One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 87: Historical text


Headquarters fortress, marshal's office.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in!"

Wearing toad glasses, Warring States looked at the two masters and apprentices who walked into the office, with some dissatisfaction on his face: "Why does it take so long? As a navy, have you even forgotten the most basic concept of time!... Ron!"


"You've just become a major general and you're so tired. What do you want to do?!"

Ron: "..."

Glancing at Zefa next to him, Ron silently chanted the words "Die Dao Friend Bu Die Ping Dao", saluted and replied: "Report to Marshal! Teacher Zefa asked me to clean up, so I'm late!"

"Shut up! Being late is being late, no excuses!"

The old man from the Warring States period became angry and shouted: "Go back and hand me three thousand words for inspection. Do you understand why I won't do this next time?!"

Ron: "... Got it!"


Zefa sneered from the side, and in Ron's eyes as if he had seen a ghost, he shrugged: "Kid, do you know that a war never tires of deceit?!"

No, no, no, you guys are like a den of snakes and rats, working together in treachery!

To put it bluntly, you just want to teach me a lesson, right? !

Just like when entering the third year of study, no matter how outstanding the students are, they will be scolded first to make them more vigilant and nip them in the bud.

As expected of being old friends for decades, they were able to complete such a clever collaboration without even making eye contact!

Seeing Ron pretending to be his grandson, Seng Guo was in a good mood and sat back in his seat. Then he opened the drawer and groped inside as he said: "Now you are an official officer, and you are a major general posted at the headquarters. Every move you make represents the face of the navy. Cheer up!"


"That's good, this is your mission, take it and have a look!"

As he said that, Seng Guo seemed to have touched something, and he threw it on the table and pushed it to Ron.


But at this time, there was only a crisp sound, and something accidentally fell to the ground. The three people's eyes were neatly locked on the unknown object, and the air became quiet for a while.

Ron blinked and said happily: "Marshal, do we still need to discuss the matter of writing the inspection?"

Warring States Period: “…”

"Ahem, what kind of test? Why didn't I know..."

Ron's face was full of pleasure and he nodded: "Indeed, I didn't see anything."

When Ron left with the mission information, Zefa glared at Seng Guo with a look of hatred, and cursed angrily: "Old thief of Sengoku! Can't you hide the senbei better?"

"Is it my fault? Bastard Garp can find it no matter how well I hide it. He only dares to rummage through the place where important documents are stored!"


Warring States tore open the plastic bag, took out a piece of senbei, and handed it to Zefa: "Do you want to eat it?"

As a marshal, for the sake of dignity and responsibility, he cannot leave the office without permission on weekdays. But everything has an end. After finishing the documents, Seng Guo, who was bored, the only fun he had was to take some time to eat some snacks. This is the marshal's office anyway, who dares to come in without knocking? Later, he developed a habit of eating a little when he had a headache, a little when he was bored, and a little when he was in a good mood. He always kept snacks in the office.

Zefa's nose was filled with smoke, he glared at Warring States, turned around and left: "Eat, eat, eat, I won't kill you, you old bastard! Be careful of diabetes caused by too much sugar!"

"Then you might as well persuade Garp first. Donuts are the real high-calorie food. If he dies, he will die first..."

Sengoku shrugged and chewed the senbei.

The first mission given to Ron by Sengoku was not a big event. It was just an invasion by pirates owned by a member country. The Kingdom's army was no match, so Sengoku sent Ron over to clear out the pirates.

It's pure fighting and killing, with no intrigue. For a newcomer, this kind of mission is very good.

Half a day later, Ron came to the port and prepared to set off. Adjutant Dongte, who had received the order long ago, had already gathered the people and lined up at the port to wait for their commander.

It is worth mentioning that it took Quindonte's father more than ten years to become a colonel in the headquarters from a sergeant in the branch. He, the son, became a major in the headquarters directly after graduation.

During his trip to Hell Island, Dongte showed his extraordinary commanding ability and was favored by the Warring States Period. The soldiers were also quite convinced and full of praise for him. After all, not everyone in every class could lead a team to make a living on Hell Island.

Considering Dongte's potential and his father's face, the Warring States Period did not let Dongte go to the Four Seas for training, but sent him to serve in the G-6 branch. Anyway, the young and mature Dongte now lacks only strength, and there is no need to go to the Four Seas for gold plating. .

However, this assignment was rejected by Dongte. He took the initiative to become Ron's adjutant, thinking that he could become stronger faster by Ron's side!

