One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 65: Abyss Canyon


In the central thunderstorm area, in the wild forest, two figures were chasing each other back and forth as if they were walking on the ground. The crystallized tree trunk was as hard as steel, but it was nothing in front of the two violent criminals. The chase was just crackling all the way.

Because elementalization would attract concentrated lightning bombardment, Ron could only step onto the No. 11 bus and chase the muscle beetle in front of him that was still alive without its head.


What should I say

As expected of a bug

When it lies on the ground and runs on six legs, it is quite fast! Ron was surprised to find that with his Six-Style attainment, he couldn't catch up, and could only barely keep the distance from him!

You must know that Ron is not the Ron of the past. His strength is not what it used to be. Even if he is simply shaving, his speed is still 100 meters in three seconds!

The result is that at such a speed, it is completely impossible to catch up!

Fortunately, the muscular beetle without the two jointed limbs on its head could not escape by burrowing into the ground, otherwise Ron would really be blinded!

Even the muscular beetle at the bottom of the food chain in the wild forest has the ability to burrow into the ground and sprint like this. It's no wonder that Hell Island is called Hell.

It is very difficult to survive here!

Just when Ron was getting tired of chasing, the forest suddenly dispersed, and a cliff appeared in front of him.

Hell Island is very big. Ron walked for three days, but the mountains in the distance were still far away. In this land of high mountains and lofty mountains, cliffs are not uncommon. The headless muscle beetle couldn't see the route ahead, so it just rushed forward with its head down and was about to fall.

"Wait a minute, fall down?"

Suddenly, Ron's eyes lit up, he twisted around forcefully while running, and jumped down the slope.

Swish, swish!

A man and a beetle, more than ten meters apart, performed a leap of faith on the cliff. Losing its footing, the muscle beetle's six legs still fluttered, but it could only fall downwards in vain. At this time, Ron seized the opportunity and turned into thunder and launched himself.

Bang! !

"Hahaha! I caught you!!"

Using the "cross lock" posture to clamp his arms and legs tightly on the beetle, Ron laughed loudly.

I am no match for you if you run forward, but Mother Earth treats everyone equally as far as the speed of falling!


The beetle that had lost its head seemed to realize that it had no way out, and started struggling wildly. But purely for strength, no joke, Ron's confidence in this aspect is greater than the Thunder Fruit! !

No matter how hard the beetle struggled, Ron seemed to be growing on it and couldn't break free at all.

Only then did Ron discover that the muscle beetle's vocal organs seemed to grow on its back, so it could make a sound even without its head. Of course, this is not important. What is important is that he can finally eat enough today!

The thrill of falling at high speed is very scary, but Ron is a natural ability user and cannot fall to his death.

Besides... falling from a high altitude is something that happens once and becomes familiar again!

At this moment, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and hit them... It was the thunder attracted by Ron's elemental movement just now. The trajectory of his movement was like a river dug in the plain. The guided thunder turned around in mid-air. Bend and hit them directly.

Sizzle! !

There was a burnt aroma on the tip of his nose, and Ron suddenly had a premonition.

It seems... No need to barbecue later


Boom! ! !

It’s over.

This is a barren rock area. Because the depth is too deep, the brightness of the sunlight coming in is completely insufficient, and it is pitch black wherever you look.

But in this place that should have sunk into darkness forever, there is a glimmer of light today.

The light was so dazzling that many creatures in the darkness were chirping in fear and staying away from this place.

Boom! !

One person and one insect hit the hard stone, smashing it into pieces!

After a while, Ron climbed up from the pit and shook his slightly numb arm: "It seems that practicing with iron blocks is still very effective. After falling from a height of one thousand meters, I can't even force out my elemental transformation." ”

The passive effect of elementalization is that it will appear automatically as long as you are injured, even if it is suppressed by the six-style "iron block", it will be very easy to appear. Even this is not forced out, which means that his superficial defense in the iron state has reached an extremely terrifying level, no different from real steel!

It's not that Ron doesn't rely on the Thunder Fruit, he just doesn't want to become a useless person who is nothing without the Thunder Fruit!

So far, he is doing the right thing.


