One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 67: Go deep into the hinterland


The first three days and half a month of Hell Island survival experience are the most difficult to pass.

Because there was no experience or information, everyone was in a state of fumbling for the first three days. Deaths and disabilities occurred in these three days. Three days without water is the deadline to maintain combat effectiveness. Being able to survive it means that they are qualified to survive on this island.'s just about being qualified.

How can the ignorant buds contend with the beasts that have lived here for generations

They are still in difficulties. Food is scarce, fresh water is scarce, and wild beasts are attacking. If they want to survive, they must tighten their nerves at all times! But the nerves that are tense all the time will bring huge pressure to the body and mind!

In this state, fifteen days is the watershed!

When the first injured person returned and the curtain was drawn on the abstainers, people came back one after another. Some of them were seriously injured and could not support themselves on the island; some suffered from mental breakdown and fainted from crying after returning to the station. But no matter what the reason is, it cannot change the fact that they were eliminated.


"Only five... surprisingly few!"

Looking at the abstaining recruits who were gradually becoming emotionally stable under the care of the soldiers, Flying Squirrel touched the hilt of his sword: "Are these brats going to break the record?!"

According to past experience, the elimination rate of special training on Hell Island is as high as 60%!

20% of them will die violently, and 40% will gradually give up over time. Especially on the fifteenth day, the mental and physical fitness of the recruits has reached a limit. 50% of those who abstained will come back today, but look at it now...

The flying squirrel opened the file and looked at it carefully.

A total of 36 new recruits participated in the Hell Island survival training this time. As of 15 days ago, 1 person died, 5 people abstained, and a total of 6 people were eliminated.

Even if according to past data, there will continue to be five abstainers in the future, the total number of people eliminated will only be 11, just over 30%! !

If they do it, it will be the best result ever! !

"Haha, they are all good!"

Flying Squirrel threw the documents into the drawer, took out a cigar after a long time, and tasted it happily.

Ron didn't care how many people were eliminated or whether he would break the records of his predecessors.

In his eyes, this test has only two endings: passing or death. Even if there is great danger, he must move forward bravely! ! Go ahead to dangers! ! It’s so urinary!

If he doesn't walk in a straight line, that is!

He is lost…

The moment he walked out of the canyon, Ron knew that he had either entered the central area of the island, or had accidentally wandered into other areas. Because here, all the thunderstorms in the sky disappeared, replaced by a dense primitive jungle. It is completely different from the crystallized forest in the previous wasteland. This is a fertile soil full of life.

So Ron got lost, and when there was no thunderstorm to disturb him, he flew to a high altitude to look, and found that the top of the canyon was already green and lush, and the wild forest seemed to have never existed. He wanted to fly higher, but the thunderstorms falling from the sky told him that this place was forbidden to fly!

"Fuck! Which way to go next?"

Standing on two forest paths trampled by giant beasts, Ron looked at the two forked roads that appeared in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It was the same situation yesterday. He chose a path with his eyes closed. After walking for a long time, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. I have seen this scene before! Then he jumped up and realized that he had made a big circle and was back to the starting point!

So today he took a different path to move forward, but the good times did not last long. Now, it is a difficult choice between two...

Ron had a hunch that if he continued to choose blindly according to his luck, by the end of three months, he might not be able to find that terrifying white snake.


At this time, a sound came from the depths of the dense forest. The subtle movement was difficult for even experienced hunters to detect, but it could not escape the Ron Thunderman's keen perception of the magnetic field.

"He's a big guy!!"

The next moment, a burly figure five or six meters long came out of the forest and rushed towards him.


The clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

The deafening roar and the strong wind sounded at the same time, and it was fierce!

This is a colorful tiger. As the former king of the forest on earth, cats' reaction speed and the muscle strength brought by their size make them without any natural enemies! But in this weird and inexplicable world of One Piece, this tiger is obviously not doing well.

The word "王" on his forehead was torn off in half by sharp claws, and the tear didn't stop until it reached his mouth. There is a row of neat teeth bite marks on the waist and abdomen. Obviously, in the eyes of some beings, it is just a piece of food.

But in the tiger's opinion, he was enough to deal with the hairless monkey in front of him. It eats a lot of furry ones, just be careful not to let them climb the tree...


Just as he was thinking about it, the tiger suddenly felt that he had stopped falling. The huge paws were placed on the hairless monkey's shoulders, but they could not fall down.

what's the situation

Why am I flying

Wait... something's not right!

The confused tiger looked down and saw a hand thrust into its chest without mercy. That arm supports its entire weight of several tons, but it is as steady as steel! Before the sting spread all over his body, he heard the hairless monkey say: "I'm sure and sure... the tiger is not poisonous!"

Pfft...tsk! !

As the arm was retracted, a long stream of blood spurted out from the breach. The tiger's eyes widened and he wanted to escape, but found that his limbs seemed to have disappeared and he couldn't use any strength at all. He could only fall to the ground helplessly, his eyes full of doubts.

Why? !

"It's electricity... I used electricity."

Ron squatted down and rummaged through the rag package, and took out a beetle shell and a few pairs of crudely made chopsticks. Then he explained to Tiger: "The brain controls the body by bioelectric stimulation of nerve endings, and I inject electric current into it." In your body, it interferes with the flow of bioelectricity, so your body is now out of control."


Ron took out a large guillotine kindly provided by the Canyon Mantis Spirit and said with a smile, "Okay, please get on your way, Brother Tiger!"

This smile is the smile of death!

Creak! !


The slaughtering method that allows the prey to completely relax allows the blood to drain away, so as not to affect the taste. Therefore, Ron very much supports the painless slaughter recommendation advocated by the Animal Welfare Association. Ending the lives of cattle and sheep without any pain is not only kind, but also crucial to improving the quality of the meat! In the past, when domestic pigs were killed in rural areas, a red knife went in and a white knife came out. The painful pigs struggled wildly, causing the blood in the meat to look like red twine. It’s strange that this kind of meat is so delicious!

After a lot of effort, Ron "cooked" the tiger. After eating and drinking, Ron pulled out the entire tiger skin and dried it, and then used plant tendons and stone needles to sew several bags... The rag pockets transformed from shirts were often not enough. Insect exoskeletons are too hard and can only be used as weapons. A piece of tiger skin is just right.

As a madman who constantly challenges himself, Ron is very familiar with wilderness survival. Therefore, he knows very well that one should never underestimate any craft in the wild. The simplest sewing and mending here can have an effect a hundred times higher than in the civilized world!

But this place is not the earth after all, and most of the previous knowledge of wild survival is useless, especially the graphical analysis of animals and plants, which is completely useless! So Ron had to spend time getting familiar with the wilds of this world again, so he even made jokes about being hungry... And now half a month later, the big devil Ron who left blacklist records in countless ecological reserves is back!

After eating and drinking, Ron happily climbed up the tree and began his daily practice.

But at a certain moment, his eyes looked back deeply and far away, and then he quickly looked back.

Something was following him... for half a month!

Ron, as a wilderness survival expert, could not have noticed this.

But every time when he turned back to attack, the other party could avoid him very well.

But since he didn't launch a direct attack, it proved that the other party was also afraid of him. Or maybe you are not sure that you can kill with one hit, and you want to try to see if you can get a bargain.

Wouldn’t it be easier to handle in this way!

In another half month, when I break through to the latest level, we...

Play slowly!