One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 55: Everyone is happy(?)


Because Rosa revealed the truth about her plan, Ron almost forgot about it.

The labels on Queen Rosa are not only "loving the people like a child" and "wily"... but also "decisive in killing" and "unparalleled domineering"! !

At first, when he learned that a coal soot explosion occurred in the embassy, causing heavy casualties among the nobles, Ron's reaction was: "Is Fred crazy?". But when he learned that Fred himself was seriously injured and on the verge of death when his fruit power exploded, Ron's reaction was the same as Fred's: "What a cruel method!!"

Of course he could see that this was a premeditated murder!

And he can even more guarantee that this murder was purely a spur-of-the-moment idea, and it took no more than three hours from planning to execution!

I thought that the Queen would come up with some effective strategies to ensure the continuation of the plan in the face of Garp's intrusion. Unexpectedly, she simply overturned all plans and directly used an earth-shattering explosion to kill the nobles of the Allied Powers who colluded with Fred! It can be said to be quite vicious!

Some people may ask, how can Fred inherit the throne

Ron only figured this out after Tryon received the signal and returned.

After all, why wouldn't Fred succeed to the throne

This is the capital of flowers!

Queen Rosa's home base!

Everything that happened tonight, apart from the victims of the nobles from various countries, the Queen and her group knew that right and wrong were entirely up to them. Whether it was blocking the news or falsely accusing nobles from various countries of assassinating the queen, it was all a matter of course under an explosion.

Based on the queen's sinister temperament, Ron can guarantee that Fred will be "forced" to protect the queen and take on the hot throne with tears in his eyes for his great service in confronting nobles from all over the world. Of course, the victims will definitely not give up, and a war is inevitable, but Rosa has already expected this. Jed's return and the prosperity of Huadu give them the confidence to face any war!

Don’t forget, Huadu is an overlord with an area no smaller than Alabasta, with no desert areas, and a national power that can be called the strongest alliance country in the first half of the Great Route! !

The war cannot break their muscles and bones, but can make the whole country unite and obey Fred's rule in a great war.

Speaking of which...does it look familiar

That’s right!

This was the previous plan!

The end point remained the same, Rosa just changed the route she originally planned to take.

What's more, with Fred's "meritorious service", the Navy no longer needs to take the blame, but they have to be grateful to Rosa.

Ron couldn't help but shudder when he thought about this.


It's really dirty!

These leaders of the franchised countries, who are insignificant in the original work, are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Different from Garp's great wisdom that accumulates with age, Queen Rosa's method is the accumulation of talent, practice, years, and status. All are indispensable. It can completely defeat Garp and is a pure IQ crushing!

"It's a good thing you never married her!"

Looking at Garp passing by his eyes, Ron sighed sincerely.

Garp was confused and slapped the back of his head. But even though he didn't understand, he was sure it wasn't a good word, and he immediately clenched his fists: "What do you mean, kid?!"


Ron decisively turned around and left, but after taking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned back to Garp and said: "By the way, Lieutenant General Garp, ask the marshal to stop arranging some trouble for me in the joining countries in the future, I'm afraid! "


Garp raised his eyebrows and wanted to hit someone, but he didn't make a move until Ron was far away. He was still thinking that he was sorry for Ron. After a long time, he sighed and said to himself: "Okay! There are never too many people to clear up pirates..."

The next day, the Queen's birthday banquet was held as scheduled.

No one knows what Fred and the Queen talked about last night. The people only know that three major events happened today!

First, the Queen’s 70th birthday!

Second, Fred inherits the throne!

Third, a total of seven countries declared war on Huadu!

Just as Ron expected, after last night's big explosion, a conspiracy story about a foreign nobleman who murdered the queen and wanted to evade the royal power appeared on the streets. Common people like to spread gossip about big shots, not to mention that this time the gossip also involves their own interests.

As a result, facing the unified resistance from the entire Huadu, the dead nobles fled in a hurry, not even daring to attend the birthday banquet. Then a total of seven countries hated Huadu and declared war on Huadu through telephone bugs.

Not to mention Rosa, even Fred expressed disdain for these people.

The best way to declare war is to make a sneak attack, seize a large amount of treasures, detain a large number of people, and then make a shameless request to force the opponent to make a decision, thereby killing people and killing people. The behavior of these guys who called in advance seems to be that they don't want to lose the face of the nobles and the country. In fact, they have some unrealistic ideas and want to get compensation from private transactions...


