One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 80: What a great achievement!


"Yo, Ron!"

"Mr. Ron, welcome back!"

As a tall figure covered in animal skins walked into the cave, the nearby navy, whether they were recruits or veterans, all looked at him with respect... Everything Ron experienced had spread after everyone returned, and those who were so powerful that it made people look at him with respect... The desperate beast was just a toy to Ron, and its terrifying combat power shocked them. In this world where the strong are respected, Ron used his own strength to win the respect he deserved.

Of course, the beast tide was caused by Ron. The flying squirrel strictly ordered the adjutant and colonel to keep their mouths shut, without telling everyone. After all, it would be better not to mention this kind of thing that is not conducive to unity.

What else can be done

Cause such serious casualties, let Ron commit suicide and apologize, or will he have difficulty in the headquarters and be ostracized in the future

Is it true that the navy has only had one traitor in the past few years, Dorag? !

There is a group every year, but they are all secretly dealt with by the Navy!

The flying squirrel's kindness is a mature kindness with adult thoughts, not some death-god elementary school student who solves a case and has to speak out no matter what the consequences are, and then cry and find excuses to convince himself of the ridiculous concept of justice.

If anyone dared to mention this matter, Flying Squirrel would be the first to chop him up!

After getting out of the basin, Ron quickly understood what happened, and the doubts that had been puzzling before were also answered.

However, it turns out that those who are close to the red are red and those who are close to the ink are dark. They hang out with the scheming navy executives all day long. In addition, Ron is not a good person. When he knew that the new recruits suffered heavy casualties in the beast tide, he decisively chose to close the door. Mouth.


You say this was caused by me

You... why do you wrongly accuse good people? !

Then he threw out a "weak, pitiful, helpless.jpg" and waited for the navy's top brass to rescue him. The air was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere... After all, judging from the respect of the people around him, either no one knew the truth, or It’s the people who know the truth who choose to keep their mouths shut.

Don’t make the situation too obvious!

"Hello everyone!"

"Hey, Dongte, why are you so bad?!"

"Hahaha! The crater is quite dangerous!"

"Everyone, please take your time! I'll report to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel first!"

After saying hello all the way to the tent where the Flying Squirrel was, Ron put down the big walnuts on his shoulders, saluted and said: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel! Come and help me see what this is, can you eat it?"

Eat... eat you big-headed devil, eat! !

He would never forget the smell of the walnut, and the expression on the flying squirrel's face suddenly became very wonderful, including the aftermath, joy, anger, sadness, and all kinds of emotions. Finally, he turned into a heavy man and said to the phone bug: "Ron is back. I will report to you on the specific matters later."

Then he hung up the phone, leaving Sengoku confused.

Seeing Flying Squirrel walking towards him with a gloomy face, Ron's heart skipped a beat... He was sure that Flying Squirrel was one of the insiders. With his current appearance, could it be that he was trying to clean up the family

However, the flying squirrel ignored Ron. After walking to him, he knelt down and stroked the big black walnut. Under Ron's suspicious gaze, the flying squirrel shed two tears silently, but his face was filled with a happy smile. The scene was very strange.

"Could this thing also have hypnotic function? Why didn't I notice it?"

As a laborer who carried the walnuts all the way back, Ron slapped the back of his head.

At this time, the flying squirrel raised his head and stared at Ron seriously: "Tell me Ron, where did you get this thing?"

not good!

Could it be that the navy put this thing in

Ron still didn't know the truth about the Hell Island crab at this time. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Oh, you said this! I picked it from the tree... uh... Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, don't make such a joke, Hahaha… "

The moment he heard the word "on the tree", the corner of the flying squirrel's mouth twitched and he drew his sword.

The veteran lieutenant general's heritage was clearly demonstrated at this moment. Even if Flying Squirrel is old and frail and has suffered countless injuries, his control of power and physical coordination are far beyond Ron's understanding! A second before he could dodge through elemental teleportation, a blade emitting cold light was placed on his shoulder. The flying squirrel's control over power can also be seen from here. The armed domineering force on the blade is not completely covered, but there is a trace of black line on the narrow blade that is difficult to detect with the naked eye!

