One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 46: Win over Ron


The chief of the palace guards, the commander of the guards who protect the palace and the queen, what is his position? !

Uh... In terms of status, he might as well be a third-class peer.

But the person who can hold this position is definitely the person the king trusts most!

Your status may be higher than him, but you are not higher than the king... Then he is truly one person below ten thousand people!

The reason why Fred wanted to set up an ambush to get rid of Jed was not only because he was the most powerful fighter around the Queen and was loyal to the Queen, but also because he served as the chief of the palace guard.

As long as Jade exists, his plan to force her to marry him will never come true!

Of course, he could also invade the palace with a large army and forcefully change the dynasty by violent means. But Fred was noble and did not want to be like those reckless pirates who used bloody terror to eliminate dissidents.

After getting rid of Jade, the first thing he did was to change the guards and place his confidants in the palace. It was also for this reason.

He thought that with the birthday party approaching, there would be no changes in the position of the Palace Guard Chief, but Fred did not expect that the Navy would single-handedly give Ron to Rosa!

It’s really a “send”!

Only people from the franchising countries have quit the franchising countries to join the navy, and people without a navy have quit the navy and joined the franchising countries!

This is an irreversible change of positions!

People who quit the navy and join other forces can no longer be trusted by the navy!

As a user with the Thunder Fruit ability, Ron is known as the strongest natural type and has a bright future! Fred never expected that the Navy would push Ron to the position of chief of the palace guard. In this way, Ron would never be able to return to the Navy for the rest of his life!

At first, he thought that the navy was shameless and did not recognize Ron as a navy. Now he realizes that this is not shameless, it is simply life-threatening!

When Fred came to his senses, he found that the garden was deserted. Ron transformed from a soldier into a captain of the palace guard. Rosa gave him the right to kill first and then show off. If someone later found an excuse to throw him out like Andrew and humiliate him, what could they do

Is there really going to be a war with Huadu? !

What kind of international joke are you kidding!

It is certain to continue to support Fred, after all, it is a painted pie. But before the day came when the Queen announced her abdication, these nobles did not want to provoke Ron, who was obviously not an ordinary person.

They were using Fred's name to show off their behavior, while the Queen was instructing Ron to act arrogantly and kill people!

The strength and prosperity of Huadu gave them a high status in the Grand Line. It also made Ron, the chief guard of the palace, have more status and status than most of the nobles present!

Garp and Tryon also left. Ron was now the captain of the palace guard and had no reason to follow them back to the navy station. Although the two of them were equally confused, they were not worried about Ron joining the Huadu camp.

After all, except them... not many people knew that Ron was a "temporary worker."

Ron, who is not even a formal marine, became the captain of the Huadu Guards. Is there anything wrong with him

There's nothing wrong, old man!

The only people left in the garden now were him and Ron.

Glancing around, Ron was sitting on a chair, stuffing snacks into his mouth leisurely. Seeing Fred looking over, Ron smiled and said: "General Fred is thinking so deeply, is he thinking about how to kill me?"

Taking a deep breath, Fred's expression condensed and murderous intent overflowed.

"What if I say yes?"

"Well... it will be more troublesome..."

Fred thought Ron was saying that he would be in trouble, and he sneered disdainfully. But Ron's next words made the corners of his mouth twitch and he didn't know how to answer.

Because Ron said this: "As a person with abilities, you will naturally have your own weaknesses. However, lightning can use high temperature to destroy anything that is not beneficial to you, such as the insulating rubber that restrains lightning. What cannot be destroyed can also be relied on. Avoid using speed, such as Hailou Shi, the natural enemy of ability users... So if you want to kill me, in addition to having an absolute advantage in hard power and running faster than me, you also have to learn armed haki... Oh, by the way, General Fred Do you know the domineering power of armed color?”

There were basically no Haki users in the first half of the Grand Line, and many people regarded it as a legend. For example, in the East China Sea, Devil Fruit users are also a legend. But to ask Fred if he knows domineering is to look down on the world's heroes.

Fred's lips moved a few times: "I know!"

