever. But the consequence of breaking the rules is that even his crew cannot escape the accountability of the World Government.

Although Garp has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the World Government in public and bluntly called the World Government garbage, he did not dare to risk the lives and future of a ship of people to challenge the patience of the Five Old Stars, so he had to go back home and pick up the food on the way. Arriving at Ron who fell from the sky.

At first, Ron was so weak that no one had any reason to connect him with the civil strife in Huadu. Until Ron showed his terrifying talent and perseverance, Warring States could not help but be moved.

As a natural ability user who wants to join the navy, Ron has the strength and is willing to obey orders. At the same time, because he has no files, he cannot be considered a formal navy, so he is the best candidate to carry out the mission in Huadu! As long as the Queen of Huadu stands up to protect him after the matter is completed, Wulaoxing can't find fault.


Don't give the Navy a good look for a long time... a long time!

If the boss doesn't look good to the younger brother, the consequences will be quite serious!

However, the subsequent development was unexpected. Just when Warring States had the realization that a strong man would break his wrist, because of Ron's terrifying growth rate, countless people were studying its secrets. He waited for the information about the lightning stimulation method submitted by Zefa.

This information was quickly placed in front of Wulaoxing. If it could be installed on a large scale, the effect would be self-evident. Therefore, they took it very seriously and even acquiesced to the delay in the development progress of the pacifists.

Later, the instrument was confirmed to be completed, and good news came from the Navy, which made Wulaoxing very satisfied.

The first batch of 300 No. 1 machines, the only ones left by the Navy were the 100 at the headquarters. In addition, there are a total of two hundred instruments sent to various branches of the CP organization!

In the eyes of the Five Old Stars, it is true that the Navy is a group of watchdogs. But if the hound catches the prey and has merit, even the world's noble Celestial Dragon will not be stingy with rewards.

As a result, Wulaoxing simply turned a blind eye to the affairs in Huadu and allowed the navy to do whatever it wanted as long as it did not cause panic among the participating countries.

At the same time, they also obeyed the rule. Compared with the Huadu ruled by Fred who dared to collude with the Baroque Works to rebel, they were more willing to trust Queen Rosa, who had been in charge of Huadu for decades.

After all, the attitude of the five old stars determines everything!

They are just like the emperors of ancient China, above the law! The semi-feudal social system of the One Piece world is evident from this.

"When you come to Huadu this time, our navy will not provide you with any help. Everything is up to you, Ron."

"We, the Navy," meant that Ron was not on the same road as them.

After hearing this, Ron finally understood Capra's reason for taking him to sea.

After all, Ron could clearly remember what Zefa said to him in the prison at the Navy Headquarters more than four months ago.

"According to the rules, this is true! However, you have not been registered in the recruit list of the headquarters. You are considered an outsider, and the navy is not qualified to deal with you..."

Now four months have passed, and Ron, who is addicted to training, has still not been "registered on the recruit list of the headquarters" and is still "regarded as an outsider." Even learning the Sixth Form of the Navy was in exchange for providing experimental materials and perfecting instruments for Vegapunk. Yes, the treaty was signed in black and white.

As long as he, a guy who is "not a navy", takes action, no one, whether it is the franchise countries or the high-ranking officials of the World Government who have been bribed by Fred, will dare to challenge the five old stars who are secretly showing their dissatisfaction!