As a major general, it was not too much to have a major by his side as an adjutant. Sengoku thought for a while and agreed to Dongte's request.

Dongte and Ron belong to the same generation and have a common language, so there will be no situation where they rely on their elders to betray their elders. If someone else is arranged, it might not be as good as Dongte. With Ron's bad temper, being disobedient as his lieutenant would be worse than being Smoker's commander!

"Major General Ron!"

Donte was wearing a brown suit and a cloak of justice. When he saw Ron, he started to salute from a distance.

Ron returned the military salute, glanced at the navy soldiers who were ready to go on the warship deck, and asked: "Thank you for your hard work, how are you preparing? This is the war beast that I asked the marshal to allocate to me through Teacher Zefa. Don’t make any mistakes!”

It stands to reason that all major generals in the headquarters are qualified to equip war beasts, but after all, the cost is high, and only some powerful elites are capable of using war beasts as main ships. Ron had no abilities, but he had a teacher with a high status. He shamelessly spent a long time with Warring States. For the sake of Zefa's words, Warring States gave him a spare old warship.

"Everything is ready and ready to go!"

Although he served as Ron's adjutant for the purpose of becoming stronger, there is a huge difference between an ordinary warship and a war beast! The difference in firepower alone is nearly five times! Dongte was also very excited to be the second-in-command on the war beast.

"That's good, let's board the ship!"


Looking at the giant war beast slowly pulling up the sail in front of him, I have to say that Ron was a little excited. Fisting to the flesh is a man's romance. Being bigger, thicker, harder and stronger is also a man's romance! The steel monster with numerous cannon barrels in front of him and exuding a murderous aura is completely in line with Ron's aesthetics. This romantic flavor is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"Huh? Dog-headed warship?"

Looking up at his warship, Ron suddenly spotted the dog-headed warship also docked at the port in the distance.

Since the dinner party, Garp, Rosa and others have disappeared, and Ron has been practicing hard without knowing why. But now looking at the square object covered with canvas and tied tightly that was being slowly hoisted down from the dog-headed warship, Ron knew that his guess had come true.

On the deck, Garp's eyes were majestic and serious, his tiger-like ferocity undisguised, staring at every soldier responsible for transportation. Seeing Ron, he just nodded lightly, and then continued to observe the hoisting process.

"I see... Rosa and the others finally dug up the historical text. Is Garp responsible for transporting it?"

Ron couldn't think of anything other than the historical text that could make Crocodile so willing to give up and be sure it wasn't treasure. Now it turns out that he was right. After the anti-invasion war with other countries ended, Fred was also curious about what the Baroque Working Society was digging. He continued to dig along the big hole they dug, and finally he dug out something buried underground. historical text.

So they rushed to the Navy headquarters immediately, even landed on the island in the middle of the night, and handed it over to the World Government with the help of the Navy.

Regardless of whether it is the fourth historical text of road signs that did not appear in the original work or the historical text of information recording ancient weapons, for Huadu, this thing is a hot potato.

Private research will be destroyed by the Demon-Slaying Order, and leaking the information will attract ambitious pirates. Only handing it over to the World Government is the safest way.

If Rosa can't even understand this, she doesn't deserve to be called the "Queen of a Thousand Faces."

After receiving such important news, Warring States immediately arranged for Garp to leave without saying a word and go to Huadu to escort the historical text. At full speed, the round trip time that originally took two months was compressed to one month.

If Ron guessed correctly, a big shot from the CP organization would soon come out of Mariejoia with orders from the Five Old Stars to receive the historical text.

Sure enough, before he and the others were completely away from the headquarters, a warship flying the flag of the World Government crossed them. The opponent was of a higher level. Ron lined up on the side of the deck to salute, and suddenly found that the person who came was an acquaintance, the CP0 who was entrusted to beat the navy.

"Hello, my lord! Goodbye, my lord!"

Looking at that familiar shameless smile, cp0 was speechless.

Then he turned his head and whispered to himself: "Is he just a major general? He is quite smart, Warring States Period."

… …

Thanks to the book friend ~Tian Wu February丶~ for the 500 reward! Thanks to the book friend ~Fei Xingguyue~ for the 500 reward! Thanks to the book friend ~Brother Bing is not alone in the doomsday~ for the 100 reward! Thanks to the book friend ~ I love fried shredded pork with green pepper ~ for the 100 reward!

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