One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 64: Dangerous Hell Island!


Early the next morning, Ron packed up his luggage and walked step by step toward the ground along the roughly modified stairs inside the cave.

In fact, he had nothing to take away. He was not allowed to take food, medicine or tools with him, and he could only take away a thin recruit's short-sleeved shirt. Swordsmen are better off and can bring their own swords with them.

Although he drove away Dongte in disguise last night with the idea of "getting rid of him", Ron did not deceive him.

Whether you can recognize yourself clearly is a key point that is more important than strength, faith, and dreams! Only those who can clearly see how much they weigh have the opportunity to correct, adapt, and make progress. Then use it as the cornerstone to build towers of strength, faith and dreams on top.

Pure training is the most meaningless. In this dangerous world where people can die anytime, anywhere, judgment is the most important! A mistake in judgment can have serious consequences!

In addition to being strong and loyal, naval officers are more importantly smart!

Know what judgments to make in any situation, know what you can touch and what you can't touch, become mature, be open to the world, be as calm as a mountain, and have a strong heart... this!

This is the result the Navy wants to see.

It is also the real goal of the test.

Hell Island is a huge furnace with rolling flames. It will use the most cruel method to temper the recruits into refined steel.

As for some rubbish…

Just throw it away.

On the deck of the warship, the flying squirrel, who had not slept all night, looked deeply at the recruits who silently walked out of the room and disappeared into the dark stairs, silently sending blessings.

At seven o'clock, the colonel in charge of statistics came over and said to Flying Squirrel: "Report! Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, there are thirty-six recruits in this period, and three of them did not leave on time. One of them claimed that he overslept, and the other two did not reason."

Three! !

It seems that yesterday's scene put a lot of pressure on them...

The corner of the flying squirrel's mouth twitched a few times, about to have an attack, but finally sighed and waved his hand: "I know, let's arrange it and let them clean the toilet for three months!"


The colonel turned around and left without delay.

This kind of thing is not surprising. Every time they come to Hell Island, there are a few people who give up the test because of fear.

Giving up the test means that all their efforts in the recruit camp are in vain. They can only start from the first class or second class. Even if they have the protection of their family, it will be difficult to get up again.

In fact, there was one thing that Flying Squirrel didn't tell them. Even if they were eliminated, those who persisted until the last step before running back to seek asylum could at worst become sergeants.

And those who give up directly will be given up directly by the entire navy!

The stairs were not very long. When Ron walked out of the cave and came to the ground, there was already a large group of people waiting here.

Quindonte saw Ron coming out and barely smiled at him, but his face didn't look good.

Ron thought about it and knew why, so he stopped, stood with them, and stared at the exit.

One... two... five...


"It's 7 o'clock..."

Dongte muttered to himself and told the time. Hearing his words, the crowd felt a little sad and not in high spirits... No matter who it was, they couldn't be happy when their comrades really chose to give up.

For a year or even several years, they had trained so hard together, endured so much hardship, suffered so many injuries, and had vowed to advance and retreat together, but they all dimmed in the face of this harsh fact.

"They made their choice... now, it's our turn!"

Dongte cheered up and became serious, and said: "I am a swordsman, with a strength value of 700, which is enough to deal with most wild beasts. But I have no survival experience in the wild, so I need helpers! Is anyone willing to join me?"

After a long talk last night, Dongte still embarked on this path. This is the path he chose, and no one has the right to interfere.

Soon, someone walked out of the crowd.


It was a person with animal abilities. When he first saw him transforming back and forth from a monkey to a human on the playground, Ron was still very surprised.

"I am a person with the animal type monkey fruit golden monkey form ability! I am good at climbing trees, my sense of smell and hearing are three times that of ordinary people, and I can also tell whether the fruit is poisonous. I can help you!"

With the first, naturally there will be a second.

Soon, Dongte led a team of ten people and left towards the east.

The remaining people either choose to experience it alone or travel in small groups.

As for Ron…

"I am a natural fruit ability user, so I want to find someone who can kill my opponent!!"

Seeing Ron with a faint smile on his face, saying shocking words, and stepping towards the wild forest leading to the center of Hell Island, a group of people stood in awe.

When we landed on the island yesterday afternoon, everyone saw what kind of land Hell Island was.

To the east is a tropical rain forest. A huge active volcano spewed tens of thousands of tons of magma into the sky, and forest fires soon ignited! The magma cools and accumulates year after year, even forming hills hundreds of meters high, all over the place!

There is an ice field to the west, which seems less dangerous than the east. However, when they landed yesterday, two giant beasts over 300 meters in size fought fiercely on the ice field, tearing the iceberg apart with their fangs and claws! The winner used a very violent method to twist off the loser's head and smash it into the sea not far from the warship, causing huge waves. From the thick fur on their bodies, it can be seen that they are not just passers-by, but long-term residents of the ice sheet.

As for the middle of the island…

Coincidentally, this was an area of thunderstorms.

It seems that due to the climate on the left and right, the thunder and lightning here fall like rain and never stop.

They saw a giant snake over a kilometer long coiled on the top of a mountain on the sea, and the next moment they were struck by a white thunder pillar falling from the sky! The big snake that was lucky enough to survive roared and fell from the mountain. Then... densely packed beasts emerged from the wild forest and tore it into pieces!

