One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 60: Hell Island survival training


After the white coats took action, the cause of the failure was quickly found. It was indeed insufficient power supply from the science unit's generator.

However, Caesar was also at fault. In order to gain credit, he sent the finished product to the Navy headquarters without taking care to prepare the safety device for breaking the gate. At the moment when the power was cut off, the chaotic current inside the instrument was forced to reach its peak. If Tryon hadn't been extremely strong, he would have been seriously injured even if he died!

Ever since, the matter was handed over to Wulaoxing.

After all, they have taken away most of the instruments, so if an accident occurs, the CP organization will be the hardest hit. Then, while waiting for the Five Old Stars to deal with it, Caesar Courant was ordered to be grounded. When the design was completed, he could not go out.

"Thank you very much this time, Mr. Ron, if it weren't for you..."

At the entrance of the science team, after being scolded by Kizaru in a murderous tone, Caesar ran over wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

If Ron hadn't first identified the cause of the accident as "insufficient power supply", even if it was found out that he was not the main fault, Wulaoxing would not punish him severely, nor would the surrounding lieutenant generals who were eagerly waiting to become stronger. Tear him alive!

What can you do if you don't have the ability

I was shocked!

Therefore, Caesar expressed his sincere gratitude to Ron. After all, apart from his personality problems, Caesar deserves his status as the "second best scientist in the world".

"You're welcome, Dr. Caesar. After all, this matter is also due to my negligence. I am the developer of the lightning stimulation method, and I did not consider how people without the thunder fruit ability can supply high amounts of current. It is shameful to say that!"

Ron said with a smile, gently exposing Caesar's mistake, and said goodbye with a smile.

Caesar watched Ron walk away, suddenly shuddered and became excited.


Why am I so stupid? !

The developer of the lightning stimulation method is right in front of you!

With his help, this project is inherently invincible!


The opponent is a user with the Thunder Fruit ability! ! The user with the thunder fruit ability who has disappeared for hundreds of years! ! The pacifist who was pitied by Vegapunk was full of regrets because he did not have the ability of a user with the thunder fruit ability! !

If he takes the first step to apply his ability to weapons through blood factors, wouldn't that mean...


Suddenly, Caesar's eyes lit up and he wanted to catch up. Then Kizaru appeared beside him lightly and stopped him just before he was about to step out of the door.

"Dr. Caesar, where do you want to go?"

Cold sweat suddenly soaked his whole body. Caesar lowered his head and laughed dryly: "Nothing, nothing... I'm going to modify the instrument!"

After that, it turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

"It's best not to have a second accident, Caesar, or I'll put you into an instrument test!"

Kizaru pouted and whispered to himself in a low voice.

As a user with natural gas fruit abilities, Caesar's entire body was transformed into gas by Devil Fruit. As for gas, ordinary people, even if they are not the commander of the scientific force, know that it can easily be ignited and exploded.

If Caesar were inserted into the instrument for testing, the high temperature of the current would continuously ignite him and burn him repeatedly.

On the premise that he cannot die, the pain involved is a hundred times more uncomfortable than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

The next day, the new barracks of the headquarters.

Just after a day of exercise, Ron was called to the office by Zefa.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Come in… "

After receiving a response, Ron pushed the door open and said, "You are looking for me, Teacher Zefa?"

"That's right, sit down and talk!"

Zefa took off his prosthetic leg and put it aside. As the weather gets warmer, the wooden prosthetic leg will only get hotter and hotter when worn on his hand. Therefore, Zefa usually does not wear the prosthetic leg in a private space. Ron's eyes paused for a moment on the prosthetic leg that was shiny when touched by his hand, and then said: "Smoking less cigars when you get older is harmful to your health."

Zefa paused as he took out the documents from the table, pondered for a moment and then cursed: "I'm very healthy! You don't need to worry about it!"

Then he took out the file and threw it to Ron.

"Let's take a look and sign if you don't mind!"

Although he was not polite, Zefa silently put down his half-smoked cigar. Then he saw Ron holding the document and rubbing it repeatedly like a psycho, and suddenly an unknown anger arose: "What are you doing?!"

"No... nothing!"

Ron shrank his neck and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not a Yin-Yang document, so what does it say

A few minutes later, Ron finished reading the document, tapped his fingers on the table, and fell into deep thought. This document is not something important, it is just a certificate of qualification for transferring him to Hell Island to participate in survival training.

