One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 91: showdown!


After having a good meal and wine, Ron declined Bingshan's repeated attempts to stay, and Ron left the mayor's building with Bingshan's courtesy.

The City of Seven Waters is still beautiful under the moonlight, and the comings and goings of tourists and merchants bring vitality to the place. On the way back, Dongte wanted to ask several times, but Ron stopped him with his eyes. In this way, a group of people walked through the bustling street and came to a secluded alley without saying a word.

At this time, Ron suddenly stopped and took out the cigar in his pocket. The high-voltage current jumped between his fingers and thumbs like an elf, lighting it up.

"Come out, Miss Khalifa. If you have anything to say, it's enough to explain it here."

Since the last time he said that to Zefa, the old man has slowly reduced the number of cigarettes he smokes. He knew his body well. The hidden wounds left in his youth gradually erupted as he grew older. His asthma symptoms became more and more obvious, and his strength was not as good as before. Even if he didn't think about himself, Zefa also started to quit smoking in order to teach his closed disciple Ron.

And Zefa quit smoking, those stocks were all cheaper for Ron, and all kinds of high-quality cigars made Ron smoke happily without any worries!

His self-healing ability becomes more and more abnormal as his strength increases. Now let alone smoking, even smoking sulfur can't kill him!

After Ron finished speaking, the alleyway remained silent, as if Ron was just talking to the air, a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ron was not in a hurry and sneered. A stream of electricity seeped into the ground from under his feet, turned into thousands of snakes, lit up the night sky, and pounced forward fiercely.

Zizzi! !

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several black shadows immediately rushed out of the darkness and landed in front of Ron. Ron found that Kalifa, who was the weakest, was trembling in her hands and feet after she stood firm, apparently injured by the electric current. Dongte drew his sword in his hand and called out: "Be careful! Protect the major general!"


Click, click, click!

The soldiers who can be selected as Ron's guards are all well-trained, and they don't say any nonsense. They just hear the sound of pulling bolts, and their muskets are aimed at each other. As long as the opponent makes any change, they will shoot to repel the enemy without hesitation.

No matter how big the gap in strength between them and Ron is, and who will protect whom in a real fight, the duty of the guards is to protect the officers. If you want to attack Ron, you must first step over their bodies.

"No! no! no! Please don't get me wrong, we don't mean any harm."

The speaker is not a human, but a dove standing on the shoulders of the cloaked man in the middle. His name is Hadoli, who is Rob Luqi's pet. Although he is obviously an unsmiling, cold-blooded guy, Lu Qi often uses ventriloquism to cooperate with Hadori to say some ridiculous things and make various exaggerated expressions, which is a kind of cute contrast.

"We are members of cp9 under the World Government and are performing tasks in the Capital of Seven Waters."

"cp9...could this organization really exist?"

As a son of the family, Dongte had heard of the CP9 branch, but because the other party had always been mysterious, even he couldn't tell the truth from the false. Unable to make up his mind for a moment, he turned to look at Ron.

Of course Ron knew that they were genuine, but he couldn't point it out directly, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain the source of the information, so he smiled and asked: "CP9? Sorry, I haven't heard of it... Prove it to me, otherwise I will let you You know the consequences of pretending to be a government agent!"


A bolt of thunder shot out from his finger, and struck the stone slab in front of Rob Luqi's leather shoes. With so many people present, no one could see the movement of the thunder and lightning clearly. They could only detect it through the light spots remaining on the retina after the shock. The presence of attacks. When the thunder dissipated, the hard stone slab was scorched black and the center was shattered into pieces.

The Thunder Fruit has unparalleled lethality!

Rob Luqi was unmoved by Ron's demonstration. He had an idea of the conversation in front of him, which was also the reason why he took the initiative to show up tonight. I saw him saying to the tall female cloaked figure on the side: "Kalifa, use the finger gun on me."

Kalifa's cloak was simply a bit redundant. Among the three, she had the most bulging chest. With the familiar smell of perfume, even Donte could tell who she was. Kalifa didn't hesitate after receiving the order. After pulling down her cloak, she pushed up her glasses with her fingertips.

Death finger gun whip!

She waved her hand, and her arm twisted as softly as if it were boneless, like a dancing rope. The powerful force was locked between the muscles and bones. He stretched out his index finger and used the power accumulated by swinging his arm to hit Robluqi's heart. The power of this move is comparable to the powerful flintlock gun developed by the navy. If it were an ordinary person, it would inevitably be shot through the heart!

But since Rob Luqi dared to let Kalifa attack him, he naturally had his guarantee. He kept his hands in his pockets, and his muscles suddenly tensed before the gun came to him.


Boom! !

The fingers collided with the chest, and the flesh and blood body made a steely sound. The cloak and casual suit on Rob Luqi's chest were smoking from the high-speed finger gun, but looking through the clothes, there was not even a red spot left on the muscles inside.

Highly accomplished Navy Sixth Form, iron block and finger gun!

