One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 68: Battle for survival!


The biggest improvement of Ron's life on Hell Island came not from physical fitness, but from the tempering of his soul.

In this land full of crises, human humanity will shrink infinitely, and the wild nature hidden in genes will become active. Coupled with the powerful fighting power of the creatures on the island, as long as that trace of wild fire is ignited, only death can extinguish it!

Ron had felt before that his strength was progressing slower and slower, and now the effect of every exercise was close to nothing.

He knew... this was his limit.

Humans have their limits!

This kind of thing is everywhere and will even follow human beings throughout their lives. From birth to burial, no one can avoid it.

And Ron's limit is now...

However, breaking through the limits is not a noble thing, nor is it unique. If you look at life in detail, there are so many limits that can be broken through!

Give me a chestnut...

Some people say that before a person dies, he will look back at his life instantly, just like taking a quick look at it.

Let me ask, is this realistic

Ron, who almost died countless times, could pat his chest and say: "Reality!"

Different from the judgment of subjective consciousness, when the body realizes that it is about to die and cannot survive, after your body makes its own judgment, the shackles deep in the brain will be broken. At that moment, a person's thinking ability will be thousands of times greater than usual! !

Time seems to have slowed down, and people can review their lives in a short moment. Some things you thought you had forgotten will also be unearthed under the active thinking at that moment.

Being able to do things that you can't usually do before you die is proof of breaking through your limits!

And this ability to accelerate thinking before death is the common limit of human beings, and it cannot be broken through until the moment before death. This is also the reason why many protagonists often have a flash of inspiration when facing death, and they are like Conan stepping on the electric switch to live towards death.

Of course, although Ron, who had nearly died several times, knew this, he was never able to replicate it. His body doesn't allow that kind of situation to occur. At most, every time he crawls back from hell, his reaction speed, memory and other related abilities will be slightly enhanced.

In addition, during the process of learning fighting skills, even if a fist hits the bridge of the nose, the master will ask the apprentice to open his eyes. Because closing your eyes during a battle is a very dangerous thing. Not only does it not provide any protection, it will actually put yourself in a greater crisis!

But people will subconsciously close their eyes when facing danger. This is a genetic instinct inherited to protect fragile organs!

This is also the limit of human beings.

When an apprentice is able to remain motionless and open his eyes to look for hope even when faced with a machete on his head, he has exceeded his own limits.

Another example is studying for two hours when you are exhausted, gritting your teeth and doing fifty more push-ups than last time.

These are all examples of pushing your limits... because you've done something you couldn't do before.

So it's not a noble thing. To put it bluntly, it's a piece of shit!

It is the accumulation of these little bits and pieces of shit that creates the so-called growth and maturity.

Then, humans have human limits, and different people also have different limits.

Or the upper limit!

The reason why talent is unreasonable is because it determines a person's upper limit! It determines which step you go before you encounter a bottleneck, and you must break through the limit before you can move forward! While other mediocre fans are desperately chasing beyond their own limits, those with outstanding talents have already entered new fields.

…Except for lazy people!

From a heart disease patient who couldn't carry his shoulders or lift his arms, to a world-famous self-mutilation maniac who was crazily worshiped by sports enthusiasts all over the world, Ron has already broken through hundreds of limits!

He had never known where his next level would be, because he discovered that after coming to this world, he seemed to be able to become stronger without limit. But this is not a system text, and the body is his original body, so Ron knows very well that no matter how strong he becomes, he is still an ordinary person.

Since we are ordinary people, we must face our own limits!

Life on Hell Island was completely different from his past. For a bite of meat, he could endure poisonous insects crawling around on his body until edible prey appeared. When he withdrew from civilized society and the wild fire deep in his genes was rekindled, Ron found that his barriers began to loosen slowly. He could be sure that his Taoist power had not improved at all during this period. It was the change in his mind that allowed him to touch the door.

As long as you continue, breaking the shackles will come naturally!

Until then…

"I hope you can satisfy me, little one!"