Under the flying squirrel's majestic gaze, Ron stopped laughing in embarrassment. Seeing this, the flying squirrel said casually: "I heard that the beast tide spread from the center of the island. Ron, do you know why?"

Ron's heart skipped a beat, he laughed "hahaha" and shook his head: "I don't know!"

"The venom breeding ground inside the island was destroyed. Do you know why?"

Damn it!

At this time, the sword blade was only one centimeter away from his neck. The corner of Ron's mouth twitched, and he lowered his head and chose his heart: "I was wrong, I'm sorry. But I swear, it was really an accident!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell me where did you get this?!"

Such a smooth Ron made Flying Squirrel's head hurt. In the navy, there are many people who are upright and would rather die than surrender. However, Ron's painting style is different from them. I don't know whether it is the navy's luck or misfortune.

After rolling his eyes, the flying squirrel sheathed his sword and waved his hand angrily.

In this regard, Ron had no choice but to tell the truth.

During the narration, the flying squirrel's eyes first changed from satisfaction, then surprise, and finally to horror, and then he completely rolled his eyes. Unable to catch his breath, the flying squirrel coughed twice with difficulty, pushed away Ron's hand that was holding him, pointed at the walnuts tremblingly and said, "That's it? You found the core of the Hell Island Crab?"

Did they happen to meet each other when they were struck down by lightning

It's that simple? ! !

"What Hell Island Crab?"

Ron looked confused: "Are you talking about the Hell Island below us? Is it really alive? Damn it! Then run away!"

Ron was one of the people who had seen the arrogant muscle power of the Hell Island Crab. It was obviously just a few muscle fibers, but the piece of meat twisted into a piece of meat could actually explode with a force that was no less than his full strength in normal state! If the entire Hell Island were its body, that unreasonably powerful muscular power would be enough to destroy the world... by blasting it with a hammer!

Ron's eyes couldn't be faked, he was really nervous. Fighting against an opponent who has no hope of winning is not challenging yourself, but seeking death! If you can't tell the difference between seeking death and pushing your limits, such an idiot will not live to be as old as Ron.

But the more surprised Ron was, the more speechless and angry the flying squirrel became.

Thinking about the sacrifices he made back then, and then thinking about Ron's experience... A sense of embarrassment made the veteran unable to speak for a long time.

In the end, he waved his hands and instantly aged by more than thirty. He used all his strength to raise his head and sighed: "This is!!"

The same sentiment as Flying Squirrel was also Sengoku. Survival training could not continue due to changes. Before returning, Flying Squirrel reported to Sengoku in a tone that seemed to see through the truth of life.

Hearing that Ron was struck into the ground by a lightning pillar because he was distracted, but found the core by mistake, the Warring States veteran shook his hand and crushed the microphone in his hand into pieces.

Then he found the phone again and called back, but both of them had lost the energy to speak.

In the end, it was Warring States who broke the silence and said, "The recruits' performance will be judged based on their performance during this period."

"Hmm... I understand. There are a few young people who have performed well this time, and they can be directly arranged to serve in the Grand Line after leaving the camp."

The flying squirrel nodded, indicating that he understood.

Although the time is less than three months, a glimpse of the past shows that the recruits who can persist until now can basically survive three months. And this year is different from previous ones. The subsequent impact of the beast tide has made Hell Island unable to be used as a training place in a short period of time. The casualties of peripheral beasts are heavy, and they need to be re-captured and replenished.

After that, the two began to discuss where there were job vacancies based on the recruits' performance, and they could arrange for the recruits to take up their posts and make a draft.

For some reason, the two of them never mentioned Ron.

It's not that they don't want to, but they are thinking carefully about how to arrange Ron.

Regardless of whether it was an accident or something else, Ron completely killed the Hell Island Crab, and the core was placed in the flying squirrel's room. It was an amazing feat without any water mixed in!

How to award a reward to a recruit who has made such a great contribution is a major problem.

When it is high, the trees are more beautiful than the trees.

It's so low, it's chilling.