"Then... will it?"

Fred: "..."

After taking a few deep breaths, Fred suppressed the urge to hit someone in his heart and suddenly showed a smile: "You are very good, Captain Ron."

"You are also a genius, at least in terms of rebellion..."

Fred: "... Stop talking nonsense... Captain Ron, if you can't go back to the Navy now, have you ever wanted to come over and help me?"


Ron hesitated and looked up at Fred: "I heard you right, are you trying to win me over?"

"That's right!"

After saying this, Fred felt much more relaxed: "You and Huadu have been tied to a warship. Even if the rebellion fails, the problem of aunt's childlessness will still not be solved. The future king will still be me. , you will still serve under me.”

"In that case, why don't you cooperate with me? The purpose of the navy is just to protect Aunt Rosa, right? Who is the ruler of Huadu is not important to you at all, is it?"

Seeing Fred's handsome and confident face, Ron fell silent.

Ron was also very depressed when it came to the fact that the Queen had no children. He has already figured out a hundred thousand... bloody plots between the old bastard and Queen Rosa, but Queen Rosa does have no heirs, and her only relative is the eldest nephew who rebelled against him.

In this semi-feudal society of One Piece, the inheritance of the throne by royal blood is the unshakable foundation!

As for the true purpose of the navy, Ron was not sure, but he didn't care.

Whether the queen's life is the most important thing or the harmony of Huadu is the most important thing, it all depends on the old bastard. He only needs to act according to the order.


This is also an opportunity!

Ron dropped the snack he took a bite of, picked up the teapot and filled it with water, then wiped away the water stains, with a faint smile on his lips: "Winning me over...but you have to pay a price!"

"How's the information about Baroque Works?"

Fred also had a smile on his handsome face, and he looked at each other unwillingly.

After a moment, Ron withdrew his gaze and continued to eat pastries: "General Fred is so ruthless! You must have completely erased all traces of your contact with them, right? The rest of the insiders should have been killed... "

Fred smiled broadly at this.

"I'm not going to sit around for four months."

"If you can support me in taking the throne, I will give you the information from the Baroque Working Society! Whether this credit goes to the navy or you keep it for yourself is entirely up to Mr. Ron! In addition, once I succeed to the throne, Ron's status as captain of the guard will be It is unbreakable, even if it is a general with military strength, it is not something that cannot be expected. "

In order to win over Ron, Fred was ruthless in order to win over Ron.

The reason was the same as what he thought. From the navy to the palace guard, Ron was already tied to Huadu, and there was no possibility of going back. In addition, as a user with the thunder fruit ability, Ron is also a powerful fighting force worth winning over!

As for whether Ron will rebel against him in the future... For someone who is not of royal blood to be on stage, the difficulty is not the same as him!

"It's really... such a big deal!"

Ron was surprised for a second, then smiled slightly and praised.

"Mr. Ron deserves this gift!"

Fred raised the corners of his mouth without changing his expression.

Both of them had faint smiles on their faces, just like two cunning foxes.

I have to say that this Fred is quite popular with Ron. He has brains, strength, scheming, and determination. Cooperating with such a hero, as long as you don't make any mistakes, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages!


"not enough!"

Ron's face suddenly darkened and he whispered: "I have a question that has never been answered, so I hope General Fred can tell the truth."

"You want to ask... why Wulaoxing has already acquiesced to the navy's interference in Huadu's internal affairs, but still wants to push you to the front?"

Even though he had grown taller due to learning the six moves, standing in front of Ron, wearing heavy black armor, Fred was still stronger and taller than Ron. Especially the strange glint in his eyes made Ron feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

But he still nodded and said without fear: "That's right!"

Although there is no sinkhole as an option in this mission, since even the Five Old Stars have acquiesced to it, why is Garp still timid? In the navy camp, the attitude of the five old stars is everything! Garp could have just rushed into the palace and killed Fred, there was no need to go to such trouble to ask him to take action. As long as Fred dies...

Alliance of Member States

That's a joke!

So Ron must figure out the reason!