One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 73: Thunder VS Thunder!


Seemingly irritated by Ron's tone and expression, the giant snake roared, its huge body winding and coiling, crushing mountains, forests and stones, and rushed towards him at high speed! As two unabashed murderous auras emerged, all creatures in the jungle were in panic, fearing that they would be affected.


The giant snake swung its tail again and struck Ron head and face. Due to the unequal size, strangulation, the strongest move of snakes, cannot be used. However, the unique body structure of snakes allows them to use muscles several times stronger than creatures of the same weight. This tail is like a pillar of heaven collapsing, unstoppable!

And after being prepared, Ron could clearly feel that there was a powerful force wrapped around the tail of the giant snake... a force that was not potential energy! Although the tail is not black, it is definitely armed and domineering!

"Is it the same armed and domineering prototype as Dongte?"

The prototype of Armed Color Haki is actually Armed Color Haki. It is not a second power, but it is clearly different from the fully mastered Armed Color Haki, so it is listed separately as the "prototype".

The biggest difference between the two is that the prototype is only "covering" and cannot even be "wrapped", let alone "hardened".

"If it's just a prototype..."

Ron was thoughtful and teleported away before the snake's tail was about to hit him.

Bang! !

When the tail is thrown down, deep ravines will open in the ground, and the power is extremely terrifying! Although it is only covered, the characteristic of armed color domineering and increasing attack power will not change. Coupled with the giant snake's terrifying mass of muscle fibers, its explosive power is truly astonishing!

Then, Ron instantly appeared on top of the giant snake and punched him.

One hundred million volts of thunder dragons bite!

Roar! !

This is a move that Ron can only use after he breaks through, and it implements his practical advantage of not liking simple form attacks. In the sound of thunder, the dragon-shaped thunder opened its mouth and bit the giant snake. The hard scales were immediately bitten, and the skin was ripped open, and a large pool of purple blood was shed. This blood is full of poison, and even lifeless stones will be eroded by purple in an instant and become fragile. However, the Thunder Dragon ignored the erosion of the poisonous blood by relying on its incorporeal nature of lightning. It flicked its tail to wrap itself into a ball, wrapped it around the giant snake's head, and launched a secondary attack on the wound.

Zizzi! !


The 100-million-volt Thunder Dragon was so huge that even a giant snake over three hundred meters in size couldn't ignore the damage it caused. It was so painful that it rolled crazily! The tail that whipped up caused devastation all around, which was daunting.

"Sure enough, even if your scales can resist my lightning kick, the cutting ability of thunder and lightning can also be indestructible!"

It's just that the prototype of Armed Haki doesn't have strong defensive capabilities. If you really want to compare it, it's not as good as a piece of iron. Ron discovered this when he kicked the giant snake on the head before. A simple blunt blow to the giant snake could be completely carried down by its scales and arrogant muscle elasticity, and it would make it dizzy at most.

On the contrary, the cutting ability of thunder and lightning can work wonders!

"You enjoyed beating me just now, didn't you?'s my turn!"

Teleporting to the chin of the giant snake, Ron shouted and kicked upwards!

The pirate chef's kicking technique violates etiquette - the navy version of the kick!


With a thunderous vibration, the giant snake's hill-like head slowly floated into the air. Ron was unyielding again, wrapping his hands and feet around the high-speed lightning blade, streaking through the air with lightning. Taking advantage of the giant snake's painful and paralyzed muscles due to the attack of the Brontosaurus, hundreds of scratches were left on its head.

This is Ron's first full-out explosion outside of sparring with Zefa. The combination of Thunder's speed, explosive power and penetration characteristics is a complete suppression! For a time, the wind and clouds changed color and the sky was filled with dark clouds. The clouds in the sky were infected by the escaping thunder and lightning, turning into clusters of thunderclouds that shimmered with silver snakes.

Even though the giant snake broke free from the shackles of the Thunder Dragon, it was whined endlessly by Ron's series of blows, and staggered backwards.

I'll kill you while you're sick!

Seeing the giant snake rear up, he condensed a long thunder knife and drew a long dragon of lightning. Then he mobilized all his muscles and struck hard at the giant snake's eyes.


Ding... tsk! !

At the critical moment, the giant snake suddenly raised its head back. The long thunder knife did not hit its eyes, but instead burst out a ball of sparks on the scales on its upper lip. Then it retreated in front of the cutting characteristics of the thunder and lightning, drawing a line of blood. Long queue.

"Hard enough!"

Ron's pupils shrank, looking at the huge gaping mouth of the giant snake that bit him, thunder and lightning burst out all over him!

