One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 61: It's hell!


Three days later, a warship docked in the bay port directly in front of the headquarters fortress.

This is a real war beast! It’s not Cap’s sexy ship!

There are many forts on the deck, flags are displayed high, and the muskets are neatly held on the shoulders of the soldiers, shining brightly in the sun!

This warship is the ship that comes to pick up Ron... and others to Hell Island.

Twice a year, for three months at a time, they are led by a lieutenant general from the headquarters and travel between Hell Island and the Navy Headquarters. It has been in service for more than 20 years. Seaweed, green algae and fang claw marks can be faintly seen in the clean areas of the hull. It is full of mottled traces left by the years. The red rust on the muzzle and the white but clean military flag. It caused a wind of iron and blood to hit my face!

Ron, the man who handed over command of the warship to Flying Squirrel at the port, looked familiar. He was one of the five lieutenant generals who participated in the order to kill the demons on Judiciary Island in the original book, and was the Navy Eagle who captured Marco while he was distracted during the war. Send the elite, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!

Although he didn't care about other people's ideas of justice, Ron was relieved after learning that the leader of his crew was the always gentle Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.

It's the same anyway, who likes to face a boss with a dead face all day long

Look at those soldiers, they are almost more afraid of ghost spiders than pirates!

"Thank you for your hard work, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!"

The flying squirrel didn't care about Ghost Spider's expression at all, and walked up to him and saluted him seriously.

"It's our duty and our duty to do so!"

Ghost Spider returned the favor with a military salute and said: "The warship was attacked by the Sea Kings when it was returning. Although the cabin has been repaired, we still have to be careful to prevent water leakage. In addition, there is enough fresh water and supplies, and we can sail at any time."

One advantage of a hawkish officer is that he does what you say without any extra thoughts. Unless there is force majeure or everyone is dead, they will try their best to complete the task beautifully without being greedy for credit!

Just like the return of the Ghost Spider, a few simple words overshadowed the danger of being attacked by the sea kings, but judging from the large new wooden boards on the side of the ship, the danger at that time must have been extraordinary!

This is a war beast, a movable sea bunker!

Even a large piece of its hull was torn off. That Sea King class is definitely not a good one!

Seeing this, the flying squirrel saluted again: "Thank you for reminding me! I will pay attention to it!"

"it is my responsibility!"

Ghost Spider returned the same greeting again, then he chewed his cigar and glanced at the navy rookies standing aside with different expressions. He paused for a moment on a face behind the crowd, and asked in slight surprise: "That kid over there... I remember He has only been in the navy for half a year, right?"

The Huadu mission was a secret mission, so except for core members such as Warring States, no one knew that Ron had been training in the Navy as a "civilian". But even if you don't know, Ron has only been joining the Navy for more than half a year, and if you want to go to Hell Island, training for less than a year is absolutely not allowed!


"That kid is too strong! The marshal had to make an exception and let him get out early..."

The Flying Squirrel knew who he was talking about. In fact, this was his first reaction when he got the list. But if you think about it carefully, why not

The navy strictly prohibits recruits who have been trained for less than a year from going to Hell Island. It is simply because they are worried that the recruits are not strong enough and may die there prematurely without being trained. In the final analysis, it is still a question of strength!

And this problem is not a problem at all for Ron!

As long as he doesn't touch certain monsters in the core area of Hell Island, his strength is enough to protect himself!

Not to mention he is a natural type!

Even if most monsters are stronger than him, they have no way to restrain his elementalization.

Coupled with the self-healing ability that the top management is well aware of, the absolute speed and explosive power of the Thunder Fruit, and the shockingly powerful physique...all these conditions combined, even they must be serious if they want to kill Ron. Just fine.

Hearing these words, Ghost Spider also remembered the "2700" power value that Ron scored during the year-end evaluation... This is a number that completely exceeds the minimum standard for survival on Hell Island! So he nodded and sighed: "Are the natural guys all monsters?"

