One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 71: Hell Island Beast Tide


Boom... boom! ! !

An explosion spread throughout Hell Island.

After a few minutes, the ground began to tremble!

This time, not only Dongte and others discovered the vibration of Hell Island, but even the flying squirrel who was far away at the station also felt the powerful power from the thunder and explosion!

The ground was shaking, and the camp was in chaos. Countless amounts of sand fell down and knocked the warship upside down.

The flying squirrel frowned, suddenly drew his sword and rushed out, aiming at a huge boulder falling from the sky!


The Crescent Light Saber disappeared in a flash, but the boulder had split into two pieces and fell into the sea water on the left and right of the warship. The soldiers who were lucky enough to escape had no time to thank the flying squirrel. They were well-trained and knew how critical the situation was at this moment. Without saying a word, they untied the anchor and launched the warship.

Woohoo! !

Soon, a group of people left the cave on a warship, and only then did Flying Squirrel and the others see clearly the turmoil on the island.

"What's the matter?!"

Before his eyes, Hell Island was filled with chaos. Those originally peaceful beasts howled wildly and fought with each other, making Hell Island noisy. A large group of muscle beetles rushed out of the wild forest and jumped into the sea like suicide, as if something was chasing behind them, making them exhausted. The three Jedi began to tremble in a trend that was almost visible to the naked eye. The wild beasts ran and bitten, filling the air with the stench of blood, and the scene seemed like the end of the world!

"It's Ron!!"

At this time, a naval colonel came over in agony, covering his head: "He was fighting with the beasts, and the chain reaction caused a wave of beasts!!"

Flying Squirrel: "..."

He felt very complicated at this moment, why Ron

Why Ron again? !

It's Ron? !

With various thoughts lingering in his heart, Flying Squirrel took a breath and chose his words: "What did he do?"

"He triggered a thunderstorm in the center of the basin, and the frightened beasts began to flee outwards. The beasts on the periphery were driven out of their living areas and had no choice but to flee further outside, driving away weaker creatures. This chain of events formed a whole-world Island-wide beast tide!”

The colonel replied quickly, suddenly kneeling on the ground holding his head, blood oozing from his nostrils. The flying squirrel supported him and ordered: "Stop using your abilities and have a good rest."


His ability is not very helpful in combat, but he can disperse his consciousness or spiritual body at high altitudes regardless of obstacles and distances to monitor designated areas. However, this ability is not a universal voyeuristic weapon. The mental power of every creature in the designated area can cause interference to him. The more active the creature, the stronger the interference. A powerful person can even shatter it with just his own aura, such as Overlord Color Haki. .

Watching the colonel officer leave with the help of the soldiers, Flying Squirrel looked at Hell Island and felt a little headache.

He understood that as long as the monsters in the central basin started to panic, chaos on Hell Island would be the inevitable result. What we should consider now is how to save the group of new recruits trapped in the beast tide!

Logically speaking, the monsters living in the center of Hell Island can usually see thunder when they look up. How could they start running for their lives just because of a thunderstorm

In fact, this is the misleading effect of inertial thinking.

As mentioned before, whether it is the thunderstorm area, tropical rainforest area or ice sheet area, they are actually just three defense circles around Hell Island and do not represent the entire Hell Island. Therefore, the wild wolves and muscle beetles who are accustomed to thunder every day in thunderstorm areas, no matter how loud and terrifying the thunder is, can remain as unmoving as a Buddhist player. Monsters in other areas are not used to thunder and lightning. In their eyes, every time lightning falls, it is a disaster. The fear of thunder and lightning is buried deep in their genes!

The same is true for the beasts in the central basin of Hell Island. They live in the primeval forest far away from the thunderstorm area. Although they are extremely powerful, their fear of thunder and lightning is no better than those in the periphery.

The sudden terrifying thunder and the beast king's dying cry let them know that this place was very dangerous, and they all chose to leave. In addition, it is the instinct of animals to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even if they do not know why, other creatures will follow and leave.

But every piece of land in the dense forest has an owner. If they want to leave their own territory, they will naturally take over the territory of other creatures. As a result, the oppressed creatures started to bully the weaker creatures, and the weaker creatures continued to bully the weaker creatures, forming a butterfly effect and triggering a beast tide covering the entire Hell Island!


The beast kings at the same level as the gorillas in the central area were not very frightened. They just felt that Ron was not easy to deal with, and their instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages forced them to choose to move. But they have high IQ and strong strength, so they have no fear. Other creatures don’t know that!

The other creatures were already frightened out of their wits by the thunder and lightning that was so close today, and when they saw the powerful beast kings, they all started to "escape", and they simply ran away without saying a word.

As a veteran, Flying Squirrel was involved in the entire process of developing Hell Island, so he was well aware of this matter.

"Thunder Fruit... Hey!"

There has been no beast tide for so many years. In addition to the fact that the recruits are not strong enough to penetrate deep into the central basin that can cause unrest, it is also because they do not have a way to make all the beasts afraid.

However, the Thunder Fruit is different. Even humans cannot erase the fear of thunder and lightning, let alone beasts

It was almost inevitable that Ron would make a big fuss in the central basin and lead to such a result. It was the Flying Squirrel's fault for not thinking of this in advance. So he waved his hand and gave the order.

"Notify us and implement the emergency plan!"


The soldiers around him who had received the order were surprised and looked at the flying squirrel in disbelief. Being able to carry out this mission with the ship, the process of the emergency plan was naturally notified.


Flying Squirrel's adjutant came up and asked cautiously: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, do you really want to implement that plan?"

Hell Island has been developed for more than ten years. For more than ten years, this emergency plan has been a decoration, and no one has ever actually implemented it! If there were no exact data about this plan in the command, most soldiers would just regard it as a joke.

"Floods, earthquakes, and animal tides, emergency plans are formulated for these three situations!"

The flying squirrel looked serious. He knew why the adjutant was so surprised, so he patiently explained: "Because these three situations mean that this monster is likely to wake up!"


Thinking of the description in the document, the adjutant swallowed hard, stood at attention and saluted: "Understood!!"

Watching the adjutant running to the command room and fumblingly starting to control the instruments according to the operating instructions, the flying squirrel looked back at Hell Island and suddenly felt some cramping in his liver.



If that thing wakes up, I'm not done with you! !

call out! call out! call out!

Three purple flares appeared in the sky with long tails. The color looked like it was painted with a brush. It could not be blown away by the wind. It could be said that unless you were hiding deep in the cave, you could see it anywhere on Hell Island.

After a hard battle, Dongte and others finally killed the big strange bird and avenged their companions. Because they were on the top of the mountain and had excellent visibility, they were the first batch of recruits to spot the signal flares.

Looking at the three purple tails, Dongte's pupils shrank: "Command signal? What happened?!"

There are several types of flares in the Navy, the three most commonly used of which are yellow, green, and red, which correspond to retreat, mission completion, and request for support respectively. The purple signal flares are among the least used ones. They represent the order for all troops to stand by and wait for command while ensuring their own safety. Then a series of complex command signals are launched to coordinate.

Dongte and the others also noticed the shock just now, and could guess what happened on the island. But what makes people wonder is, if there is danger, why not just fire a yellow flare to let everyone evacuate

At this moment, a companion ran in from outside, his body wet with cold sweat, his face frightened: "It's not good! It's a tide of beasts, a tide of beasts!!"

Dongte took a breath and his scalp felt numb!

He finally understood why there was no yellow retreat signal.

Because in the beast tide caused by the monsters on Hell Island, retreating is the most irrational thing to do! !