There is no more powerful explanation than these two moves. This is a secret that is not passed down by the navy. There are people in Dahaihai who can imitate it.

Except for a certain rubber monkey…

Bang bang bang!

"Wonderful piece of iron!"

Ron chewed his cigar and clapped his hands, signaling the soldiers to put away their weapons. Rob Luqi is worthy of his title of "the strongest man in 800 years". With the defense provided by this iron block alone, he can go sideways in the first half of the Grand Route.

"Huh... Since you are an agent of the World Government, what you do has nothing to do with our navy. Dongte, go back to sleep!"

After blowing out a smoke ring, Ron turned around and left without talking nonsense. Rob Luqi was a little surprised by Ron's straightforwardness and warned: "Don't mention our existence to anyone, Major General Ron, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Don't worry, I hate trouble the most..."

Ron waved his hand and led everyone away.

When they disappeared at the end of the street, Kalifa asked in disbelief: "It's that simple? He just left like that?"

"What else can we do?"

Kaku, who had been playing the role of a wooden man next to him, pulled down his hood and shrugged: "We are CP9, Khalifa. It will do no good for him to go against us. Of course, we have to go both ways!"

"is that so?"

Kalifa muttered casually, feeling a little unreal.

It can be seen from the part where Ron was robbing the iceberg that this new rear admiral, who has a huge reputation in the Navy Headquarters, is not a simple person. And the major beside him, Quintonte, was equally extraordinary.

"Okay, you go back first, Kalifa, don't make Bingshan suspicious."

Rob Luqi stopped the two from continuing their conversation, then looked at the direction where Ron disappeared and said calmly: "He is a smart man, and smart people know what they should do."

After that, he took the lead to pull down his hood, stepped on the moon steps, and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Kaku and Kalifa looked at each other, pulled down their hoods, and disappeared.

It's just that they didn't notice that Rob Luqi's hand, which was always in his pocket, was sweating.

"If that move hits me, can I resist it?"

Recalling the lightning attack just now, Rob Luqi secretly thought about the simulated battle, and finally came to the conclusion: If the two sides start a war, he will die!

In the eyes of outsiders, it was Ron who chose to give in due to the priority of his rights, and it was cp9 who won. But in Lu Qi's heart, he was spared his life because Ron didn't bother to take action against him!

Being weak is a sin, and Lu Qi, who has implemented this as his life's creed, suddenly and tragically discovered that he was actually a part of the original sin.

"Navy Headquarters... Rear Admiral Ron..."

"You heard nothing and saw nothing tonight, you know that?!"


"Very good, disband now!"

After Dongte warned the soldiers, he walked to Ron and asked: "Major General Ron, do you think there is anything in the Capital of Seven Waters that warrants CP9's dispatch?"

As a real shadow, even if it is close at hand, the existence of CP9 is still unknown to most of the navy. Such a mysterious organization suddenly appeared in the Capital of Seven Rivers, and was lurking next to Mayor Bingshan. What on earth could enable them to mobilize forces like this

Of course it’s for the ancient weapon Pluto, cutie!

Ron rolled his eyes.

Dong Te is good at everything. With him, I can basically live my life lying down, and I don't need him to interfere with all the trivial matters. But there is only one problem that is very troublesome, and that is to break the casserole and ask about the nature of urine.

Even a blind man could see that this matter was of great importance. CP9 was warning them that the Navy should not interfere. This was why Ron left so simply. He did not want to be targeted by the CP organization after he had done his best. But even though Dongte knew this, he still couldn't restrain his curiosity and wanted to find out.

For this reason, Ron counted with his fingers, and Dongte was indeed counting cats!

Life is endless, and seeking death is endless!

"Stop asking about those shady people. I'm going to practice. Will you come?"

"Uh, no... say goodbye!!"

Dongte shuddered and didn't dare to ask any more questions. The wind blew under his feet and disappeared in a flash.

Since he awakened the prototype of Armed Haki first, in order to catch up with Ron, Dongte's focus during this period of training has been on improving Armed Haki. However, the domineering force of the armed color lies in the word "wu", and the progress behind closed doors is extremely slow. So, he took the initiative to challenge Ron, hoping to make progress through battle.

Then he sadly discovered that he had really become blinded by eating lard!

As long as Ron mentioned Thunder Man's speed advantage, he would be a moving sandbag!

Moreover, Ron was never merciful, and he knocked him unconscious and threw him into the sea in just a few moves. After a few times, Dongte no longer dared to sparring with Ron.

Ron sneered at this and said: "What's the reason for you to become more armed and domineering? Don't you have a forest in your heart? Don't you have any idea why I'm so ruthless?"

… …

Thank you all book friends for your efforts!

This book will be successfully recommended on the app next week! !

Although it is not recommended as the most effective app, but recommended as a featured app, it is still an app!

I am so touched by the big tree!

Two chapters of 6,000 words are presented!