One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 50: Tryon's grudge


In fact, except for the famous pirates in the original work and the new world where monsters gather, the navy has an absolute advantage in killing pirates most of the time!

This is especially evident in the first half of the Great Route and in the four seas!

The combat effectiveness brought by strong ships, cannons and high-quality firearms is far beyond what ordinary people can easily catch up with after practicing and becoming stronger.

Even in the early days of the Straw Hats in the East China Sea, they were chased away by the navy. Without the help of Nami, a talented navigator, I don’t know how many times I would have been captured.

What's even more different from the original work is that although the Navy has impel cities and prisons in various places, when it comes to clearing criminals, it will never focus on arrests!

When you meet a pirate, kill him first until everything is dark!

Destroy the enemy's courage and kill all those who stubbornly resist!

In this way, the remaining pirates will see the reality clearly and give up resistance, which will not only be a military achievement for the soldiers, but also there will be no potential crisis.

Moreover, those big pirates value face more than their lives. The shame of being caught by the navy will make them unable to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives. They would rather die than surrender and never beg for mercy!

Faced with this kind of guy, he still naively focuses on arresting him. The navy's war losses in one year are enough to make even the five old stars feel distressed!

The combat plan formulated by Tryon is based on this logic, and it is also one of the common tactics used by the navy when facing large groups of enemies.

First, let Ron disrupt the enemy's defense line with the coverage area and lethality of his thunder, and then they rush in from all directions to kill the escapees. In the end, only the strongest and the least courageous people are left, which is very convenient to capture.

If this plan were to be carried out at sea, it would be to launch a round of saturation bombardment to knock out the enemy's soul. Then, elite officers would lead a team to attack the enemy's main formation, while the rest would cover and seine the enemy for fishing.

Well...the above is limited to normal naval combat ideas.

A tough hawk leader like Akainu would not be allowed to appear alive under normal circumstances.

In the face of a large group of enemies, even if the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, he would order the soldiers to surge up like a tide and wipe out all the enemies, never allowing anyone to retreat.

"Don't kill me! I surrender!"

"I surrender too, don't kill me!"

With the sound of "kill", the ordinary members of the Baroque Working Society surrendered and were tied up one by one under the leadership of the soldiers. In the process, Dasbonis discovered that this was not a large naval force at all, but a small team of less than thirty people.

But for such a small team, after a surprise battle, the opponent had no casualties at all, and its combat capabilities were terrifying and staggering!

A naval squadron with such combat effectiveness can only appear in one place if you look at the sea.

"Navy... Headquarters..."

Dasbones is a sophisticated and calm person, with no obvious emotions or anger. He is the chief conductor of the Baroque Working Society and Crocodile's most trusted, or even his only trusted subordinate. He knew very well that his group of people looked incomparable, but facing the Marine Headquarters, a monster that suppressed the sea, the gap was not even one or two points!

It's not that he didn't think about taking advantage of the chaos to escape, but after the guy dressed as a Huadu guard appeared, his attention was always on himself. The speed and method of killing Mr. 3 instantly prevented him from even thinking about escaping.

That's thunder and lightning!

Although it has disappeared for hundreds of years, in the devil fruit illustrated book, the thunder fruit is still listed first in the natural category!

But if he is to be captured without any help, that is even more impossible!

He knew the reason why the Navy did not kill him and killed Mr. 3. In addition to killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, it was also because his status here was clear at a glance. To arrest him, torture him and interrogate the information was the result the Navy wanted.

And the Navy has plenty of means to get him to reveal all the information!

In this case, either escape or... die in battle!


With a loud roar, the skin on Dasbones's body stood up. Those palm-wide skins quickly changed from flesh color to a unique metal material, with extremely sharp edges that were intimidating.

"As expected...are you also a fruit ability user..."

The changes in Dasbones fell into Tryon's eyes, and when he noticed the blades floating around him, Tryon frowned slightly.

If the candle man who obeyed the order before was not restrained by the high temperature of thunder and lightning, ordinary people would not be able to hurt the enemy behind the candle wall. As a big black man who can command him, there is no doubt that this man is stronger. And this fruit ability looks a bit familiar

Where have you seen it

Tryon was thinking silently.

"That's right! I am a Blade Man who ate the Quick Slash Fruit, and my whole body can turn into tough knives!"

Dasbornis explained briefly and adjusted his breath.

"You are a swordsman, right? Sorry... I have never been injured by a swordsman!"

The next moment, he strode forward and attacked Tryon.

Mote of dust!

call out! call out! call out!