Ron opened his mouth and muttered.

In the dark night, a flash of murderous intent arose, and all the animals in the forest that felt this aura immediately ran away wildly, for fear of attracting the attention of the owner of the murderous intent! And deep in the dense forest a few kilometers away from Ron, the white-scaled snake swallowed a wild boar. The next moment, it trembled all over, raised its long snake head, and roared at the moon.

hiss! !

Well, being a snake, its roar was inaudible and didn't attract Ron's attention.

A few days later, in the eastern area, near the magma zone.

Plop… Plop…

As the giant crocodile with blood flowing all over its body flipped over on its belly and sank to the bottom of the water, the crazily attacking little crocodiles began to run away. The recruits dropped their weapons numbly and sat on the ground. Quindonte rushed to the front, slashing at the enemy until a few seconds later when he realized that there were no enemies around him.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands blankly. The animal blood and human blood formed plaques, dyeing the sword red.

"We... won?"

Then, his eyes swept across the exhausted companions, and the next moment he suddenly clenched his sword, his face flushed and he shouted.

"Justice will prevail!!"

"Justice...justice will prevail!!"

This is a freshwater lake occupied by a beast-king crocodile. Even if the cheers at this time attracted the attention of the strange bird, it did not dare to approach easily.

In the western ice field, three soldiers traveling together panted and crawled out from under the belly of a great white bear that was more than thirty meters tall. They looked at the corpse in front of them with some astonishment in their eyes. Immediately, an indescribable sense of satisfaction and wildness spread in their chests, making them howl like wild wolves to vent their joy.

At this moment, the same thing is still happening in various places on the island. It announces that the remaining 25 people from the navy headquarters' recruit camp have officially transformed from ignorant survivors into this hell and become the dominant force on the island. The lord!

This scene was captured through the phone bug. In the garrison, the flying squirrel and a bunch of abstaining recruits clenched their fists at the same time.

"Beautiful! They did it!!"

When he saw Dongte leading his team to challenge the Beast King on the island due to the pressure of survival, he was more nervous than anyone else. Because in the historical record, once this kind of challenge is launched, it will never end, and it can only tell the difference between life and death! The reason why recruits have the highest mortality rate in the past is that, like them, they challenge the island's inherent overlord in order to survive.

This is a dangerous thing, but it must be done!

On Hell Island, resources are very limited and cannot support many creatures at all.

In order to reproduce, many mothers will even kill the rest of the weak ones at the moment of birth, leaving only the strongest one, so as to reduce the amount of food that needs to be brought back. As for the secretion of maternal hormones during childbirth, allowing the female wolf to raise the baby as her own? This kind of thing doesn't exist on this island!

Food, fresh water, everything is precious!

For a piece of meat and a mouthful of water, all living creatures must risk their lives to grab and fight for it! Take away the life of others and let yourself live!

If you want to feed a team of nine people, all of whom are superhumans whose physical strength is more than 30 times that of ordinary people, the demand for survival materials is an extremely terrifying figure! Dongte must either give up and disband the team, or he must challenge the Beast King!

Then, he succeeded! !

After feeling comfortable, Flying Squirrel's usually serious and steady face was filled with an unabashed smile.

As long as they successfully challenge the Beast King, it basically means they have survived.

Beast kings of the same level will not attack other fresh water sources without thinking, because in the law of the jungle, injury = death! It is precisely because of the psychology of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages that is a hundred times stronger than that of humans that wild beasts can continue to this day from generation to generation.

"I survived!! So good! Hahahaha!!"

Hearty laughter echoed in the cave, and the eliminated soldiers blushed, but they were not jealous.

Without practice, there is no right to speak. They are members who have experienced the hellish environment on the island, so they know very well how difficult it is for Dongte to do such things!

not to mention…

I don't know what they thought of, but several guys looked at their companions who looked ashen on the side.

What's more, compared to people like myself who were forced to come back, the three of them who just gave up without even daring to step into the forest were the real shame!