One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 58: M. Caesar Courant


Following Kizaru, the three of them came to the underground warehouse.

Different from the last time when there were only a few of them here, it was very lively here today. Lieutenant generals from the headquarters of the famous town of Dahai gathered around the makeshift stands on the edge, including major generals and brigadiers, whispering to each other, waiting for the test to begin.

Looking at them, Ron couldn't help but think that if Whitebeard suddenly appeared now and punched the air, the backbone of the navy would be reduced by at least one third! !

There is a group of researchers in white coats in the open space in the middle surrounded by stands. The naked man sitting in a giant instrument that covers an area of more than ten square meters is the one with a power of more than 6000, which is the specialty of the major general position. Ryan... ahem, for example, don't avoid relatives.

When Garp walked in, Tryon noticed it immediately and straightened his back and saluted.

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

Tryon did not move his buttocks. The second-stage instrument required more complex equipment to maintain stability due to the increased current flow, so he could not move while sitting on it until the researchers set everything up.

"Well, I'll just come over and see the excitement, and you can test it without any worries."

Garp waved his hand as a greeting.


Then he looked at Ron and nodded sincerely.

Ron nodded blankly in return.

"Mr. Karp, this is..."

At this time, a tall man wearing a cloak of justice came over. He looks very special... It's not that the combination of his facial features is special, but that the upper half of his face is exactly the same as a Dalmatian among animals, and his two dog ears are drooped longer than his chin. The lower half of the face has a normal human structure, and a golden beard is very conspicuous. At the same time, the back of this person's hands also had Dalmatian-like fur, and his feet were supported on the ground like a dog, giving him a vivid kobold appearance.

Looking at the military rank, he was the same Lieutenant General of the headquarters as Garp, but his tone was full of respect. This was probably a common problem among the "Garp faction" of the department.

"Oh, it's Dalmecia!"

Garp was startled and said: "It seems that you are used to half-animal transformation, which is quite good!"

"The Dog Fruit Dalmatian form doesn't have any special abilities. I can only work hard on training my body. By the way, this..."

Lieutenant General Dalmecia shook his head with a wry smile and continued to look at Ron. Garp suddenly realized this and slapped his head: "I almost forgot! Ron, this is Lieutenant General Dalmecia, a master of physical arts who can maintain his half-animal form for a week!"

A week in a row? ! !

"Hello, Lieutenant General Dalmecia."

Ron stood at attention and saluted.

This is true respect!

Among the three series of Devil Fruit users, the ability of users with animal type fruit abilities requires the most physical support. However, because the animal type is too broad and there are few heaven-defying forms, many animal type users have low achievements and are considered Considered to be the weakest line, it is a typical thankless job.

Compared with the Ancient Species and Phantom Beast Species, Lieutenant General Dalmecia's Dalmatian form looks extremely ridiculous.

But under this premise, this person practiced hard in physical skills, allowing himself to maintain his semi-animal form for a long time, and tortured himself with the fruit ability all the time. This is not only a kind of proof, but also a kind of exercise, and it is also a kind of belief!

From him, Ron saw himself!

" it you?"

Dalmecia has obviously heard of Ron's name. Although he was not personally present at the test a few months ago, he is no stranger to this super rookie who continued the legend of the three great generals. Not to mention, their hope for a breakthrough, the lightning stimulation instrument, was developed based on the lightning stimulation method developed by Ron. Without Ron, most of them would have really come to an end.

"You are a good little guy! I like you! Hahahaha!"

Dalmecia's voice was not quiet, and many people heard the word "Ron". As a result, the makeshift stands became noisy, and a large group of naval generals cast friendly glances at it.

Feeling the stares from all around, Ron suddenly understood why Cap pulled him to watch the test.

Just like when he let himself get off the boat with him in Huadu...

Face it!

He knew how many big shots gathered here today, so he dragged himself over to brush his face!

And compared with Huadu, the goodwill of colleagues is undoubtedly more important!

While Ron nodded to a group of big guys honestly, he muttered in his heart: "Why is the old bastard so nice to me? Is he trying to sell me out again?!"

Beware of scams!

Ron had a smile on his face, but he was wary in his heart.

"Dr. Courant! The instrument has been debugged and can be started at any time!"

Soon after, the performance by the people in white coats ended. The old Mediterranean man who had met him once put his head behind the instrument and said with some respect.

"I know! I'll be fine soon!"

A man's face with unflattering makeup emerged from behind the instrument. He had long purple-black hair, a horn-like decoration on his head, and thick purple paint on his lips... maybe that was his original lip color.

To describe the whole person's temperament in one word, that is "coquettish"!

But at this moment, his face was covered with oil, he was holding a screwdriver in his hand, and he looked embarrassed, waving his hand away from the Mediterranean Sea impatiently. Then, he whispered to himself: "No, I have to check again here. So many generals are watching me. If something goes wrong, I will never surpass Vegapunk in my life!"

When Ron noticed a guy lying behind the instrument, he didn't pay attention.

The repairman!

If you don't jump up and down in the dark, what kind of words does it look like

But the moment he raised his head, Ron, who was complimenting each other with Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, almost bit his tongue.

What the hell

mCaesar Courant? ! ! !

The coquettish guy in front of him is the big boss of the original Punk Hassad chapter, the mad scientist who was offered a bounty of 300 million by the world government, m Caesar Courant!

Why is this madman here? !

Ron looked confused.

"Well, what?"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel noticed Ron's strangeness, followed his gaze, and frowned: "Do you know Dr. Caesar Curran?"

As a genius scientist under the World Government second only to Vegapunk, shouldn't Ron know him? !

Officers below the rank of rear admiral at the Navy Headquarters are not even qualified to know the existence of the other party!

Could it be...

Flying Squirrel's eyes narrowed. The eyes of this old guy who had become a lieutenant general thirty years ago were so vicious, and he suddenly had a bold guess in his heart.

In response, Ron swallowed his saliva as if he didn't care at all, pointed at Caesar Curran and asked.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, are the horns on his head real? Are they some kind of monster?"

Flying Squirrel: "..."

Speechlessly twitching the corner of his mouth, the flying squirrel relaxed and rolled his eyes: "What a mess! It's just a decoration... Besides, the sea is so vast, what's weird even if someone really has horns on their head!" "

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Ron patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good... you know, I hate ghosts and monsters the most!"


The flying squirrel glared at Ron with hatred and shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Seeing this scene, Ron licked his lips dryly and took a half step back, but his eyes suddenly became deep.

The Navy Headquarters in the year 1515 of the Haiyuan calendar, Caesar Courant appeared here, and there seemed to be no problem...