One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 85: set sail! Major General Ron!


The summer is hot, and the scorching sun hangs in the sky, scorching the earth.

Under the scorching sun, the Navy Headquarters was still as lively as ever. But today is different from the past. There is no hustle and bustle of training, but only shock and admiration. On the square, the soldiers stood in neat queues, casting admiring and envious glances at the tall figure on the high platform who was undergoing the award ceremony.

The results of the survival training have come out, and today is the canonization ceremony for Ron and others to officially become naval officers. After Yi Qian stood down excitedly wearing his own cloak of justice, the finale came.

Ron walked up to Sengoku!

"That's Mr. Ron, right? Tsk tsk, people are more likely to die than others!"

"Why are you jealous? Ron is a real monster!!"

"What? Ron? Is he Senior Ron?!"

In the queue of the recruit camp, several recruits' eyes lit up when they heard this, and they curiously asked the veterans standing next to them for advice.

The headquarters recruit camp is not the headquarters military academy, and there is no requirement that you must be fifteen years old to graduate. As long as you have the strength, strong people like Ron can participate in survival training and prepare to leave the camp in more than half a year. Therefore, the recruitment frequency of the new recruit camp of the headquarters is very fast. Before Ron knew it, one year after he came to this world, another batch of recruits were selected into the new recruit camp of the headquarters.

"Yes, he is Ron... No, he should be called Major General Ron from now on!"

The veterans said with great emotion.

A monster who set a record for the fastest pass in the boot camp!

A genius who has repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats even as a new recruit!

He may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the most special!

Since these recruits joined the headquarters' recruit camp, what they have heard most is the legend about Ron.

A powerful thunder fruit user, former navy admiral "Black Arms" Zefa's disciple, a super rookie who continued the legend of the three generals. It only took just two months to go from almost failing when I first joined to bursting with amazing power in the year-end evaluation. Now, in a little more than half a year, I have successfully walked out of the new barracks with the rank of major general!

It can be said that in the next ten years or so, every recruit in the new camp will be sweating profusely listening to Ron's legend, looking forward to the day when they can do it themselves.

And what makes them excited the most is that Ron saved the world!

The crisis of the Hell Island Crab has been completely resolved, and even the Five Old Stars sent people over to express their appreciation!

If Ron didn't join halfway but was trained from an early age, they would even have the idea of pulling Ron into the CP organization. As long as he stays in the CP organization for a period of time to accumulate qualifications and connections, Ron will definitely be among the senior officials of the World Government!

A true dignified minister!

Strength, power, wealth, and fame, Ron now has everything except wealth, and he is the well-deserved idol of the recruits!

"Sure enough... it's very unique! People with thunder fruit abilities are really scary..."

Kizaru sat in his seat, looking at the calm figure standing behind Sengoku who was giving a speech, and said slowly. These words were still spoken in his usual casual tone, but Akainu and Aokiji could tell that Kizaru didn't mean the slightest bit of ridicule in it.

Ron is a real monster!

Even the three of them couldn't deny this.

After all, think back, what did they do in the boot camp for a year and a half

The only impressive results were the elimination of several arrogant pirate groups during the actual combat training that began in May and June.

However, if Ron had not chosen to leave the camp and continue to study in the boot camp, wouldn't he be able to do it

Of course it's impossible!

It's not that he can't do it, he just doesn't have the time to do it.

Ron's growth rate was so fast that Zefa was helpless and had nothing to teach him. He could only let him leave the camp early to accumulate military merit before he could continue to teach.

Given this terrifying growth rate, no one knows where Ron's upper limit is. It took half a year to get to this point, but what about one year? What about two years? What about ten years? ! At this moment, even if they are the world's top experts, they can't help but feel a sense of urgency in their hearts. They have been called the "strongest combat force in the navy" for so long that the whole sea is filled with thunderous winds and every vegetation is covered with soldiers. Naturally, they have developed a sense of arrogance.

But Ron's appearance today made them understand that there was someone who could sway them. He is more talented than them, and he has more perseverance than them. If he stops moving forward, it will only be a matter of time before he is surpassed.

If you are not being chased, you will not know the urgency. Unknowingly, the mentality of the three generals has changed slightly.

"Maybe, in another seven or eight years, one of us will have to make way for him..."

Kizaru pouted and returned to his usual wretched appearance.

"Do you think so, General Akainu?"

"Hmph! If he can defeat me, what if I give up this general to him?!"

Akainu snorted and continued. The hawkish Akainu wants to build the navy into a complete punishment machine and sweep the new world with iron-blooded wind. His goal has always been to become the marshal of the navy, and the prerequisite for becoming a marshal must be a general, without exception.

Being able to make him say this showed that Ron had left a very deep impression on him.

