One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 70: One hundred million volts, hell ape!


At the same time, the eastern area, the top of a high mountain.

"Dongte, do you think the thunder and lightning there is weird?"

Standing on the highest mountain in the east, most of Hell Island can be seen. Only then did everyone realize that the area they had been living in was just the outskirts of Hell Island! Volcanoes, ice fields, and wild forests, the three great Jedi envelop the dense forest in the center of the basin, which is the real core of Hell Island!

But they couldn't even get close to the edge of the Jedi, because the closer they got to the central area, the more terrifying the number and strength of the Beast King became, let alone entering the basin.

Dong Te and others came for revenge. The big strange bird that took the lives of their companions lived on this mountain. But before they could find the strange bird, the flashing thunder and lightning in the distant basin first attracted their attention.

Ordinary thunder and lightning are struck from the sky, and no one has time to pay attention. But the thunder and lightning there rushed from the ground to the sky, like a thundercloud falling to the ground, which attracted their attention.

"It's Ron..."

Dongte was silent for a moment and then said: "It should be that he is fighting some kind of beast..."

"It turns out it was him..."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Indeed, if it was Ron, then it would not be surprising that thunder and lightning would rush from the ground to the sky... What a ghost! !

Where is he? !

That's the center of the basin, the hinterland within the hinterland!

Countless beast kings blocked the way, and their group couldn't even enter the basin. Ron actually ran there? ! !

And looking at this posture, it seems that he is having a lively fight with some creature!

Do you want to be so perverted? !

How can anyone play with this gap

For a moment, everyone silenced their voices in unison, staring at the rioting thunder and lightning in the distance with admiration and fear.

The location of the thunder and lightning is also a long way away from the basin. If I guessed correctly, Ron must have killed him along the way. While they were still racking their brains and fighting for survival on the periphery, someone had already stepped into the center to fight with more terrifying beasts.

This is Ron, the scariest monster of them all!

Perhaps, it will also be the most terrifying monster in the history of the boot camp!

The monsters in the wild forest are very scary. When two companions who could not survive in the ice field came back to the east, they brought back a message. In the wild forest, you can't live even if you avoid thunder and lightning, because they didn't find anyone who could survive in the wild forest. A weakling who fights alone! The two of them narrowly escaped death before successfully hunting the muscle beetle, which was used as a food source by various creatures!

This news made Dongte and others understand that even in the outer areas, the difficulty is not the same.

Compared with wild forests and ice fields, this tropical jungle, where people can barely survive as long as they avoid danger, is already considered a paradise!

Ron took the most difficult path, and then moved forward countless times faster than them...

This gap...

"It's really... despairing!"

Dongte shook his head, then clenched the sword at his waist, turned and left: "Don't be stupid! Our purpose... is not to watch Ron's performance!"

Everyone woke up in shock and clenched their weapons with murderous intent.


"Punch me... blade!!"


Seeing Ron's punch empty, the gorilla didn't rush to fight back. Because on Ron's elbow, a ten-meter-long knife woven from endless thunder and lightning struck hard at its head with a heart-stopping edge.

Once hit, you will either die or be disabled!

Thunder and lightning are not solid and cannot fight like normal blades. But the high-speed rotating lightning itself carries the destructive power to destroy all things. This all-consuming power makes the thunder and lightning sword sharper and more dangerous than ordinary blades!

If you don’t want to die, then stay away!

The gorilla was worthy of its speed in slapping Ron away. Seeing that the knife was only ten centimeters away from its nose, it squatted down instantly to avoid the threat posed by the knife. However, Ron's speed was not slow. Although it avoided the decapitation knife, a large piece of muscle from its forehead to the top of its head was cut off by the long knife.


The gorilla suddenly screamed wildly, and blood flowed out, quickly dyeing the ground red! But it was worthy of the title of Beast King. Even though its head was suffering from unimaginable severe pain, it always kept its eyes wide open and kept a close eye on Ron, not giving Ron a chance to sneak attack.

But what he didn't expect was that Ron didn't take the opportunity to make a sneak attack. Instead, he naturally lowered his hands to his sides. Using the inertia of his fists, he slowly landed on the top of a stubborn tree and shook his head.

"it's over… "

For three hours, every move and every move was done with all one's strength. After fighting for such a long time, the gorilla's physical strength and reflexes were obviously reduced.

It's incredibly fast, powerful, strong and durable, and it was inextricably linked to itself at the beginning. But as time goes by, the elemental self that is not injured at all only needs to pay for physical strength, but it has to endure the pain, fighting against the completely uninjured self despite blood loss, internal organ damage, fractures, concussions, etc.

If the knife had been used at the beginning, the gorilla would never have been half-hiding, but the fact was that half of its face was torn off by him, and it was grinning in pain. This proves that it has reached its limit and death is only a matter of time... What is the point of dawdling with an opponent who is getting weaker and weaker? Keep fighting and Ron won't get any exercise!

