One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 86: The mission has arrived


A few days later, Ron was in the small courtyard.

Zefa held up the training experience of armed color domineering and read it carefully. After a long time, he closed the book and nodded: "As expected of a strong man who has ventured into the new world. This training experience can be directly compared with the training. As long as the physical strength keeps up, the awakening of armed domineering will be a matter of course!"

Although no one in Huadu has mastered Haki, with Huadu's national power, there is no problem in collecting a book of armed Haki training experiences left by strong men.

After all, these things are everywhere in the new world, so they are not considered secret treasures. Moreover, Armed Color Haki is not something that can be awakened just because it wants to be awakened. What is precious is not the method, but the difficulty of practice. Take Jade as an example. He is physically strong enough to learn Haki, but his talent seems to be all about riding the wind and he knows nothing about Haki.

After saying that, Zefa looked at Ron with a smile, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "In order to circumvent the restrictions on military merit, your boy really made a big move!"

The Navy's military merit only restricted Zefa from teaching Ron Haki privately, but if Ron found a way to practice Haki on his own, the Navy would not be able to deny him permission to learn it. I thought that Ron had already done enough for the Huadu issue. He teamed up with the Queen to mess around with Fred and Garp and wiped out the Baroque Working Society. Unexpectedly, the real focus turned out to be here!

Ron sat in the rocking chair and sipped tea leisurely. This was a pound of good tea given to him by Kizaru.

That night the generals could not come due to their status, but they all sent gifts. Even Akainu, who criticized Ron the most, also sent a calligraphy and painting... Ron's future is clearly visible. He wants to be a marshal, so it is inevitable to win over Ron.

In Kizaru's character, drinking tea, reading newspapers, and getting his nails done are all essential.

It is worth mentioning that Caesar also wanted to come over and get close to him, but Kizaru said he would not go and spent the whole night supervising Caesar's experimental equipment.

Hearing Zefa's comment, Ron smiled: "In this way, even if I go out in the future, I can practice Armed Color Haki alone. When Teacher, you sort out the training experience of Seeing and Hearing Color Haki, I won't have to worry about food and drink! "

Because the nobles of the participating countries were killed in the bombing, Huadu fought for several months, and the reward promised to Ron was delayed again and again, and it was not delivered until now. But it can't be said that it's useless. After all, Jade was able to change the fish-man karate to version 2.0 for Rosa. He naturally tried his best to collect his experience. I heard that he even returned to the fish-man island for this purpose. The arrival of this experience can save Zefa a lot of time, and he can start practicing faster.

Just as he was thinking happily, there was a sound of wind in his ears. Ron closed his eyes and grabbed it with his backhand, grabbing the cultivation experience.

"You kid, don't be too ambitious. Whether it's armed domineering or witnessing domineering, it's not easy to awaken."

Zefa glared at Ron and said: "In this month's free time, you first memorize the remaining three moves and six moves, learn as many as you can, have a brief taste of Taofeng Liuyu Karate, and become familiar with different systems. It will be easier to awaken your domineering power once you are able to control your life!"

As the one-year deadline approached, Zefa became more and more nervous. He didn't know if Ron would be able to grow at such a terrifying rate after the expiration. He could only teach in a cram-like manner, cramming in everything he could teach. Then let Ron digest and absorb it slowly.

Among them, the return of life is the second path he prepared for Ron.

The Six-Style Secret Life Return is a completely buggy skill.

It allows the controller to control every cell in the body, even the hair!

But the ability to block blood flow and control wound contraction is inferior. The real point is that as long as you learn to return life, understand your heart and see your nature, you can learn anything quickly. It can be called the Yijin Jing of the One Piece world!

As long as he learns this magical skill, even if the medicine expires, Ron will not instantly fall from genius to useless person.

"Of course I know this, but I have another purpose. I have to learn Haki first... Even if I can't learn Haki, I still have to learn Feng Ryuu Karate!"

Ron didn't know his situation, so he explained, and in Zefa's confused eyes, he spit out a name: "Baroque Works!"


Zefa was suddenly startled and frowned.

A month later, in the underground training room of the recruit camp.

The steel cell was filled with seawater, up to the knees. Because it was sea water, Ron felt very uncomfortable standing in it. The familiar feeling of powerlessness after falling into the sea from an empty island made him irritable. The high-voltage current that flickered on his body was unconsciously released, pushing out layers of ripples from the water surface.

Taking a deep breath, Ron slowly moved his left foot forward and lunged back.



Ron's eyes narrowed, his hands were clasped in a virtual circle, and he raised them upwards.

Murloc karate, wind and water dragon bullet (tan)!