After all, Ron was brought into the navy by Garp, and his thoughts were more in line with Garp's carefree style, which would definitely not get along with his iron-blooded soldier attitude. Akainu sees clearly that if Ron really goes that far and becomes a general, even if he becomes a marshal, he will have Aokiji who has always been at odds with him, plus the neutral party Kizaru who doesn't care, and those who have nothing to do with him. Ron, the "Kapp faction" who has always been proud of himself, is still unable to change the current weak atmosphere in the Navy.

At that time, it would be better to abdicate on your own initiative!

However, he will not give up, because the problems he may face after becoming a marshal are the same for Qing Pheasant, and the two of them are evenly matched.

Thinking of this, Akainu sneered and said, "But if I become a marshal before then, everything will be easier."

Aoki glanced at him with a meaningful look, and said calmly: "Don't be so excited, General Akainu. The marshal is not old enough to abdicate in favor of others!"

Suddenly, the three of them felt a murderous intent at the same time. The corners of Akainu's mouth twitched twice and he shut up and stopped talking. Kizaru began to trim his nails carelessly, while Aokiji pulled down his blindfold and closed his eyes to rest.

These three bastards! ! !

Mastering the domineering Sengoku eyes with murderous intent, I have worked hard to train new people, but you started discussing the next marshal later

Are you drifting off or am I unable to lift the knife? !

But now is not the time to worry about this. Warring States looked away and coughed twice.

"Ahem... Congratulations, Ron!"

Now is Ron's investiture ceremony. After listing Ron's achievements, he took out a folded cloak of justice and held it in front of Ron. Warring States felt a little emotional. Compared with those three bastards, Ron was better!

At least it looks pleasing to the eye...

"It's all the Marshal's teachings! Without the navy, I wouldn't be where I am today! I will keep this kindness in my heart! From today on, I will shed my blood and sacrifice my life for justice!"

With a confident smile on his face, Ron reached out and took the cloak. Today he will officially leave his status as a recruit and become a naval officer. He had already left the recruit's short-sleeved suit in the room and put on the black suit given to him by Zefa.

Why was it sent

There is no way, I am poor! !

A new recruit without any background, where can he get money

Fortunately, the navy also provides food and accommodation even after leaving the camp. Otherwise, the first of Ron's three priorities as a new officer would be to imitate the scum of the navy and find ways to make some money to spend.

Hanging from his waist is Lei Yun, the dragon-killing sword. He has short hair and a tough face. Her facial features, which cannot be called pretty, have unique confidence and firmness, which add a lot of points to her. The bright eyes are always as calm as water, unfazed by the sky. Persistent exercise has made his muscles well-proportioned and his figure improved without being bloated. After changing into a suit, Ron can be regarded as a talented person.

He was mentally prepared for Ron's lackluster Sengoku, and such a shameless compliment did not make him change his expression.

Otherwise, what else can be done

The Navy has produced such a shameless product, and I am very desperate! Coupled with the three generals over there who were thinking of "seeking power and usurping the throne", the Warring States Period felt a pain in the liver...

"Stop talking nonsense. I have three minutes to speak. After you finish speaking, get out of here..."

Zeng Guo's mood suddenly changed, with a smile on his face, and then he glanced at Ron with a cold gaze.

The latter suddenly became excited and stood at attention to salute.

Uh-huh! !

The cloak of justice fluttered in the wind and was put on Ron's shoulders. The bright gold star on the epaulette told everyone that from today on, the Navy Headquarters has an additional rear admiral!

Not everyone is eligible to attend the medal ceremony. Generally speaking, even school-level officers will only briefly arrange a certificate presentation speech, and will not convene everyone to hold the medal ceremony with great fanfare.

The awarding ceremony will only be held when the rank of general is officially conferred. An exaggerated and grand layout, coupled with arranging newspaper reporters to interview and report to promote the sea, is the only way for the headquarters to encourage soldiers. Ron's contribution is too high. Although he cannot be directly listed as a lieutenant general in this department due to various reasons, he is fully qualified as a major general.

It was night, and many people came to Ron's independent courtyard.

Almost all the lieutenant generals of the headquarters were present, and the effect of Garp's face brushing was very good. The appearance of the lightning stimulation device gave the lieutenant generals no reason not to give Ron face, and they all came to congratulate him. At the same time, because of the good relationship between Ron and Garp, the latter is the former's guide. No matter whether they are doves or hawks in the navy, they have no objection to him.

The Cap faction is not a formal sect, it just represents a group of miscreants gathered around Cap's personal charm. For example, the Thorny-headed Smoker a few years ago had the same attitude towards everyone, and both the doves and the hawks were used to it.

A group of lieutenant generals came in and toasted Zefa first. After all, most of them were disciples taught by Zefa and were Ron's senior brothers. Soon, Zefa, who was in a good mood, drank too much and started to act drunkenly, making it difficult for three or five people to hold him. Garp, the only one who had the strength and dared to attack Zefa, was eating donuts heartlessly beside him. From time to time, he would add fuel to the fire and tease Zefa, making the scene even more chaotic!

