One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 66: The limit is coming!


Half a month later, in the eastern part of Hell Island, in the lava field.

A fire-red lizard climbed up from under the charred tree trunk and shook its head to leave. But at this moment, a big hand stretched out from behind it and pinched it tightly with lightning speed. Then the owner of the fist stretched out his thumb and slapped it on the neck!


Then, the owner didn't do anything with it, just threw it into his mouth, chewed it crunchily, and swallowed the blood... In this lava zone, any trace of water is precious!

"This is the lava zone, everyone, be careful... Although there are no monsters that are too strong, the natural disasters of the volcano are more terrifying than the monsters!"

This person is Quindonte. Compared with half a month ago, he is undoubtedly a little more wild now.

The clothes on his body had already been collected and used as bandages and knitting. Fabric is a very important material here. Although the comfort is much higher than the smell of fur that has not yet dissipated from the body, as the leader, he cannot just enjoy it, but has the ultimate goal of leading everyone to survive.

Dongte had never imagined that one day he would accept a life of not bathing for half a month, eating lizards alive, and drinking blood from his hair. As the eldest son of the Quinn family, he grew up well-fed and well-fed, and never suffered any hardship. But in just half a month, he got used to it.

Hell Island told him the rules of survival here.

If you don’t want to die, just do it…

As Dongte gave the order, the companions nodded silently and began to search for a clean cave and prepare dinner according to their respective tasks.

It's not that they are not interested in talking, but in this area, there is a blind strange bird with very powerful hearing!

Their body heat is enough to ignite trees, they come and go like wind, and they fly like living firestorms. One of my companions was picked up by it because he spoke too loudly. That was the first time the team had experienced attrition. Although there was no second time, the scene of their companions wailing away with claws piercing their shoulders had a great impact on them.

"Dongte, although the area where the magma flows is safe, the air is poisonous and the water source is insufficient..."

A man came over and reported in a low voice.

"Have you finished drinking the last rain?"

"There's only one barrel left, I can hold on to it for three days at most..."

"That's it, let me think about it..."

Dongte sighed melancholy and spat out the chewed straw in his mouth. Although grass juice is bitter, it is a good hydration source.

Before actually stepping into it, who would have thought that in this seemingly fertile primeval forest, edible food would be so scarce! Mushrooms on tree trunks are poisonous; roots in the soil are poisonous; small animals caught in traps are still poisonous! The entire jungle is made of poison and fire!

And the fresh water resources are occupied by several powerful beasts, making it difficult to even drink water!

Dongte now has to consider all aspects of the problem. The pressure of survival of a group of people has accumulated on him, making him somewhat breathless.


Have you given up

When you return home, you will have delicious food and drink, a warm big bed to sleep in, no need to fight with wild beasts, no need to walk on the road in fear every day, no need to...


Absolutely not! !

Boom! !

Suddenly, Dongte punched the semi-solidified magma in front of him with his fist. Severe pain hit him, and his confused eyes instantly became clear.

Under the horrified gaze of his companions, he raised his severely scalded fist and said with a ferocious expression: "We must seize a water source! Otherwise, everyone will die!!"

As soon as these words came out, the air became quiet for a while, and then, a strong murderous aura steamed up!

Everyone lowered their voices and roared angrily.


Like the dilemma faced by Dongte, similar situations can be seen all over Hell Island. The volcanoes that erupt on time every day, the never-ending fighting on the ice fields, and the dense thunderstorms in the wild forests all squeeze the physical and mental limits of this group of recruits.

They eat their hair and drink blood. They smear feces all over their bodies and even on their lips to avoid pursuit. They bite each other with wild beasts just for a bite of food...

Just to survive!

Now half a month has passed and the most difficult time is coming.

The tense nerves are overwhelmed, and everyone is faced with difficult choices all the time... Should you grit your teeth and persevere, or give up and return

East coast cave, naval garrison.

In the open space, the flying squirrel was half-naked, slashing down with a serious sword. Maintain your fighting strength from hard training.

He is a veteran who became a lieutenant general thirty years ago and is a top ten veteran of the Navy! He knows that there is no hope for him to break through in this life, but as long as justice still needs him, he will be ready to go to the battlefield at any time!


Another strike from the sword struck the flying squirrel, and he suddenly stopped, turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

"Yes! Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel..."

The visitor is a naval colonel, responsible for monitoring the new recruits who are training on the island. Of course, they are not a safety measure for the recruits. They are just a group of indifferent spectators who record what the recruits do every day and then make statistical evaluations.

after all…

Too dangerous!