Of course, if it was him half a month ago, the gorilla would not have suffered such huge trauma, and his physical strength would not allow him to fight for a long time. Even if he would not be killed, he would be kicked away again. But as he broke through, 100 million volts came at his fingertips, and his physical fitness also improved qualitatively!

When he still had 40% of his physical strength, the giant ape was at the end of his rope. And Ron has even greater uses for this 40% of his physical strength!

"Forget it! Let this move see you off... As a tribute, I will name it after you!"

Ron raised his hand seriously, an arc of electricity flashed between his fingers, and the air was suddenly filled with an indescribable aura of danger!

The gorilla couldn't understand what Ron was saying, but it could understand the killing intent and pity in Ron's eyes.

Suddenly, it roared wildly, got down on all fours, and ran straight towards Ron like crazy!

As a strong man who has dominated this area for hundreds of years, the gorilla is different from ordinary beasts. It has its own self-esteem. The creature in front of him did not continue to attack while he was in unbearable pain. This is unreasonable in the world of beasts!

what is that


No, it's a shame! !

It can be killed, but it will never allow itself to be pitied!

Its footsteps are as heavy and powerful as muffled thunder, and each step can squeeze the soil into a small hillside. Looking at the gorilla getting closer and closer in front of him, Ron lost his overdrive state and his right hand naturally drooped. But the dissipation of thunder and lightning did not make the dangerous smell disappear, but became even stronger!

However, the gorilla's beastly instinct seemed to be unable to smell this smell. It paused for a second seven hundred meters in front of Ron, filled up its power with both feet, and then stepped down hard.


The sky is falling apart!

The next moment, this behemoth flew up in a terrifying posture! It tilted slightly and clenched its fists, opened its bloody mouth and roared, twisting its body in mid-air and preparing to attack, giving people an indescribable shock!

The shock of pure power!

"This is it!!"

Suddenly, Ron's eyes were filled with enthusiasm, and he opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of teeth that were as white as bones.

"Huge, brutal, and courageous! This is the ultimate in power! The ultimate in destruction!!"

Buzz! !

Suddenly, a huge force of thunder and lightning erupted from his body, raging in the air, forming a solid blue skeleton, more than a hundred meters high!

Judging by the appearance alone, this is a bit like the Uchiha clan's unique pupil technique, Susanoo, even the color is exactly the same as the chakra. It's just that it's not a complete body, it can only condense into a skeleton.

But considering the Thunder Fruit, and this is not the world of Naruto, the true face of this form is about to emerge.

It’s the Thor form that Enel once used!

But what Ron is doing now is a little different from Enelu's... Whether it's Enelu's thunder god form or Magellan's poisonous giant soldier, they are all releasing all their abilities, and then wrapping all the released power around themselves. This transforms into a huge form with its own characteristics.

Ron used his unique overloading technique to fill it from the inside, bursting his original body and transforming into a giant!

The difference is like Batman and Spider-Man, one relies entirely on technology, and without the equipment, he is just a strong ordinary person. A person who is extremely poor and has no equipment, but can compete with super-powered criminals with his physical strength.

It’s a qualitative change between inside and outside!

Whether it is defense, attack, speed or control over lightning, this internal change is more efficient and stable than the original Thor form!

And most importantly, this form is even more violent! !

Literally, violent!

Because Ron suddenly turned into a huge skeleton, the madness in the gorilla's eyes faded a little, but it did not hesitate and still smashed its fist at Ron regardless. That fist was wrapped in an air cannon that was compressed and concentrated to the extreme. Once it hit, a mountain would be destroyed! The desperate blow from the Beast King is so powerful that it shakes the heavens and the earth!

Seeing that his fist was about to hit the fragile joints of the skeleton, Ron moved.

Boom... crunch! !


The gorilla screamed wildly, clutching his broken wrist and writhing in pain.

Just now, the skeleton without a trace of flesh and blood, only flashing blue electric arcs, suddenly stretched out its palm and grasped its fist at a terrifying speed. Immediately afterwards, the huge force in the body burst out. Unprepared by the gorilla, he pressed and pulled outwards to lose the inertia of the impact, and then pressed against his knees. Then, another big skeletal hand held its wrist, pressed down hard with both hands, and broke its arm forcefully! !

Watching the gorilla rolling in pain on the ground, it turned into white... Ron of the blue skull giant threw away the severed limb that he had twisted out of his hand and approached it step by step. In the palm of his hand, he forcibly condensed the raging thunder and lightning into a terrifying ball of light that exuded an endless aura of destruction.

"You are the opponent who gave me the last bit of inspiration. As a tribute, I will use this move in your name. At the same time, I will also use this move... to send you on your way!"

One hundred million volt hell ape! !