Do you want a fist as big as a sandbag? !

If you want to fight, fight!

Fred was eager to have an anti-invasion war to fight, and the whole country would share the same hatred to defend the country, so that his throne would be more stable!

At this point, all the turmoil in Huadu has been resolved, and it can be said that everyone is happy!

Queen Rosa left a very deep impression on Ron.

She is a true royal!

Kindness and cruelty coexist, gentleness and domineering coexist. She was willing to plan anything for her loved one Fred, even going to war to help Fred secure the throne. You can also treat your enemies as livestock and kill them wantonly for the sake of the people of Huadu!

If it weren't for Rosa, Ron's impression of the nobles in the One Piece world might still be based on the standard template of "Celestial Dragons", and he might suffer a big loss in the future.

Three days later, the navy set out.

The results of this mission have been reported to Marshal Sengoku. After learning that Rosa had used the navy, Sengoku's face twitched and he told Garp to go back immediately.

Because he couldn't curse Rosa.

The annihilation of the Baroque Working Group's stronghold in Huadu was a real achievement, and even the Five Old Stars could claim this achievement. In addition, the new king Fred took the initiative to take the blame for "exploding the nobles of the participating countries", so the navy did not need to bear the responsibility. The navy owed Rosa a favor.

The sun is shining brightly today, the dog-headed warship is docked on the shore, and all the soldiers have boarded the ship.

After stepping down from the throne, Rosa lost a trace of her former nobility and always had a kind smile on her face. She first waved and took off the white rose from Ron's chest, and then said: "Actually, I didn't expect it either. Such an accident, but don’t worry, I promise you there will be many benefits.”

"Then... thank you, Her Majesty the Queen!"

Ron's eyes lit up and he bent down to express his gratitude.

"So after all, I'm the only one who was kept secret about this whole thing, right?!"

Garp was blowing his beard and glaring at the side: "You kid, do you know how big of a deal this is? Can you take the responsibility if something goes wrong?!"

"Come on! If you, Lord Garp, hadn't acted without permission, we wouldn't have had to go to such trouble. We would still have the nerve to complain..."

Before Ron could reply, Rosa rolled her eyes first.

The more she looked at Ron, the more she liked him, and she felt like taking care of him as a junior. However, the person involved, Ron, was a little frightened by this great love...

Although Rosa is as amiable as an old grandmother now, most of the bodies of the nobles who died that night were not collected! ! !

Garp knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't answer. He glared at Ron, turned and yelled at the soldiers: "Why are you all crowded on the deck? Get to your post and get ready to go!!"


The soldiers immediately dispersed and returned to their respective posts.

Ron shrugged apologetically at Rosa and was about to get on the boat when Fred suddenly stepped forward and stopped him: "You said that when I inherit the throne, you will answer my questions."


Rosa raised her eyebrows curiously.

" said that!"

Ron suddenly understood. He stretched out his hand and pulled the green leaf uniform on his body, revealing the simple and thin uniform of a navy soldier underneath. Then he grinned and said with a smile: "Procedurally speaking, I am just a civilian."

"Procedurally speaking" means that Ron has never officially joined the Navy! ! !

Everything they had previously taken for granted was just one-sided conjecture!

Fred... Oh no, King Fred looked at all this blankly. He understood after three seconds and could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

"You will be a good general! Ron..."

"Thank you for your good advice!"

Ron touched his nose and then saluted solemnly.

"Then... everyone, I'll take my leave!"

"Wish you a safe journey!"


Accompanied by loud chants, the dog-headed warship, the beast of war, slowly sailed away from the port. With the help of the monsoon brought by the warm current, it quickly disappeared into the horizon. Looking at the Huadu West Island gradually turning into a line in the distance, Ron had a premonition that they would definitely meet again. after all…


On the deck, Garp rubbed his nose and suddenly sat up suspiciously: "There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me!!"

… …

I'm a little panicked. I strongly recommend that the total amount collected on Sunday and Monday is only 1,000. This is a watershed. Judging from past data, I can have fun if I can get 300 every day this week. Without further ado, let’s end this Huadu plot, which is barely mentioned in this chapter, and start a new chapter.