Even if the recruits are found to be in life-threatening danger, no one can rush to rescue them. They can only rely on themselves.

And surveillance is not everything. The dangerous environment on the island makes it difficult for the phone bugs, who are known to be hardworking and hardworking, to survive. At most, they set up a sparse number of surveillance phone bugs in relatively safe areas on the periphery of the island, and it often took several days to see new recruits appear on the screen. Deeper places and certain dangerous places cannot be detected.

The colonel came to report at this time because half a month later, someone finally left the periphery and walked into a blank dark forest.

"Oh? Which brat is so brave? Haven't the surrounding creatures made them suffer enough?"

The flying squirrel was a little curious. Hell Island was a place of life and death that even strong men like him were afraid of. The beast kings on the periphery alone were enough for the recruits to deal with.

You know, every beast king has a power of 3,000 points!

Not to mention the various monsters that live in the hinterland and central area of the island!

Except for one person who died on the third day of departure, no attrition was detected for such a long time. It is conceivable that these little guys should have understood this a long time ago, right

"Uh... this..."

The colonel hesitated for a moment, then said after a moment: "It's Ron... He came out of the canyon, and then we discovered that he had left the outer area."

"It turns out to be him!"

The flying squirrel knew why the colonel hesitated, because Ron was too powerful! In this world where the strong are respected, it feels a bit embarrassing not to be given the honorific title Colonel.

There are few monsters in the wild forest area, but they are the most powerful. The thunder and lightning in the sky are even more deadly. It is a real life restricted area!

To be honest, since Hell Island replaced Thor Island as the designated location for survival training, no recruit has successfully conquered the wilderness area in all these years.

Smoker, the natural-type smoke fruit ability user who has attracted much attention in the past few years, is just lingering on the outskirts of the deserted forest, not daring to go deep.

But based on the only few phone bugs they saw, the monsters that were enough to pick out a group of recruits in the past could only be reduced to food to be chased in front of Ron. Especially on the second day of departure, he was so hungry that he snatched a piece of meat from the mouth of a gregarious wild wolf, which made the flying squirrel twitch at the corners of his mouth.

The deserted forest, which is like a place of life and death, is a playground for Ron!

What a terrifying power this is? !

Not to mention new recruits, even many long-established naval admirals can't do it as easily as Ron.

Later, in order to catch up with the fleeing thunder beetle, he fell into the abyss canyon and disappeared.

The flying squirrel knew that Ron would not fall to death, but it was unknown when he would be able to come out. Unexpectedly...

"Wait! He actually walked out?!"

The flying squirrel's eyes widened in an instant: "The deepest point of the abyss canyon is only 1,300 meters, and the underground cave is only less than 2,000 meters... He has never thought of climbing out? What has he eaten and drank in the past half month? "

"Well… "

The colonel officer was stunned and replied: "According to the video of the phone bug we planted in the deepest place, Ron was chewing thunder mosquito larvae when he came out. Although he quickly ran behind the stone and had diarrhea, he was in good spirits. ”

Thunder mosquito larvae…

Isn't that a maggot? !

Is that thing edible

Although it is not as toxic as thunder mosquitoes, it is still highly toxic!


The corner of Flying Squirrel's mouth suddenly twitched, remembering some descriptions about Ron in the information. In addition to the commonplace issues such as talent, perseverance, and contribution, there is another one.

"...possessing extremely terrifying recovery abilities. As long as the energy provided by food is sufficient, most fatal injuries can be ignored!"

This is a report from Zefa. He once saw Ron's ribs inserted into his internal organs and was half dead, and then he straightened the ribs himself. After half a day, the problem was gone!

Now it seems that this information can be added: "It can even decompose toxins with its self-healing ability and reduce or eliminate toxin reactions."


How did Ron's bones get inserted into his internal organs

This question is a matter of benevolence and wisdom...


The flying squirrel smashed his mouth and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Forget it, leave him alone. That brat is even more perverted than Kuzan and the other three guys, and he won't die!"

"Well, I think so..."

At this moment, there was a noise outside, and the flying squirrel turned around to see a humanoid creature covered in tatters and bloodstains walking into the cave from the stairs, and then fell to the ground.

"Quick! The medical soldiers are preparing for surgery, there is massive internal bleeding!"

Seeing this scene, the flying squirrel closed his eyes: "Has it started yet?"