One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 84: Negotiation of interests


A serious beating incident was resolved by Ron with a playful smile. Although the generals always felt a little uncomfortable, they survived the incident and avoided trouble, so they shook their heads and left the port without saying a word.

But before leaving, everyone looked at Ron strangely for a while.

After what happened today, many generals who had only labeled Ron as "genius" and "diligence" in the past now secretly wrote a slogan: "This boy has a deep scheming mind and must not be messed with."

As for shamelessness, smart people will not take it seriously.

Everyone can see that CP0 wants face, and Warring States also wants face. If two people who want face collide, it will be like Mars hitting the earth. But with Ron, a shameless recruit, mediating the situation, the two guys who wanted face naturally couldn't hold back and continued to confront each other head-on, so they achieved such an effect. And Ron was able to understand this in an instant, understand his own advantage in having a shocking feat, and take the initiative to be shameless, so scheming...

Can't afford to offend!

It is also based on the advantage of shocking achievements. If Ron and CP0 insist on sharing the pressure for the Warring States Period, they will only think that Ron is strong-blooded and brave. But Ron chose to be shameless, this is scheming! Not only did they not share the pressure and get burned, but they naturally despised them all.

This dumb loss was finally accepted.

But it's not from cp0, but from our own rookie.

Caesar directed the researchers to carry the cut core fragments back. He glanced at Ron, who was standing among the Sengoku and other bosses. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when Kizaru took him away by his collar... I don't know if I don't do it. , when Caesar restarted the design of improving the lightning stimulation instrument, he discovered that the difficulty was astonishing, and one move could affect the whole body.

At present, he can only guarantee the safety threshold of 5,000 Daoli at most. If it is higher, the same situation as last time will occur.

Therefore, his grounding time was long and far away... Anyway, the lieutenant generals of the headquarters who had no missions would go to the science unit for a walk, which scared Caesar like a quail, and he didn't have a good sleep for several days.

On the other side, Ron ignored Seng Guo's gaze that was mixed with scrutiny, surprise, anger, and depression, and came to Zefa and saluted.

"Teacher Zefa, I'm back!"

Zefa looked at Ron in front of him, paused for a moment at the familiar face that was much darker, and burst into tears: "It'll be good to come back! It'll be good to come back!"

Wiping away tears secretly, Zefa's voice was choked with sobs: "You know Ron, when I heard that the beast tide caused heavy casualties to you, I felt..."

Zefa is a person who is not good at expressing his emotions. He has always taught his disciples by beating them, so that they can remember their lessons during the beatings and never give them a good look. But this does not mean that the old man in front of him has no emotions. On the contrary, Zefa can be said to be the most emotional member of their generation.

To make a living in this dangerous sea area and fight against powerful enemies, every patrol may be the last time we see each other, and we will be separated forever. If it were not for the delicate emotions in our hearts, we would not dare to have the dream of having a home.

Including the later "z", the source that prompted Zefa to make the plan to destroy the entire new world was also his hatred for pirates. From a "general who doesn't kill" to a "Z" who wants to destroy the new world, only a person with rich emotions can breed such huge hatred!

Let me ask, if a relative was killed in the same war, did Garp hate Akainu less than Zefa hated the pirates

Of course it's impossible!

But Garp held back because he was more rational than emotional. Zefa is more emotional than rational.

Therefore, this beast wave on Hell Island made Zefa very uncomfortable, and he wanted to fly over immediately to rescue his disciples. If Warring States hadn't stopped him for various reasons, Ron and others might have met on the way back.

"My condolences, teacher."

Ron sighed.

After the death of his wife and children, he resigned from his position as general, and the new military camp can be said to be Zefa's only spiritual sustenance. He could not understand Zefa's feelings for his disciples because he did not have such rich experiences. But being able to be so rude to outsiders with no blood relationship did not prevent him from admiring Zefa.

The flying squirrel grinned and decided to hide the fact that Ron was responsible for the beast tide for the rest of his life and not tell anyone!

Moreover, Ron did it unintentionally, and the victim was a disciple whom his teacher regarded as his own. Once the truth is exposed, how should the master and disciple get along

This... is life!

Flying Squirrel is now becoming more and more optimistic about life.

Warring States stood aside silently. After Zefa calmed down, he patted him on the shoulder and said to Ron.