Accompanied by bursts of thunder, the cracks on Ron's body closed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon they were completely healed, and even his clothes looked brand new. After the self-healing was completed, Ron moved his joints with a "thump, thump, thump", then picked up a piece of blood-stained meat from the ground, put his nose close to sniff it.

"Well... Qi is mature!"

Although muscle beetles have strong lightning resistance, you can't penetrate their carapace without using special moves. But the inside of any living thing is fragile. The lightning that struck from the sky poured in through the hole in the beetle's neck, roasting it from the inside out into a medium-rare roast.

After not eating enough for three days, Ron could still swallow even a piece of raw meat, let alone medium rare!


When you take a bite, the unique aroma fills your mouth, and the meat juices stir in your mouth. It is a little salty, but more of a moisture! This feeling was similar to the dark cuisine he had eaten before: charcoal grilled watermelon! But it is chewier than that, and the deliciousness and filling feeling of protein cannot be replaced by fruit.

"Hmm... It still smells familiar! Not bad!"

Ron made a syllable through his nose comfortably and bit into pieces of meat. Then he sat on the ground, tore off pieces of muscle from the fallen muscle beetle, put it into his mouth and chewed it.

At the bottom of the dark canyon, the heart-stopping sound of chewing kept echoing. The scene was really scary!

An unprecedented fragrance filled the empty dark depths, and a hint of bold creatures began to approach. Ron's ears suddenly twitched and he waved his hand to create a bolt of lightning.

Boom! !

He didn't use elementalization just to heal the rip in his clothes. When he came to the bottom of the canyon, for the first time, Ron no longer felt like he was surrounded by dense electric ions, so he tested it and found that using lightning at the bottom of the canyon was indeed effective. It won't cause thunderstorms, so I use my hands without any scruples.


After the thunder, a centipede-like insect struggled on the ground for a few times, curling up in pain.

"I see, is it because the environment is different? But... I can't eat it."

The giant centipede is more than three meters long. Like a beetle, it is a muscular man and is completely different from a normal exoskeleton creature. But the liquid flowing out of its body can corrode the stone into pits and emit a pungent stench... Regardless of the quality of the meat, the dignity and poison alone are enough to make Ron give up the idea of eating it.

Creatures on the ground are not poisonous, but are extremely resistant to lightning. The creatures at the bottom of the canyon are very weak against mines, but highly poisonous.

"It's really an island full of malice!"

The death of the centipede made the creatures that were ready to move in the darkness quite fearful. Ron ate and drank slowly, then took off his clothes, tied them into a bag and threw the uneaten pieces of meat in.

If the creatures here were as poisonous as centipedes, these pieces of meat would be his only source of food before climbing up.

"Let's take a look first. What if there is another exit?"

Putting the bag made of clothes on his shoulders, Ron generated his own electricity to illuminate the front and chose a path at will. Half an hour after he left the place, the creatures in the darkness seemed to be sure that the place was safe. In an instant, they swarmed up and devoured the bones and centipede corpses that Ron had left behind.

But soon, a huge figure rushed over, its mouth wide enough to swallow a small house. The surrounding bugs were sucked into the mouth before they could escape. After a few "crunching" sounds, two green lights flashed in the darkness, staring in the direction Ron left.


There was an inexplicable rustling sound, and there was silence all around. Even those highly poisonous insects did not dare to make a sound at this moment.

If there is light here, a large white-scaled snake with a length of more than two hundred meters will appear in front of people. It stared at Ron silently, with a look of indifference in its vertical pupils. Then, amid a buzzing sound of stones rubbing against each other, the white-scaled snakes coiled together and prepared to sleep.

You must eat him!

but not now…

The white-scaled snake's low IQ told it that Ron was difficult to deal with.

I'm afraid Ron didn't expect that the opponent he was looking for deep into the wild forest was right behind him... The three fatal factors of Hell Island: food, poison, and climate. These three points are not too big a problem for Ron. On the contrary, they are How to find a strong opponent to hone yourself is the real difficulty.

The huge white snake we saw on the day we landed, if not to mention anything else, was several times larger than the two monsters in the ice field!

The strongest creature on Hell Island is probably this white snake!

This is also the reason why he chose to advance in the thunderstorm area!