One hundred million volt Chidori flow!

This move was inspired by the two-pillar Chidori style, which combines attack and defense, so Ron copied the name. However, as a user with the thunder fruit ability, his control over thunder and lightning is much stronger than Erzhu. Moreover, Erzhu's Chidori-ryu releases Chidori through the whole body, which lacks the destructive power of a normal Chidori. However, every branch of the Chidori-ryu created by him has the thrusting power of a normal Chidori!

Suddenly, the harsh chirping of birds made people feel bored. Lightning spikes extended from Ron's body at extremely fast speeds. The giant snake bites down like a hedgehog. The lightning thorns pierce the fragile oral cortex and then get stuck inside the scales. Some of the lightning thorns just pierce the weak point and penetrate through the gaps in its scales. past.

From the outside, it looks like a giant snake with a thorny mouth.

The pain caused by this move made the giant snake go crazy. It shook its head back and forth and hit the ground, trying to throw Ron out of its mouth. However, the next moment it suddenly stopped moving, and the scales around its body flashed with dazzling lightning.

It felt where Ron was, and taking the opportunity, Ron suddenly started to crawl towards its head through the tender meat in his mouth! Once he attacks the head and smashes the brains, the consequences are obvious! !

Thinking of that scene, a flash of fear flashed in the giant snake's eyes, and a light suddenly lit up deep in its throat.

Sizzle! !


This familiar smell... is thunder and lightning! !

Bang! ! !

Already located in the giant snake's mouth, Ron couldn't find a place to dodge. In just an instant, a lightning bolt spurted out from the giant snake's throat. The powerful electricity that hit his face was even more terrifying than the natural thunder and lightning he encountered in the wild forest!

Along with the dazzling white light, Ron immediately flew out and hit the ground, creating a large spider web-shaped pit! Immediately afterwards, a steady stream of huge thunder pillars instantly turned everything around into powder, pushing Ron further into the center of the earth.

"Damn it! I can't move!"

External lightning cannot harm him, after all, his body is lightning. But Ron's thunder and lightning were not of the same magnitude in front of the giant snake, just like the water in a stream being carried along by the water in a big river, making him unable to move.

"Still vomiting? How many thunder and lightning do you have!!"

Ron complained speechlessly that he didn't expect the giant snake to spit thunder, just like he didn't expect the other party to master the armed color Haki. Accidents are inevitable in battle. This is common sense. Zevaron has learned a lot, but it will not affect his fighting spirit.

But the amount of spit from the giant snake is a bit astonishing!

Even if the amount is insufficient, the lightning that can immobilize me now has at least 200 million volts! Even now he can't afford such a huge explosion! But not only did the giant snake do it, it also lasted for five seconds without stopping. This kind of thunder and lightning reserve is simply incredible!

I must have eaten a fake thunder fruit!

But at this time, Ron also understood why there was a thousand-meter white snake lying on the top of the dangerous mountain on the day he landed on the island. Let alone looking for food, thunder and lightning were raging there, and even the muscle beetles couldn't survive! But if the white snake race has a special ability to swallow natural lightning, it would not be surprising that it would appear there.

He probably wanted to absorb lightning to replenish his ammunition, but he didn't expect that the white lightning pillar that suddenly appeared exceeded its upper limit and split it into half-cooked pieces!

"If that's the case, pure electric discharge attacks must be stopped to avoid endangering the enemy!"

Just as he was thinking about it, Ron suddenly found that the thunder pillar on his body had weakened by half, and he immediately cheered up. He knew that the giant snake's lightning power was almost exhausted! This move was hidden so deeply by it that if I hadn't been about to rush in and destroy its brain, I probably wouldn't have used it. It was obviously a move that was a steal!

Then once the thunder and lightning spit out, it would be his clarion call to fight back!

But at this moment, a high-speed rotating snake head fell from the sky and crashed straight in along the passage created by the thunder pillar! The giant snake suddenly came closer while continuously spraying thunder and lightning, and then used its head as a bullet to hit Ron!

This attack even brought armed domineering aura!

Obviously the giant snake also understood that the creature in front of him was not easy to kill. Without giving him any chance to breathe, he wanted to hit Ron to death with a punch!

Boom... boom! ! !

… …

I’m finally home, thanks to my book friend~Heroes Invincible Xiaobai~ for becoming the first helmsman of this book! Thank you for your support, boss!

At the same time, I would also like to thank all the book friends for their rewards. The limited number of words will not be listed one by one.

Without further ado, here are three updates today! This is real!