"Ron, this time you brought back the core of the Hell Island Crab. It is a great achievement. I will help you count it as a military merit. But you have not been officially awarded a military rank and cannot directly enjoy the reward. So what do you want? As long as you can do it. Yes, I will definitely help you complete it.”

This is the conclusion reached by Warring States and Flying Squirrel after careful discussion. After all, it is a huge contribution to completely solve the Hell Island Crab matter! !

More than ten years ago, when the Hell Island Crabs were destroying everywhere, the Five Old Stars said that whoever could solve this problem would be given a high-ranking official and a generous salary!

How high

As long as the Hell Island Crab is completely defeated and the strength is adequate, the fourth general will be certain!

Wulaoxing was also forced to panic at that time.

There is no way, the areas that the Hell Island Crabs passed through when they rebelled were all countries that were members of the World Government, as if they had a grudge against them! The world government at that time took advantage of the chaos caused by the Great Pirates Era. A total of more than 200 countries joined them to seek asylum. However, after being messed up by the Hell Island Crab, only more than 170 were left, creating a vacuum zone. !

Later, it was the Navy that made huge sacrifices to suppress the Hell Island Crab in the sparsely populated windless zone, which temporarily ended the disaster.

Just by showing this plot, one or two issues of the theatrical version can be produced!

Now Ron is completely wiping out the Hell Island Crabs as a new recruit. In terms of true merit and reward, the lieutenant general position cannot be passed on except for the general. But doing so would do more harm than good to Ron. He still lacks a foundation and can easily be targeted, regardless of whether it is overt or covert.

People in the One Piece world also know that anything beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. After all, among the new pirates who appear every year, the ones who die the fastest are the ones who shout the loudest.

So Warring States simply made a promise to appease Ron. He believed that judging from Ron's cunning level, he would definitely understand why he did this.

As expected, Ron's face turned serious when he turned around.

If you don't have a military rank, you can't receive rewards directly. This is something people who don't know how to say can only listen to. If the marshal of the navy could not reward according to his merits, the world would have been overturned by pirates long ago. So Ron knew that Sengoku would not be so foolish as to erase his own achievements, but had another purpose behind it.

"Sure enough... don't you have enough background?"

Ron was thoughtful, then glanced at Zefa, and made a judgment in his mind.

"Then I can just tell you straight?"

"Say it! But you know it yourself, so don't say it..."

It’s good to chat with smart people!

Warring States finally felt a little better, and he could ignore the things that Ron had just despised. Although he is a little bolder, a little bad-tempered and a little more capable of causing trouble, he has strength and brains. Where can he find such a rookie

But in the end, he struck a note that it was impossible to go too far. Everyone works under the rules, and breaking the rules is not good for anyone.

"Don't worry, my request is very simple for the marshal."

Ron grinned, he didn't care about military rank, only strength was the hard currency. Sengoku didn't want to be too prominent and couldn't improve his military rank, so he offered compensation, which played into Ron's hands.

"You tell me first and listen..."

Seng Guo tensed up inexplicably at the glint in Ron's eyes, and for a moment he wanted to break his promise.

"Actually, it's really simple... No matter what Teacher Zefa teaches me in the future, the navy cannot interfere for any reason, such as insufficient military merit, insufficient military merit, insufficient military merit, etc."

Say important things three times!

Ron finished his request in one breath and raised his eyebrows at Zefa.

The latter was stunned for a second, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Zefa thought that Ron would ask to learn all six naval styles, domineering and so on. After all, in terms of developing the thunder fruit, the scientific force was more useful than Zefa! But I didn't expect that such an answer was waiting for me.

As long as he could not interfere with Zefa's teaching due to lack of military merit, he could teach Ron the above content at any time. It seems that Ron is making a lot of money, but you must know that once this requirement is established, the initiative will be in his hands!

Ron was able to make this choice while giving up the benefits of a clearly stated price. What a sign of trust!

For a moment, Zefa burst into tears again.


"Sure enough, you still want to become stronger?"

Warring States frowned slightly, he was also startled by Ron's idea. However, this request did not exceed his expectations. On the contrary, it was still above the upper limit of his preparation. Warring States thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I agree to this request!"

Then he looked at Ron and said: "But even so, Ron, you can't aim too high. If you want to learn the Sixth Form of the Navy, practicing domineering at the same time will only distract you and do more harm than good. Do you understand?"

In response, Ron smiled slightly: "Understood!"

… …

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