One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 47: Attack!


The Xiayu Palace has a pleasant climate due to the cold wind and snow-capped mountains. The garden is full of flowers, blooming and beautiful.

But in this beautiful picture, the two momentums continue to rise, forming a real storm that destroys everything in the garden! On one side, there is a daunting thunder tornado, floating slowly, leaving no grass growing and destroying everything it goes. On the other side, there was thick black smoke, vaguely mixed with the light of orangutan fire, setting the earth on fire.

Countless people looked in the direction of the garden with awe, secretly frightened by the competition between the two momentums.

"Hey, I hope Fred can understand everything I do..."

Deep in the palace, Queen Rosa stood by the window sill, her brows looking a little more sad than before.

"He will understand, Your Majesty."

A strong figure in black clothes stood behind the queen and answered with his hands raised.

"I hope so... Hmm? It looks like the winner has been decided?"

In the distance, the thunder tornado suddenly shrank and then spread outward. At the same time, the thick black smoke was also pushed outwards and dissipated in the air. When everything calmed down, the entire garden disappeared, leaving only a completely destroyed ruins without any trace of life.

A few minutes later, the guard informed Ron to ask for an audience.

At this time, Ron had put on a green leaf uniform unique to the Huadu guards, with a carefully selected white rose on his chest, which meant that Queen Rosa was his heart. After the announcement, Ron walked into the Queen's palace and knelt down on one knee.

"Fortunately, your Majesty the Queen!"

"You... didn't tell him the truth, did you, Ron?"

At this moment, Rosa doesn't look half as domineering as before. She is just an old man who is worried about his younger generation. The sadness in her voice could be heard by a deaf person!

"Of course not, and there's plenty of time!"


Rosa raised her head and looked at Ron with admiration: "I'll leave everything to you, Mr. Ron!"


Half an hour later, the naval base.

"You mean, you pretended to surrender and made Fred reveal the whereabouts of Baroque Works?"

Garp looked at Ron in surprise and circled around him: "I didn't expect that, Ron, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you can actually be scheming?"

It was quite unexpected that Ron would become Garp, the chief guard of the palace, but considering that Ron has important responsibilities and needs a suitable identity to move around the palace, it is not surprising. However, Fred actually won over Ron, and even exchanged information from the Huadu Army General and the Baroque Working Society to let Ron support his rise to power. This surprised Garp!

Not to mention, he is still pretending to surrender!

Ron rolled his eyes at this and said angrily: "Don't do this! Fred really wants the Navy to find Baroque Works and kill them with a knife! Even if I don't pretend to surrender to him, he will secretly leak Baroque behind his back. According to the information from the working society, let us help him get rid of these hyenas."

After taking a sip of water, Ron asked: "What to do next? If I want to touch Fred, it seems I have no chance..."

Since Fred dared to kill the donkey, he must have erased all traces of his connection with the Baroque Working Society. Even if the navy captured all the people of the Baroque Working Society, there would never be any substantive evidence.

After all, it was just as he said, four whole months!

Knowing that the navy was determined not to give up, how could he leave behind such trouble

So the Navy's path of convicting him and saving the Queen didn't work...

Even if the people from the Baroque Works were arrested, Queen Rosa would still have to face pressure from the alliance to abdicate in favor of others. All they can do is protect the Queen during the turmoil.

That's all!

And what Ron said was right, Fred wished that the Navy would take the initiative to eliminate the remaining forces of the Baroque Working Society on the island and kill people to silence them. Once the navy launches, the palace will be in turmoil!

Until then, division of troops is the only outcome.

"Are you sure you can protect Her Majesty from Fred's attack, Ron?"

This matter involves the safety of Queen Rosa, Tryon asked seriously.

In response, Ron shook his head readily: "No!"

"Fred is a superman-type Coal Fruit user. In terms of lethality, I can crush him. Coupled with the elemental physique of the natural type, I will win in a fight! But if he is not for winning, but for killing the Queen. Purpose, then the lethality of Thunder Fruit and Coal Fruit is a drawback, and there is no way to defend against it. "

The afternoon competition with Fred was not only to create a no-man's land where outsiders would know what they talked about, but also to test each other. Just as Ron said, if there is a real life-and-death confrontation, Fred will not be his opponent. Without the armament, domineering power and being restrained by attributes, the commanding power of the Thunder Fruit is unparalleled! But Fred is not easy to deal with either. His physical strength is almost the same as his, and his soot can ignite a fire anywhere! With the flammable and explosive properties of coal powder, Ron couldn't stop whoever he wanted to kill.

