One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 72: The stalker appears!


In the center of Hell Island, at the basin.

Amidst the chaos of beasts running around the island, Ron's location was barely peaceful. Knowing that Ron was not to be trifled with, the beastmasters stayed away quietly, but there was no confusion, making this place like the eye of the storm at the center of the storm, still maintaining the order of the past.

However, the scope of the beast tide outside is too large, and the vibration caused by it can make the ground tremble even here.

"What happened?"

As the instigator, Ron thought a little strangely, and then saw three signal flares fired from the horizon.

"Command signal... It seems something big has happened!!"

Ron looked solemn.

"but… "

I'm not free now!

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Ron tried to calm down the thunder and lightning raging in his body and regain his strength. Hell Island, violence, and giant apes, the move "100 Million Volt Hell Ape" that combines these three points is not a simple strengthening skill. The act of filling the body with electric current from the inside is powerful and puts a heavy burden on the body. Just as big! It only lasted three minutes, and Ron had the illusion that his body had been hollowed out.

Although in terms of sequelae it is not as abnormal as extreme overload, but correspondingly, it requires more physical support. There is a trade-off between the two.

If he doesn't take the time to recover his strength now, Ron won't be able to cope with the coming powerful enemy...


Suddenly, the chirping of insects and birds in my ears stopped and disappeared, leaving everything in silence.

The air was as thick as mud, making it extremely difficult for him to raise his hands.

Ron knew that this came from a strong death crisis. The dangerous smell took over his control of the body, causing the body to enter a state of stiffness... and the master who brought him this sense of crisis was about to appear! !


The next moment, a huge tail swept across from a hundred meters away. The tall and thick tree trunks and hard gravel did not bring any obstruction at all, not even a sound! When the tail swept in front of Ron, a sonic explosion burst out, and the strong wind destroyed everything!

"finally come!!"

Suddenly, Ron's eyes brightened, he teleported upwards, and his body avoided the incoming tail within a fraction of a second.

After one tail sweep, a strong wind fanned out for several kilometers. When the wind was strong, no matter what it was along the way, it could not stop it, leaving ugly scars in the dense forest.

"Hiss... so strong!!"

Looking at the traces of destruction in front of him that suddenly became extremely empty, Ron was a little speechless. The aftermath alone has such destructive power. The destructive power of the sneak attacker is several times more terrifying than that of the giant ape!

Seeing that his tail missed Ron, the attacker flicked his head, opened his big mouth and bit him down.


Only then did Ron see the true face of the attacker. It was a white snake that was even bigger than the giant ape!

Its body length is between 300 and 400 meters, and its head is as big as a mountain peak. And because it is a snake, there are no head bone restrictions, and the bag formed after opening its mouth looks like a lake, which is extremely scary! Moreover, when he was in mid-air and there was no way to escape, he launched an attack. His grasp of timing was the pinnacle of beasts!



Teleport! !

Ron sneered, disappeared directly, and then appeared on top of the giant snake, twisted around and kicked it down!

Overload Lightning Kick!

Bang... Bang! !

The first sound was that he kicked the giant snake's head, and the second sound was that the giant snake's head hit the ground. The giant snake wailed and could not move for a while. Ron was unreasonable and took advantage of the moment when its head was stuck in the air due to the shock and rebound. He came to its side, repeated his old trick, and kicked out again!

But at this time, a strong wind came!


I saw that the tail was coiled and retracted by the giant snake at some point, and I seized the opportunity to shoot it directly. Even those with the thunder fruit ability cannot avoid the sneak attack that comes at the moment when the old power has been exhausted and the new power has not been used up! Ron's eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath.

Iron! !


When the snake's tail hit him, Ron felt as if he had been hit by a train. A terrifying strange force spread throughout his body through his muscles and bones, knocking him away hard.


With a mouthful of blood spurting out, Ron flew backwards at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. At this speed, the water surface will turn into cement, which is enough to tear people apart! He smashed countless tree trunks along the hillside before finally embedding a large rock and stopping after a depth of more than ten meters.

"Ahem... ugh, it hurts!!"

Three ribs were broken, the displacement was severe, and the tibia of the right leg was completely and incompletely fractured...

Feeling this familiar yet unfamiliar pain, Ron's eyes were full of surprise: "Armed and domineering!!!"

The body of any creature does not have the ability to hit the entity of a natural ability user, not even the muscle beetle, which is extremely resistant to lightning, is no exception! The rubber fruit has been eaten by Luffy for several years, so the giant snake cannot have a rubber body! So the only ones that can hurt Ron are Armed Color Haki and Sea Tower Stone!

After he finished speaking, he suddenly laughed at himself: "That's right! It can make me fall into a state of death fear and body stiffness. What else can it be besides armed domineering?"

"but… "


Ron's body was wrapped with electricity, he broke free from the stone and moved his limbs. With a numbing "thumping" sound, the dislocated ribs were pushed back: "If you only have this ability, it's not enough to kill me!!"

Boom! !

With one foot step, Ron broke through the hard stone package and landed on the top of the boulder. At this moment, light spots appeared on his body, like a god. Wisps of electric current spread their teeth and claws in the air as if they were alive, and strong murderous aura erupted with thunder and lightning!

"You want to kill me while I'm tired, who gave you the confidence?!"

Looking at the giant snake in the distance, Ron's face was full of fighting spirit.

Violently killing the giant ape with the strongest posture, on the one hand, it is to express respect for the last bit of inspiration it brought to him, and on the other hand, it also consumes a lot of physical energy and makes him in poor condition... It can be seen that the stalker can endure so many days without attacking. Its vigilance. If you don't give it a definite hope of killing itself, it may never take action!

This is a crazy idea, but it works!

Seeing that Ron was obviously exhausted after killing the giant ape, the giant snake launched a sneak attack as expected.

The only thing Ron didn't expect was that even though he was just a beast, he could actually use Armament Haki! !

This is a qualitative change!

Without the armament and domineering power, even someone as strong as a giant ape would be worn to death bit by bit by him. But after mastering Armament Haki, Ron is not just facing a simple beast, but a strong man who can kill him!

Life and death are in an instant! !


so what? !

This is the purpose of his coming here!

If no one can kill him, this survival experience is completely meaningless to him!

Ron's self-healing ability is innate, but madness is not!

His madness is born for death, born for fighting, and born for transcending himself!

He had only experienced the despair of lying on the hospital bed during a critical illness, with nothing but darkness all around him even if his eyes were wide open, and he could not move his fingers no matter how hard he tried! He used to run, walk, sing, and play games as nothing serious, but it was a luxury for him at that time! That kind of powerlessness and sadness is a kind of loneliness and coldness that sinks to the bottom of the sea and is abandoned by the world!

He began to regret that he wasted his time. He didn't want to die like this. He wanted to feel the joy of living and regard the dross that he had previously ignored as treasure, but he was unable to do anything about it.

And then... he survived...

Live towards death, live for death! !

That heart-wrenching experience created Ron, a self-harm maniac, and also Ron's madness!

The fact that the giant snake can kill him is God's greatest kindness to Ron!