The current three major generals are like this, and the same will probably be true for Ron in the future...

"No, Ron is special..."

The flying squirrel shook his head and made no excuse.

As a veteran of the Navy headquarters who is second only to Garp in the Warring States Period, he has witnessed with his own eyes how the three generals have become legends step by step. However, compared with the current Ron, Flying Squirrel feels that there are still some shortcomings...

At least in terms of physical talent, he can surpass the three generals!

After learning paper painting in half a month, this interesting incident that happened on Garp’s ship has already made everyone who knows about it regard Ron as a monster!

After lengthy inspections, the warship was able to sail.

Woohoo! !

With a piercing whistle, the war beast slowly started to move away from the navy headquarters.

On the deck, there were thirty-six new recruits of the same period, including Ron, and they were all elite recruits who met the minimum requirements.

At first, everyone was excited at the thought that as long as they survived on Hell Island for more than three months, they would be a qualified naval officer. But when Ghost Spider returned with the previous team, this excitement was gradually replaced by anxiety, fear, and uneasiness.

The reason is that of the last batch of twenty-one recruits who went to Hell Island, only seventeen came back alive!

The mortality rate is close to 20%!

And these seventeen people were all injured, so haggard and embarrassed that they were worse than beggars! Moreover, three people are disabled and five people are seriously injured. Even if they recover well, their future will not be "bright"!


Looking at the flying squirrel standing in front of the deck with his sword drawn and looking at the navy headquarters, one of the recruits boldly asked: "Hell Island... what the hell is this place?"

Prior to this, everyone was ordered not to tell the recruits any information about Hell Island. So there is nothing to be afraid of on Hell Island, which is regarded by the recruits as the last hurdle on the shortcut to Qingyun. No matter how hard and tiring it is, can it still compare to the training in the recruit camp

But when they really saw the tragic situation of the brothers and sisters who returned from Hell Island, their luck was gradually infected by fear. A few timid people even started to fight with each other and began to regret signing the consent form.

Hearing the recruits' questions, the flying squirrel came back from looking at them and glanced at them.

"Did you know... of the 17 people who came back in the last batch, only 9 people finally passed?"

Instead of answering the question, he asked a seemingly unrelated question.

In response, the recruits shook their heads.

Due to the news blockade, even the wealthy navy families did not dare to leak the news to their own children without authorization. They only warned them again and again that Hell Island was very dangerous and asked them to be prepared.

"This is the only help this department can provide you..."

The flying squirrel's eyes were as cold as a knife as he swept across a group of restless recruits: "If you think you can't survive, you can seek shelter at the warship station."

It's not that you can ask for support at the price of failure when your life is in danger, but when you think you can't survive, you can return to the warship and accept the protection of the flying squirrel!

The meaning of this is not just as simple as the strength gap faced when encountering danger!

It also means that Hell Island is a purgatory on earth that is enough for them, the proud men of heaven, to bow their heads and surrender! !

None of the recruits present were fools. As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly looked tense.

Hell Island is so terrifying!

Even Ron is no exception...

But unlike others who were frightened, Ron was thinking about how many sandbags he could find suitable for practicing if it was so dangerous! !

As for danger and death

So why not? !

Becoming stronger is his only goal!

If he died there, it meant that he was just a man like that...

The flying squirrel's words didn't seem to have much relevance, but they actually answered the recruit's question in another way.

What exactly is Hell Island

It's hell! ! !

… …

Thanks to the book friend ~Pujie Wang~ for the 600 reward! Thanks to the book friend ~Sanchi Qingfeng~ for the 100 reward!

When I returned to my hometown, I discovered that long-sleeved, long-trousers and jackets have already been adopted here. On the other hand, the big tree, the T-shirt shorts bought by Heilan Home, and a pair of flip-flops... Did I remember the season wrong or is it really that cold? I think the current weather is so hot that it won’t be too hot without turning on the air conditioner and fan? ?