This is a high-speed slash that uses the blades of both hands as the execution element. It is called Mochen, which means to chop objects into dust. Its power cannot be underestimated! The overwhelming fish-scale sword light swept down, and dense cracks suddenly appeared on a ruined stone slab that was as tall as a person. Then it cracked silently and broke into thumb-sized stones.

It was a powerful trick once it was launched. Dasbones wanted to use this to catch Tryon off guard and achieve a quick victory!

At the same time, he focused part of his attention on Ron to prevent himself from being attacked.

The Quick Slash Fruit can make the body of the ability user as hard as steel. The swordsman's cuts are not worth mentioning in front of this, which is also the reason why he looks down on the light swordsman... Only Ron's terrifying thunder attack is Dasbones. Don’t dare to be careless!


Why... is he laughing

Ron had no intention of taking action, and even said that he had no interest in paying attention to the confrontation here. When Dasbones rushed towards Tryon desperately, Ron simply turned around and walked towards the prisoners... There were a few guys over there who were not very obedient. They were handcuffed and full of swear words to tease the soldiers, just in time to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

At this time, Tryon's plain but angry voice sounded in Dasbones' ears: "You still look down on swordsmen so much... Dasbones, the bounty hunter from the Western Sea more than ten years ago!!"


Dasbones turned around in an instant, and there was only a crescent-shaped sword light across his retina.


Ding… boom! ! !

The next second, a huge force came down from above, slashing at his hands that turned into blades, cutting off the dust particles!

Posbonis was not worried that the opponent could break through his Mote Slash.

No one had broken through his attacks in the past, but the swordsman's sword couldn't cut through the blade transformed from his fruit ability, nor could it later damage his body as hard as steel. And he could take advantage of this opportunity to seize the opponent's weapon and stab the knife into the opponent's heart with his backhand!

So he was surprised that the other party actually called out his name...

"who are you?!"

"I was a second lieutenant in the 296th branch of Xihai, just a nobody..."

Tryon sneered, strengthened his arm, and slashed down!

laugh! !

In an instant!

The terrifying sword intent and huge power were all poured into the blade, like a hot knife cutting into butter, without any pause, cutting off the blade of the arm transformed from the fruit's ability! At the same time, the force of the castration continued unabated, going all the way downwards, slashing across his chest!

Dasbornis only felt a coldness in his arms and chest, and then a heartbreaking pain enveloped him.


Looking at Dasbones, who was holding his broken arm and screaming and wailing, Tryon had a very complicated expression on his face: "Although I have known for a long time that you are no match for me, I still want to say, you really let me down, 'Killer' !”

Bang! !

After kicking Dasbones in the head and watching him roll and fall into the big pit dug in the center of the camp, Tryon was silent for a moment and then waved: "Put him in sea-stone handcuffs and take him back!!"

"Uh... yes!!"

Facing the commander who was in a very bad mood, the soldiers looked at each other in confusion and ran over to arrest him.

In response, Ron released his palms from the two humanoid charcoal balls and shook his head as a group of captives looked at the devil in their eyes.

"I see, is this the source of the scar on your chest?"

Sisko Lane, who was born in the West Sea, was originally an ordinary second lieutenant. He was seriously injured and on the verge of death during a mission. He was then rescued by Garp who was passing by and followed him to the Grand Line. Tryon has a horrific scar on his chest from the shoulder blade to the abdomen just like Sauron. It is said that it was cut out by someone, but he does not regard it as an honor, but as a shame! He was dressed neatly all day long, even when exercising, he did not take off his tight-fitting white shirt, just to cover up the scar... But Ron never knew who the culprit was.

But now he understands...

"I'm afraid Dasbones wouldn't have thought that the mere second lieutenant who was almost killed by him would grow to this point... Hatred is indeed the source of human progress."

Dasbones, the quick-killer, prides himself on steel defense. He rarely encounters opponents in the Grand Route and the Western Sea, so he becomes tired of training. But in fact, that is just the normal defense level of naval elites after they learn to use iron. At most, it has the advantages of mobility, quick activation, and low physical consumption. Who has the right to look down on the world's swordsmen

You must know that although Tryon only has the rank of major general, he is Garp's adjutant!

For more than ten years, he has been fighting in the north and south, and has carried out several missions in the new world!

Even a strong man who has learned the power of armed domineering would not dare to take one of his restrained sword attacks.

The root of Dasborne's pride is ignorance, or his definition of "powerful" is not very clear, just like Ron before.

… …

The temperature has dropped in a large area. Dear readers, please keep warm. The air conditioning was turned on in Mianyang two days ago, but today there are people wearing coats to eat hot pot. I was stunned for a moment because I was still wearing shorts, off-shoulder T-shirt and flip-flops!