Suddenly, the seawater in the training room buzzed together, and a huge vortex emerged out of thin air, with Ron as the center, spreading crazily in all directions, revealing the hard steel floor below. Immediately afterwards, the water that spread to the extreme rose into the sky, forming a snake-like water rope whip in the air, and hit the opposite wall.


The sea water with huge force hit the wall crazily, causing cracks in the steel. But then, the sea water did not dissipate immediately. Instead, it bounced off the wall, curved and continued to hit and bounce. It wasn't until after five or six bounces that all its strength was exhausted, that the water dragon suddenly dispersed with a loud explosion!


Ron stood up against the electromagnetic barrier, separated from the sea water, and then looked at the room with five spider web-like cracks on the wall, smiling with satisfaction.

"It's really a magical wind-walking flow! It uses wind to control water, not water flow. It penetrates the will of the wind, and its power does not decrease but increases."

Waves are not only driven by tides, but also by strong winds. This is a truth that many people know.

But looking at the sea, all Yumen Karate users are mainly based on water, and their combat effectiveness is doubled in the sea, but they have forgotten the meaning of wind. Just like Jinbe attacked Big Mom at Cake Island, crushing the tea cup and using tea water to do it.

Without water, Murloc Karate is not as good as ordinary fighting skills. At least Marine Six Style can beat it while hanging!

Because of Rosa's long-term stay on land, Jade developed the wind-walking flow without enough water flow to cooperate. He replaced the sea water with the same plastic form of wind, and integrated it into the fishman karate, pushing it to a higher level.

I have to say that based on this alone, if he were a pirate, he would definitely be able to stir up trouble in the new world!

Fred did not lose unfairly!

Ron sighed again, raised his hand, put his fingers together, and waved forward.

Zizzi! !

Fish-man karate, wind, water, thunder and arrows!


A seawater arrow shot out from the water, wrapped in the power of the strong wind, and hit the wall quickly. The next second, a small crater suddenly exploded in the wall, and electric current continued to spread on the wall, dyeing the water surface a clear blue.

The seawater filled with vigorous current not only has the destructive power of thunder and lightning, but also has the restraint effect of seawater on fruit ability users. This is a unique skill that Ron has practiced this month.

Without attribute restraint, if you don’t have the armament, color, and domineering power, you can’t defeat the natural type


Ron will use this move to tell Crocodile that the natural element can play with water, and how terrifying its power is!

After the Huadu Incident, Baroque Working Group's life was quite difficult. Mr.1 was arrested, Mr.3 was killed, and Miss. Golden Week was adopted by He as his adopted daughter. This was a heavy blow to Baroque Works. All actions turned into darkness, and even the dark world could not detect the news.

The loss of personnel comes second. The important point is that the Navy has told the world through this operation that Baroque Co., Ltd. has nothing to worry about and dares to go against the Navy. No matter what you are, you will be put down!

Compared with the loss of high-end combat power, after being severely hit, others no longer believe in Baroque Co., Ltd., and there is no business and no money to make, which indirectly affects the country's plan to steal the country. This is the real crisis of Baroque Co., Ltd.

It is conceivable that Crocodile hates himself quite a lot!

The calmness of these past few months is just the calm before the storm.

He had been staying at the Navy Headquarters before, and was escorted by the Lieutenant General of the Headquarters on both trips, so the other party had no chance to attack him. But now that he has become a rear admiral, the name of the navy rookie has spread throughout the sea, and he is about to go on a mission at sea. Ron does not believe that Crocodile will not hold back.

That cruel and cold-blooded sand crocodile, if you don't take action, it will definitely be murderous!

Among all the participants in the Huadu incident, the independent self is the easiest to target. Only by completely eradicating himself as the culprit can the reputation of the Baroque Working Society be reestablished.

That's why Ron told Zefa that the Sixth Form of the Marines and Life Return can be put aside, and Armed Haki and Murloc Karate are the real ones.

As an outsider, Zefa couldn't see the mystery of this clearly, but he believed that Ron would not be innocent. Ron had given him the initiative as a professor, and Zefa had considerable trust in this disciple.


When Cao Cao arrived, with an unpleasant twisting sound, the damaged steel door was pushed open with brute force. Zefa looked at the seawater flowing down his ankles into the corridor, and his face twitched. Said to Ron: "The marshal has a task for you, follow me!"

The one-month rest and adaptation period has ended, and Ron must officially contribute to the Navy.

Ron was not surprised by this, nodded and walked out the door.


Suddenly, Zefa stopped him. Under the latter's confused gaze, he pointed to the chaotic seawater outside and said: "Evaporate the seawater with thunder and lightning. Don't hurt anyone or damage public property! If you can't do it, you can Give me buckets of them!"

Ron: "..."