One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 56: Are you a devil?


A month later, Navy Headquarters.

No matter how much time passed, Marineford remained unchanged. It is like the sea-calming needle left by Dayu to control the floods. It has stood tall and solemn for hundreds of years, suppressing the turbulent tide of the times.

Today, at the top of the headquarters fortress, Sengoku was sitting in his office, reading the documents in his hands.

After a long time, he put down the information and said to He: "I leave the interrogation work to you, He. We must dig out the most information! If possible, find out the true identity of their boss behind the scenes!"


Lieutenant General He took over the task seriously and nodded to indicate that he was clear.

Her washing fruit can not only be used as an offensive method, but also can act on the mysterious and mysterious "soul" level, washing away a person's "evil" and leaving behind the purest "good". But after all, it is the power to control the mind. This ability cannot be used on soldiers, and it cannot even be widely advertised to avoid causing panic.

But if the target is a criminal, then there is no need to exercise restraint...

The Baroque Society threatens not only the Grand Line, but everywhere in the world. It can be said that except for the New World, there are traces of their existence everywhere! If we could catch them all in one fell swoop, there would be no need to mention the benefits.

Dasbones had been awake for half a month, and Tryon was in charge of the interrogation. However, there is no doubt that the former can be entrusted with important tasks by Crocodile. So Garp waved his hand and said, "If you don't say anything, then don't worry about it!"

They are not professional interrogators, so why bother

"Well, there is also the little girl who calls herself miss. Golden Week..."

Warring States had a headache and rubbed his temples: "Can I leave it to you too, Crane?"

The little girl from Golden Week has now been determined not to be a devil fruit user, but to possess a strange talent.

She can control a person's emotions by giving psychological hints to people and animals through the colors she mixes. If this ability did not exist, Warring States would of course put her in jail without saying a word. After making sure that there was no problem, she would be thrown into the military academy of the headquarters for several years of justice education to correct her three views.

But with this ability existing, the educational issue during Golden Week becomes urgent!

Only He, who has the ability to wash away the fruit, can bring back the paranoid outlook that grew up among killers. However, in this way, the Warring States Period always had the guilty conscience of an unscrupulous boss squeezing the labor force of his employees. As a dignified marshal, he even said "can I"

In response, He raised his head and glanced at Warring States with a deep look: "Forget it! Leave the child to me for now!"

So Warring States breathed a sigh of relief.

Some may ask, why is Golden Week treated so differently

No no no!

all the same.

If it is later found out that Golden Week is a murderous witch or has done something unscrupulous, then the procedure will be like this: Warring States, of course, without saying a word, will backhand her and put her in jail. After confirming that there is a problem... Either be imprisoned in Impel Down City or be executed secretly!

There is no such thing as human rights in this world. The elderly and children are treated equally.

If you do evil, you must bear the corresponding price!

As the leader of the naval headquarters that suppresses the sea, Sengoku's ruthlessness is particularly obvious when it comes to his enemies!

After talking about the business, Warring States picked up a piece of information again with a strange look in his eyes: "Leading to Hell Island less than a month after officially joining the army, Ron is considered a record, right?"


He took the information doubtfully, glanced at it, and suddenly showed a kind smile: "I see, is there nothing Zefa can do?"

It was a form for applying for special training on Hell Island for Ron. It was signed and submitted by Zefa, saying that Ron had reached a bottleneck in his growth and that the training in the boot camp was not suitable for him and that he needed stronger pressure to improve.

Ling Ran seemed to be coherent and logical, but in fact both of them could see that Zefa really had no choice!

Ron is growing up so fast!

Inhumanly fast!

His perseverance and talent are obvious to all in the recruit camp, and even make people feel scared!

For example, how difficult is the targeted exercise course in the boot camp

Anyone who goes there is exhausted and out of breath, and it is inevitable that they will have the mentality that it will be better if they take a rest.

But Ron doesn't need anyone to remind him of his daily exercise. He not only maintains quality and quantity, he even squeezes his own potential to practice! Zefa asked him to punch a thousand times, and he punched two thousand times! Zefa asked him to attack three hundred times with all his strength, and he did six hundred times!