The highly poisonous purple snake blood flows along the ditch, from the bottom of the mountain to the mouth of the sea, and the smell is all over the sky! Even now, the number of marine creatures poisoned by snake blood is still increasing.

This is Hell Island!

A hell on earth that combines extreme climate, ferocious beasts, and poisonous plagues!

Ron chose to go to the most dangerous thunderstorm area for training, and the recruits had no other choice but to send him blessings. If it were them, even if they wanted to give up, they would have no chance of coming out of the thunderstorm alive.

Three days later, the thunderstorm area was deserted.

Boom! Click! !

A roar of thunder filled his ears, hitting a beetle-like monster accurately. Suddenly, the thunder and lightning in the sky were like a drawn river, concentrating on the monster. When the thunder and lightning dissipated, the monster twitched several times...

He got up like nothing happened and continued to kill Ron!

"What the hell... this lightning resistance is too strong!!"

Although Ron didn't look much embarrassed at this time, the fatigue revealed in his eyes was still very obvious.

This is his third day deep into the wild forest...

Having only eaten one piece of meat in three days, Ron's eyes were bloodshot from hunger.

At first, he thought he would be able to survive in this thunderstorm area by relying on the thunder fruit, but the facts soon gave him a bad idea.

Not to mention being very handy, now he has to be careful to avoid getting burned even when he discharges electricity! !

His Thunder Fruit is completely restrained here!

It's not that he can't use it, but once he uses his ability, the thunderstorms in the sky will be attracted by the electric current he inspires, and focus on bombing his location!

As a lightning man, Ron can guarantee that he will not be struck to death by lightning, but under the intensive bombardment of powerful currents in nature, he cannot move at all... As a user with the thunder fruit ability, he is an extra-large lightning rod, wherever he goes Disaster!

Including himself!

Moreover, there are no plants in the wild forest, and even after digging three feet into the ground, I can't find any edible stems... Those trees are actually dead long ago. It was the high temperature of thunder and lightning that baked them into a weird hard crystal, so they can still stand tall. Does not fall.

Speaking of this, some people may ask, what should the animals eat in this barren forest

The answer of course is meat!

So a new problem comes...

Thunder and lightning fall from the sky anytime and anywhere in this area. What kind of animals can live and multiply here

Of course they are guys who are incredibly resistant to lightning! ! !

Just like this guy in front of me...

The Muscle Beetle is two meters tall and has muscles all over his body. He is a very muscular man! But its strength of less than 1,000 power is not strong for Ron. To the outside world, it is something that can kill a large group of people with a backhand slap.

But here, with the electric shock of 30 million volts and the induced lightning bombardment, it just shook its head and twitched a few times and acted like a normal person.

The piece of meat he ate yesterday was something he snatched from another wolf-shaped monster with horny scythes on its legs, so he knew that this kind of beetle could eat it. It's just that the resistance to electricity is too strong, and the speed of burrowing into the ground is comparable to the flight of birds. Without being able to use the fruit's ability at will, three of them escaped along the way. This is the fourth one.

The lightning failed again. Looking at the meat beetle rushing toward him, Ron took a deep breath and simply clenched his fists.

"Fortunately, I'm not Enelu. If he was here instead of living on an empty island, he would have starved to death, right?"

People with thunder fruit abilities are unparalleled in the outside world, but the only advantage here is that they don't have to worry about dying from unknown AoE. Besides... nothing!

If Enel was here, starving to death would be his only outcome.

He clenched his fists, and muscles flexed like a python, making his arms look bigger. Then, Ron looked at the monster's mouthparts, roared angrily, and punched out his fist.

Boom... click...

Boom! !

The sound of cracking carapace and strange stirring sounds were drowned out by the thunder. Ron's fist inserted into the mouthparts of the other insect and emerged from its head. The white walnut-shaped brain matter and brain water made his hands covered with greasy and viscous liquid, which looked extremely disgusting.

This beetle has an upright ape body structure similar to humans, with its pectoral and biceps muscles clearly visible. From a distance, it looks like a strong man wearing a beetle doll suit. But the four extra arms on its ribs and the ferocious insect-like organ on its head prove that it is not human.


Suffering such a heavy blow, the muscle beetle flailed its limbs wildly, trying to break free.

Boom! !

At this time, Ron grabbed the tender belly of the beetle with his backhand, flipped it over and smashed it to the ground, then added a kick and completely crushed its head.

"You're going to die now, right?"

Just like flat a restrains all movements, fists restrain all resistance!

But the only question is, who said a bug’s weak point is its brain? …


Suddenly, the muscle beetle that had completely disappeared above its neck jumped up. Without saying a word, it lay on the ground and ran away on its six legs. Body fluids flowed out from the hole in its neck, spreading all over the place, but the speed was quite astonishing!

Ron was immediately confused.

This kind of horror is tantamount to a normal person having his head cut off, blood spurting out, and then running wildly at a speed that can compete with Usain Bolt in a 100-meter race!

"He's not dead yet, why are you playing with me?!"

Ron immediately jumped up and ran wildly.

If I don’t catch up, I won’t have anything to eat today! !