It's not that he's not an opponent, it's that he can't protect him.

This situation is the most frustrating!

After hearing the answer, Tryon frowned tightly.

He glanced at Garp and found that the latter's eyes were closed, obviously caught in the difficult decision of the battle between heaven and man. So he stood there helplessly, waiting for Garp to make a decision.

After a long time, Garp put his hands on the edge of the table and growled: "We... are the Navy!"

"Let's do it tonight!"

After saying this, Garp took it off in one breath and sat back in his chair. But there were two palm-sized pieces of wood missing from the table.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant General Garp, the queen will not be in danger... I will protect her well!"

Seeing this, Ron took the rare and unprecedented step of comforting the other person. What she got in return was Garp's suspicious eyes and questioning: "Did you steal my donuts?!"

Ron: "..."

You shouldn't expect anything from the old bastard! ! !


"Who wants your protection?"

Under Ron's shocked gaze, Garp had a free and easy smile on his face, and the evil flames visible to the naked eye emerged from his body as strong as a bear or a tiger: "This time... I will take action personally!"

It's night, the moon and stars are sparse.

Because the royal capital's political power is unstable, even if the queen's birthday party is approaching, the residents of the royal capital can only go to bed early and dare not wander around the streets in the middle of the night.

Under the bright moonlight, figures one after another stepped across the roofs and corners of the streets, moving quickly forward. Their actions were orderly, swift and agile, and everyone mastered the Six Style Shave. The speed was so fast that ordinary people would only think they were dazzled when they saw it.

This is a team of navy elites with an average power value of around 500. It is the strongest unit under Garp! And the people leading them are... Ron and Tryon!

Don't ask where Garp is!

The direction Ron and others were heading towards was a jungle in the Xia Territory, which was also the hiding place of the members of the Baroque Working Society.

According to the intelligence provided by Fred, the members of the Baroque Working Society did not evacuate directly after Jed fell into the sea. Instead, they hid on West Island waiting for them to take power and pay their rewards. Although four months have passed and people are leaving one after another, there are still hundreds of people staying there!

To be on the safe side, Garp sent out this elite force and asked Ron and Tryon to act together. With the cooperation of one of them who is a natural type to control the field and a master of swordsmanship to attack the enemy, they can not let any enemy go.

They are all little supermen whose power exceeds the limit. The mobility of this team of less than thirty people is extremely terrifying!

In less than half an hour, they crossed the town and arrived in an inaccessible deep mountain forest.

Behind the hillside is a dense jungle that looks no different from anywhere else. But Tryon, who had the domineering power of seeing and hearing, clearly felt something. He pulled Ron, who was about to move on, and made a gesture.




Nodding, Ron allowed Tryon to call the three team members behind him, then opened the parchment map and pointed out to them the location of their respective targets. Thunder and lightning are definitely not suitable for the task of clearing hidden sentries. Although they can be killed at the same time, the movement is too loud. After waiting for a while, three vivid nightingale calls came from the jungle, and then Tryon called the troops to continue moving forward.

At this time, Ron's mission came.

When Tryon led his people into the jungle, counting the time, Ron was surrounded by lightning, stepped on the ground hard, turned into a line of lightning, and flashed to high altitude!

Thunder and lightning come from the sky.

As long as Ron wanted to, he could float in the sky for half an hour without falling. Limited by his own strength, Ron cannot even change direction flexibly on the ground, let alone fight in the air, so it is not a superb flying skill, but if he just keeps floating and then releases the thunder without thinking, it will be very easy.

And tonight his mission is to provide Tryon with high-altitude reconnaissance and... air support!

Boom! ! !

… … …

Today's third update, I found a bug halfway through coding. After revising and revising it, the contents of two chapters almost became a chapter of 10,000 words! ! !