Every time he was exhausted, his capillaries burst and bleed, and his face looked like a ghost, but he could get up every time, and even got better and better!

I used to say that others were "working hard to practice", but I'm sorry, Ron was really risking his life! ! ! Without the help of super-speed recovery ability, he would have died of exhaustion long ago under this kind of squeezing exercise!

What kind of terrible will is it to drive yourself to a dead end with just ordinary exercise? !

In this way, the only things Zefa can teach Ron are the Sixth Form of the Navy and various combat skills, which require time to accumulate and explore. As for the domineering energy that requires many years to be understood and awakened, without military merit, Zefa would not dare to risk it and teach it privately.

Then came the interesting thing...

Ron's talent in physical skills was unanimously recognized by the Navy's top brass. Garp taught him paper drawing, and he learned it within half a month. A month later, he was able to draw inferences from one example and learned from another.

In the past, Zefa was worried that his disciples were not able to do their best, because there were a lot of things that he could not teach. Now Zefa is worried that Ron is too evil. Apart from the domineering and the remaining three and six moves that are forbidden to be taught by the ban, what else can he teach

The answer is none!

So he thought of a way to throw Ron to Hell Island.

Only after staying on Hell Island for three months can Ron pass the camp with excellent results and learn the fourth and six moves. Then leave the boot camp and go to sea as a regular officer. At that time, Ron had plenty of time and opportunity to gain military merit, and then he could teach Ron his skills.

"Well, all my old friends have begged me to come here, so let's make an exception!"

Warring States can imagine how much has changed since Ron returned this time, otherwise Zefa would not have submitted the application immediately. Although the new recruits of the headquarters cannot go to Hell Island after less than one year of training, why are there no exceptions

Ron himself is not a conformist guy.

In the recruit barracks building and underground training room.

Ron's guess came true. The day before he left the headquarters two months ago, he joked to Zefa that Xiu Zuo needed to go out for training. As a result, Xiu Zuo was actually reinstated and went to sea.

Then, Ron's actual combat training target changed from Xiu Zuo, who could still be bullied, to retired general Zefa!

This is so sour! ! !

Bang...! ! !

With a dull crack, the training room began to flash red. That was when the training room early warning system started to sound after the outer wall suffered extensive damage. But Zefa is not worried, because he is sure that it was not an enemy invasion that destroyed the wall. After all, it is Ron who is stuck on the wall now.

"Huh? You didn't hide away?"

Zefa maintained the posture of sweeping his legs, looking at Ron who was stuck in the spider web-shaped pit, feeling a little strange.

You fell down before I even tried my best

Are you kidding me? !

"Cough... cough..."

Hearing these words, the corners of Ron's mouth twitched in a daze.

God didn't run away!

Do you know how fast your kick is

I bet that old bastard Garp may not be able to dodge perfectly! !

He also tied up the armed domineering force because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to kill me by kicking him! ! !

After taking a few breaths, Ron moved his limbs, trying to pull himself out of the gap. The movement involved broken bones, which made him wince in pain. After a long time, he suddenly felt that he had no support and fell from the wall.


Continuing to take a breath, Ron said to Zefa like a salted fish: "That's it for today's training, teacher, let me recuperate..."

No more!

Even if his self-healing power is amazing, if he continues to be beaten, he will really be beaten to death by Zefa! !

Zefa smacked his lips at Ron's request.

To be honest, although Ron's strength is not obvious yet, his strength and resistance to beatings are definitely top-notch! Over the past few days, he even liked the feeling of beating Ron... Just imagine, a sandbag that can recover within a day no matter how hard it is beaten. After beating, the sandbag can be exercised and strengthened. Zefa has no reason not to like it!

But after all, the gap between Ron and him was too big. At this time, his body was suffering from more and more injuries. If he continued to fight, the gains would outweigh the losses. It was time to stop.

"Forget it! Let's stay here today and continue tomorrow."

Zefa said a line that made Ron relax, and then added seriously: "Hurry up and become stronger, my disciple!"

In this way, I can also fight more happily.