Whether Hell Island is dangerous or not is another matter. Ron is concerned about another thing.

"If I survive three months on Hell Island and come back, I will be qualified to leave the camp, right?"

Commander Zefa's recruit camp did not have a graduation examination, that was something only a bunch of brats from the military academy at the headquarters did. For recruits who want to become a qualified officer, the iconic test is to undergo Hell Island survival training and live on the island for three months without any supplies. As long as it passes, then Ron will no longer be a new recruit, but a naval officer recognized by Zefa and able to act alone!

"Are you so anxious to drive me away?"

Ron smacked his lips, not knowing how to speak.

For more than half a year, Zefa's care for him has been obvious to all. Although he likes "hands-on" education, the benefits Ron received are real, and his strength is completely different from half a year ago, and these cannot be faked. When he thought that the teacher was going to "kick him out" of the recruit camp, Ron couldn't help but feel a little... regretful

He couldn't understand.

In response, Zefa snorted coldly: "Do you believe you will get beaten if you say another word?"

Then looking at the expression on Ron's face, Zefa suddenly laughed: "There are many things I want to teach you, Ron. Practical experience, knowledge of the sea, the Sixth Form of the Navy, domineering, I want to think of everything. Teach you. But you have to know that we are the navy! If we want to learn advanced skills, we must rely on military merit! So... do you understand what I mean

Ron's eyes suddenly brightened and he nodded.


How could Ron not understand this

Because he had no military merit, Zefa was unable to teach himself many things due to regulations. And in the recruit camp, no matter how good he is, he is just a recruit. How can he get so many military achievements in exchange for guidance? Zefa's job as the chief instructor of the new recruit camp is to ensure that the recruits are not left behind too much. Everything else is left to the soldiers themselves, which is also a disguised means of motivation.

And even if there is no talent, who wouldn’t like a soldier who works hard and dares to fight

Thinking about it this way, leaving the boot camp is not a bad thing!

The most important military merit in the navy!

Those who have made contributions will never be neglected!

Garp was nominated several times to be promoted to general. In addition to his strength, it was also because his military achievements were so high that he could not be rewarded! And his current extraordinary status in the headquarters, in addition to the reputation accumulated in the past, is also derived from this unrewarded military merit!

After all, you have to know that the old bastard is a guy who dares to angrily call the Tianlong people trash in front of the Five Old Stars, but in the end nothing happened!

He is just a vice admiral!

Even if his strength reaches its peak, will the Five Old Stars be afraid of him? !

Now Ron had nothing, and Zefa was constrained by the rules and had nothing new to teach him. Only when he slowly accumulates military merits after going to sea can Zefa be able to teach him with confidence and train him into a top-level navy.

No matter what advanced skills you have, they are nothing compared to military achievements!

And the problem of being unable to accept Zefa's teachings after leaving the recruit camp is a joke in itself!

Regardless of the fact that he is already a recognized "disciple of Zefa" and the teacher guides his disciples in practice, the Warring States Marshal cannot say otherwise. Just say that in the recruit camp, how many times does Zefa appear in front of the public on weekdays

He had more time, so even if Ron left the recruit camp, he could still accept Zefa's teachings as long as he returned to the headquarters.

That being the case!

"Wait a minute, speaking of military exploits..."

Ron looked at Zefa carefully and reminded: "It has been so long since the Huadu mission, haven't my military merits been assigned yet?"

It has been almost half a month since they returned, plus the month spent traveling, it should be allotted by now.

"Oh, that thing! If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten..."

Zefa looked at him with a smile: "Originally, you have made great contributions and must be rewarded. But who told you that you arrested the members of the Baroque Working Society as the chief guard of the Huadu Palace? So your contribution should go to Luo Shah… Oh no, King Fred’s Commendation.”

Ron was immediately stunned: "So I didn't get any credit, right?! How could you do this?! I was trapped in the enemy camp and had to endure hardships. I have toil without any credit, right?!"

"Hmph! The Five Old Stars have been made irritable by King Kobra of Alabasta. Being able to continue to acquiesce in naval operations is already an act of mercy outside the law. Do you still want to work hard?"

Zefa snorted coldly and waved his hand: "Sign or not? If you sign, get out!!"


Standing blankly outside the door, Ron's face was dark, and he gritted his teeth and spit out a name: "Crocodale!!"

Look at the good things you did! !