One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 5: Falling into the sea


The human body has a self-contained cycle. How much food you eat every day will make you feel full, how much energy you consume will make you feel tired, and how much sleep time is needed to replenish energy. It is all determined by the body itself.

What makes the body make a judgment is the natural balance between the nutrient concentration in the food that the body comes into contact with every day and the daily consumption of the body.

In the past, on Earth, as an ordinary world, the most nutritious and replenishing thing that Ron could come into contact with was the sip of old ginseng chicken soup he drank after crawling back from the hell gate that year.

People on earth only consume so much, and correspondingly, there are only so many energy and nutrients in food.

But this world is different!

This world has monsters that can cover the sky with a snap of a finger, giant beasts that are as big as an island, and humans like Garp who practice boxing on eight mountains... If they want to survive, their requirements for vitality and nutrition are huge. !

The source of their monster-like physical consumption is the various foods in the One Piece world that are full of nutrients and have extremely high energy concentrations!

As a human being who traveled from the barren world of Earth, Ron, who grew up eating ordinary food, was like a shriveled sponge. The food in the One Piece world is like a bathtub filled with water.

Therefore, in front of the energy-rich and nutritious magical food from another world, his body was like a hungry beast, greedily swallowing every ounce of energy.

And the horror of this world is here... The energy contained in any food here is very easy to be absorbed. As long as the body needs it, it can be transformed and supplied infinitely, thus raising monsters that can crush mountains and rivers one after another!

After the nutrients are absorbed, the body, which is relieved of bloating, begins to instinctively use excess energy to optimize itself and eliminate toxins.

So Ron became very hot and had diarrhea after eating the fruit.

After some solution, he lifted up his pants and thought slowly.

"With the existence of this kind of food, it seems that exercises that I didn't dare to do in the past can be put on the schedule?"

As a lunatic who constantly challenges himself, Ron once formulated a very cruel exercise plan, but within three days, he was admitted to the hospital... The food on the earth was completely insufficient to replenish his exaggerated body loss, and he died on the first day. I started urinating blood and the pain was unbearable.

After three days in a row, he was just a hair away from death!

If his body had not been different from ordinary people and he was always hanging on for a breath, he would not have had the chance to taste that mouthful of chicken soup...

Now that the food in the One Piece world is so terrible, the exercise program that was relegated to the shadows can finally see the light of day again.

"Hmm... Thunder and lightning should be able to join in. The ninjas in Cloud Ninja Village can activate their cells with thunder attribute chakra. Why can't I?"

Calmly taking out the wet wipes he had put in his pocket before crossing over and wiping his hands, Ron raised his head in thought and fixed his eyes on Enelu, who was not far away and was paying attention the whole time.

"… finish watching?"

"Well, it stinks so much!"

Eniro nodded his head, covering his nose with disgust on his face. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Ron would never have imagined that this fool would be the future "Sky Island God" Enelu.

"hehe… "

Raising his arm, thunder condensed between his fingers.


The sky-blue electric current continues to gather, forming a ball of light that emits dazzling white light. In front of this powerful current, Enilu's hair stood on end and his afro was straightened!

It seems that I have found a reason to wear a headscarf every day after finding Enelu...

Ron thought so and then said.

"Thank you for providing me with clues. In your next life, reincarnate yourself in QH..."

Without waiting for Enelu to say anything, then...

Boom! ! !

Thunder and thunder, lightning and thunder!

Accompanied by a loud noise, a thumb-thick beam of light spread its teeth and claws in the air, and the electric light flashed. It shot through Enilu's head in an instant and disappeared into the clouds in the distance.

This is the easiest move to use on the Thunder Fruit, "Electric Shock"... Strictly speaking, it doesn't deserve a name, it's just the simplest way to use it.

The specific process is just like ordinary people spitting...

Who would spit out a name specifically for themselves

Similar to Ice Dragon Breath

"The Thunder Fruit... is so loud!"

