One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 45: Transform yourself!


Rosa arrives at the critical moment when Ron is about to be arrested.

No matter how many little thoughts there are, Rosa is the queen. A group of nobles did not want to bear the reputation of being "ignorant of etiquette", which was the foundation of their "nobility", so they bowed down and saluted obediently, making a big noise.

Even Fred is no exception to this.

After the salute, Fred glanced at the fat man who was being carried, and then said to Rosa: "Your Majesty, this Navy soldier wounded His Royal Highness Andrew. He has committed an unforgivable mistake. Please punish him severely." !”

As soon as Fred opened his mouth, the nobles around him started making noises.

"Yes, Your Majesty, he is too courageous and must be severely punished!"

"For the glory of the nobility! Not killing these untouchables is not enough to satisfy the anger!"

That damn fat man is actually the prince of a kingdom

Surrounded by the crowd, Ron rolled his eyes, slightly surprised. But remembering what happened when the Queen summoned him just now, he felt confident again.

By the way, he winked at Queen Rosa and pointed at the maid who was trying to hold herself up and kneeling beside her.

As the Queen of Huadu, Rosa had never seen any big storms, but she could tell Ron's thoughts with just one glance. If Ron took action as a navy soldier, no one could protect him, not even Garp. There is a clear line between civilians and nobles, which is even above the law. Miscellaneous soldiers are no different from civilians.

But... what if it's not a miscellaneous soldier

So Rosa ignored Fred and the others and turned directly towards the maid.

Fred suddenly had an ominous premonition and stretched out his hand to stop him. But at this moment, Ron took a step forward and blocked him with his broad back. Fred went to stop the Queen and put her hand on his back, unable to push Ron at all.

"This kid..."

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and with more force, the burst of lightning directly knocked Fred back half a step.

Withdrawing his hand, Fred silently rubbed his fingers with a gloomy look on his face: "Are you the navy rookie, the one with the Thunder Fruit ability, Ron?"

He could even investigate Garp's route, so how could he not find out Ron's information? Not to mention that at the port, Garp punched him and exposed his identity. But no matter what, Ron is still a member of the Navy. As long as he is in the Navy, he has nothing to fear!

So Fred didn't pay attention to Ron's appearance at all. It wasn't until he was struck by lightning that he finally recalled this information.

Regarding this question, Ron grinned: "General Fred is really good at everything, and he understands everything clearly. But it is true that I am a user with the thunder fruit ability, but... I am not a rookie in the navy!"


Fred's pupils shrank, and he looked back at Garp, whose mouth was full of grease from eating donuts, and felt relieved.

I see!

In order to stop me, why don't you be shameless

If the Navy itself doesn't admit that Ron is a Navy, then who can prove that he is a Navy

If Ron is not a navy, then what other identity can make him so confident

At this time, Rosa walked up to the maid and asked condescendingly with a hint of the queen's unique indifference: "Tell me, who hit you?"

"Your Majesty, I... ahem..."

The maid was startled and choked with sobs. She did not answer directly, after all, so many nobles around her cast unkind glances at her, but when she raised her head and glanced at Ron, who was confronting Fred, the maid hesitated.

If I don't tell the truth, he will be in big trouble, right

I don't regret dying, but I can't let him get hurt!

She was the only one who stood up to speak to a pariah like herself. Knowing that her time was short, the maid had the aura to dare to pull down the emperor even if she was willing to be cut off.

At this thought, the maid gritted her teeth, lowered her head and said, "It's His Royal Highness Andrew!"


The first person to have an attack was none other than Queen Rosa.

Under Fred's surprised gaze, Queen Rosa had a sullen face and said angrily: "Only the king has the right to deal with my maid! An outsider bullies my maid in the king's palace, Ruisi Kingdom wants to Are you going to fight with me?"

Hearing these words, the nobles who had united the front just now were a little confused.

What the hell

War? !

It is no small thing to say this sentence from the mouth of the Queen of Huadu! !

As I said before, Huadu’s land area is no smaller than that of Alabasta, and there are no sand crocodiles to interfere with it. The strength of the country is famous throughout the Grand Route! would be impossible to make so many world government affiliated countries jealous and come to support Fred.

Although Ruisi Country is also a franchising country, it has a small territory and poor military strength. Let alone Huadu, most of the nobles' private soldiers present can easily destroy it. This is also the reason why Fatty is looked down upon.

Therefore, if a war begins with Huadu, Ruisi Country is doomed to be defeated!

Fred was also confused at this moment, because if there was really going to be a war, it would definitely be because of the enemy, and even he wouldn't be able to escape.

Regardless of the status of Huadu and Ruisi Kingdom on the sea, Andrew, as a guest, bullied the master's maid in the master's palace. Even if he was weaker than the other party, Queen Rosa had sufficient reasons to go to war with Ruisi Kingdom. As a general, Fred must take the lead once the Queen declares war on the Kingdom of Reith.

As a result, I don't know when his throne will be pushed to the throne!

He immediately knelt down on one knee and tried to dissuade him: "Your Majesty! The war between the two countries involves too much, and countless families have been destroyed. Your Majesty, please think again!"

The surrounding nobles were all silent at this moment, for fear of giving Rosa a chance to have an attack.

No country present alone can compete with Huadu. Even if the queen abdicates in the end and gives her war order, Fred must obey the late king's instructions and complete the war to destroy the Kingdom of Reith before he can secure the throne.

At this moment, Fred hated Ron to death, and he also hated Andrew to death.

If it hadn't been for these two people, nothing would have happened at today's tea party, and his throne would have been guaranteed!

Now, I just ask the Queen to take back these words because of the cruelty of war. After all, she is his relative, and Fred is very clear about Rosa's nature of loving people like her own son.

"Well, that makes sense. It's not worth wasting time and money for such a waste..."

Under Fred's nervous gaze, Rosa said something that made everyone feel relieved. Then she raised her hand and pointed at Andrew: "Throw this fat pig out! If you dare to say one more nonsense, old Andrew will be prepared to destroy the country!"

Those old and cloudy eyes were full of majesty at the moment, and no noble dared to look into her eyes. Even Fred, with his face as dark as ink in front of this majesty, did not dare to refute.

This is the magnanimity a great king should have!


Compared with Kobra, the indecisive king who did bad things with good intentions, he was like a man in the sky!

With such a loving and domineering king protecting the people, the prosperity of Huadu is indeed not a fluke!

Ron's eyes widened as he watched from behind, and he suddenly understood why the careless Garp had fallen in love with Queen Rosa before. Although there is no way to ask why the relationship between the two was filmed in the context of "Fist is Justice", a blind person can see it as long as he is willing!

At this moment, he saw Rosa waving to him and trotting over.

"His Majesty!"

Noticing Ron, Fred had an idea.

Wait, didn’t I come here to cause trouble for him

Although Andrew has been thrown out now, it is still treasonous to dare to attack the nobles!

He immediately lowered his head and said uprightly: "Your Majesty, although His Majesty Andrew made a mistake first, this person is just a commoner. It is also a big mistake to attack a noble. Please punish him severely!"

These nobles are here to support him, and he must show a sufficient attitude.

However, Rosa ignored him again and said to Ron: "Captain Ron, you did a good job in this matter. If anyone else dares to offend the majesty of the king in the palace, I will allow it." You kill first and report later! If something happens, I will take care of it!”

Are you responsible

You are about to abdicate, what are you going to do? !

In the end, it wasn’t me who took the blame! !


Ron... Captain of the Guard

Fred paused, raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Garp.

In order to stop me, your navy is really a big deal! !