Looking at the big bed that had been trampled by a large group of people since he hadn't slept, and turned into a doghouse, Ron had a smile on his face and felt embarrassed in his heart.

If it weren't for today being a bad day to get angry, Ron would have taught them how to behave with the Hell Ape without saying a word!

Of course, if he did it, the consequences would most likely be that he, the new major general, would be surrounded by a group of veterans, and then hang up the mast to enjoy the sea breeze all night. Not only was it humiliating, but the next day he was called out and criticized by the Warring States Period for vandalizing public property and had to write a self-criticism.

Don't be surprised, what can't old bastard Garp do? !

"Long time no see, my Captain Ron!"

Just as Ron was gritting his teeth, a familiar voice drew his attention back. Ron turned around and looked around, his eyes gleaming: "Your Majesty Rosa!!"

The visitor was none other than Rosa, the former king of Huadu. Next to him were the fish-man general Jed, whom he had not seen for a long time, and the King of Flower City Fred, who was beaten up by Jed.

"I am not a king now, I am just an old man who is taking care of himself..."

After not seeing each other for many days, Rosa became more and more kind. It seemed that Rosa was undoubtedly in a much better mood since Fred took over. Thinking about it, Fred had proven his means and ambition in a rebellion. Now he left everything to his eldest nephew to do. He no longer had to worry about Huadu. It was normal for Rosa to feel better.

"I heard that you were being awarded a medal today just after we landed. I was in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. I gave you this gem."

With that said, Rosa took out a crystal clear emerald from her arms and handed it to Ron.

"As long as people come, why are you so polite!!"

Ron spoke modestly, took the gem with lightning speed and put it into his arms.

There is no way, he is really poor now!

The food and drinks for tonight's party are all paid for by Xiu Zuo, a senior fellow!

None of the lieutenant generals who came to congratulate had the shame to send Bailey directly. Instead, they gave him a lot of strange treasures, which are not easy to sell here and can easily offend people.

But no matter how expensive the baby is, you can’t bring food with you!

Queen Rosa, after all, a gem, whether it is sold at the exchange in town or exchanged for Bailey with all the female marines, is a huge profit!

After accepting the gift, Ron smiled even more happily, but as he rolled his eyes, he thought of Rosa's other purpose.

So he leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Since the late King Rosa is here, is it..."

"Of course!"

Rosa looked at the little fox-like Ron in front of her and couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle. For a moment, it was like thousands of flowers blooming, making people intoxicated. Even though time is not forgiving, the Queen's charm remains undiminished. Didn’t you see that old bastard Garp over there with his eyes popping out

Rosa greeted Jed, who took out a box from his arms and handed it to Ron.

The tall fishman Jade stood up and even the lights were blocked. He smacked his lips and said: "I can understand the training experience of armed domineering. After all, you are a navy, and everything speaks for itself in terms of military merit. But my fishman karate, you Is it useful to hold it?”

Yes, that was the original deal between Ron and Rosa. He helped Rosa solve the internal and external troubles in Huadu, and Rosa helped him find the training experience of armed domineering, which allowed him to bypass the restrictions on naval military merit and practice on his own. .

But fishman karate... a fruit ability user? Are you still ready to go to sea? Are you kidding me

"General Jade is gifted. He has stayed on land for decades and evolved the unique wind-trading technique from Murloc Karate, which requires liquids as its elements. This ability is not limited to naval battles!"

Ron smiled mysteriously without explaining much.

In response to this answer, Jade blushed and became silent.

A fish-man karate technique that must use liquid as its element has suddenly evolved into a wind-walking technique that can be released on land. Its power has not decreased but increased. Why is this

Ron glanced sympathetically at Garp who was pretending to be calm. Even without his handsome uncle Fred, Garp's love rival was still quite strong!

… …

The first volume ends here and a new chapter is about to begin. By the way, last night Daeshu revised the previous article based on the setting of "Thunder Fruits cannot fly and can only float" and changed it to "Thunder Fruits can fly". If you want to see the revised content, just add the book back to the bookshelf. If there is anything that has not been changed, please leave a comment in this chapter or leave a message in the book review area so that Dashu can organize it.

Another thing, you may not believe it, I actually missed two chapters after chapter 53 and did not publish them. After I discovered this when I checked, I stuffed those two chapters after chapter 53.

I don’t know how many book friends still remember that Dashu coded 10,000 to 20,000 words at that time, and then republished it in chapters. It was during that process that I missed a full six thousand words. Because I’ve coded it myself, I’m not surprised at all. If I hadn't checked it last night and felt like something was missing after reading it over and over, I really don't know what happened.

Finally, I am asking for recommendations and collections. The big tree does not have high requirements, I just want Wanshou to be put on the shelves!

Guaranteed 10 more updates on the shelves!

Although he is a flamboyant, Dashu Code's character can be said shamelessly and he is never sloppy!

Here, please!