Rubbing his ears that were itchy from the thunder, Ron threw the wet tissue he had wiped his hands on the ground and looked at Enelu's body indifferently.

In his eyes, this was not a cruel and indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but a kind of revenge.

Dying for revenge is justifiable!

Although the contact lasted only a few minutes, he knew that the waste in front of him that was frightened to the point of peeing and going crazy was the Enelu who he hated endlessly and wasted the great power of the Thunder Fruit. This grudge was written unilaterally by Ron. Now that he had bumped into him, Enelu had no reason to live.


Sky-blue thunder pythons were coiled around his arms, and thunder exploded, illuminating half of Ron's face. Feeling the nearly doubled thunder power in his body, he murmured in shock: "What a magical thing... The energy brought by a bunch of fruits can actually enhance my physique so much?"

As a person with abilities, Ron can clearly observe the power of thunder in his body, because the fruit's development level is close to zero, so he understands that this enhancement has nothing to do with the fruit, but only with his body.

A few small fruits can make him twice as strong. It is conceivable that as long as he continues to eat the food in the One Piece world, he will grow rapidly for a long time before his physical strength reaches the bottleneck. !

A few minutes later, Ron was walking on the soft island cloud beach of Bika, looking at the sky in the distance obsessively.

One Piece, Sky Island…

This magical land turned from comics into reality, which shocked him extremely! I was chased before and didn't have a chance to take a closer look, but now I finally have time to appreciate this beautiful scenery.


In the white clouds, a huge island flying fish jumped up, its tail fin brought up a string of water drops, drawing a rainbow under the sunlight. The sea of clouds in the distance connects with the blue sky, rising and falling, giving people the illusion that the sea and sky are hanging upside down.

This is a magical sight that cannot be described in words!

At this moment, Ron finally felt a little joyful about traveling through time.

Looking at the sky, silent for a moment, he suddenly grinned and couldn't help laughing: "One Piece World... Haha! Hahahaha! I'm in the One Piece World!!!"

As a self-challenge unwilling to be ordinary, Ron is proficient in several extreme sports and challenges himself all the time. Ron has long been numb to the peaceful daily life.

Traveling to the dangerous world of One Piece, he escaped from the predicament of being hunted, obtained the extremely powerful Thunder Fruit, and saw blood for the first time... Ron felt the blood that had been dormant for a long time in his body break out of the ice, like spring thunder. , The flames of the furnace are so raging that it’s hard to contain them!



He smiled excitedly and threw himself straight towards the soft clouds in front of his feet, wanting to lie on the ground.


Ron's expression was horrified and his eyes widened.

"No! Hold the grass!!!"

At this moment, I have to mention what foundation an empty island without soil is built on.

In addition to special cloud types, island clouds are mainly divided into two types: island clouds and sea clouds.

The former is generally hard and processable, just like ordinary stones, and is the main component of artificial foundations and buildings on Sky Island. The latter "cloud" is as its name suggests. It looks white and soft, but in fact it is filled with sea water.

Everything in Sky Island is built on these two and supported by them.

Both contain magical "pyrobroin horny particles", but Shima Cloud is just a solidified form of sea cloud and cannot restrain espers like the "crystal of the sea" Sea Tower Stone.

The sea clouds are no different from normal sea water...

On the coast, the soft clouds under Ron's feet were also a type of island cloud, similar to mud. But the white clouds in front of him are actually sea clouds...

To the Kongdao people, the two are distinct and there is no possibility of being mistaken. But for Ron, the sight was white and there was no wind or waves. It was a miracle that he could distinguish it! ! !

If his actions just now were placed in QH, it would be a Devil Fruit user standing on the edge of the cliff, facing the sea, and taking a leap of faith! At the same time, he still had a silly happy smile on his face!




Ron sank directly into the sea clouds and disappeared from the clouds in an instant.

… …

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