One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 92: Troubles in the Water City!


After taking care of Dong Te, who was born in the year of the cat, Ron came to the training room at the bottom of the warship.

This is a training room made of pure steel. There are dense and irregular bullet hole launchers on the wall, which is enough to make a cryptophobic patient faint immediately when he walks in.

Due to the limited area of the warship, Ron could only do some basic training while on the ship. His wide-ranging fruit abilities could not be developed in depth. Armed Haki required more cooperation in combat, so the only things he could practice were knowledge, Haki and the Navy. Six forms.

This training room was specially modified by him for the purpose of practicing the Haki of Knowledge. To this end, he dismantled the artillery equipment in an underground training room in the recruit camp and spent half a month installing it here. However, since there were no qualified scientists on board, the bullet holes were distributed irregularly after the move, as if they had been gnawed by dogs until they exploded.

All I can say is that it is a Vegapunk. Even after being messed with like this by them, it can still be used after being powered on! !

"let's start!"

Pressing the start switch, Ron threw away his cape and suit, wearing only a pair of shorts, and stood in the middle of the field. Then, he picked up the sweat-soaked piece of cloth on the ground and wrapped it around his eyes. Suddenly, his vision was completely blocked and everything was pitch black. Ron could only rely on his memory to determine his position.

"Didi, start!"

Emotionless synthetic sound effects echoed in the ears, and the next moment, shells bounced out of the launcher.

Paper painting!

Hearing the wind, Ron without saying a word used paper painting that was similar to the domineering force of seeing and hearing. He calmed down and tried to feel the changes in airflow through his skin. His body was as soft as a bone and as light as a feather, avoiding the incoming cannonballs.


As the number of shells increased, shells continued to collide with each other and deviate from the established route. This made Ron's dodge extremely difficult. By accident, the rebounded cannonball hit his nose, causing Ron's head to fall back.

In order to increase the pressure on himself, he replaced the original small steel balls with rubber products. For natural ability users, steel is the least threatening thing. Moreover, the rubber ball is full of elasticity and will not stop beating immediately after impact. It bounces around and makes it harder to judge the flight path.

“I can’t always catch inspiration!”

While Ron tried his best to dodge, he carefully felt the vibrations in the air.

Persistence in training did not allow him to easily master the Haki of Knowledge and Information. Only his paper drawing skills progressed rapidly under constant pressure.

"What's missing?"

Forty-five degrees in front, under the armpits...

Ron raised his hand to avoid it.

One hundred and twenty degrees behind you, heart...

Sideways, avoid.

One hundred and eighty degrees from the side... No! Bounced away!

Ron suddenly stopped his dodge and bent his knees. The two rubber balls that collided deviated from the planned flight path at the same time and hit him straight in the face. Ron just squatted down at this moment to avoid the impact.

"No! There's more!"

Ron's scalp suddenly tightened, and the mysterious touch that had appeared many times poured into his mind, allowing him to clearly "see" that the two rubber balls flying over his head collided again, and the slower one was struck by his companion. After the inertial impact, he turned around and hit himself in the back again.

Hey, did you use Uchiha's shuriken throwing technique

Ron's mouth twitched speechlessly, and his bent knees jumped slightly as he gained strength.


The rubber ball hit the ground, bouncing across the floor like a drifting stone, and finally stopped moving when it hit the wall.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

But at this time, because his body was floating in the air, cannonballs hit him quickly, hitting him with a muffled sound.

"Sure enough, the strange touch just now should be the effect of seeing and hearing the domineering force, but the sound produced by the body movement once again interrupted my perception!"

Thinking of this, Ron pulled off the black cloth in front of his eyes, and a heart-stopping high-voltage current was wrapped around his body.

Zizzi...boom! !

An invisible surge erupted, and the rubber ball with the speed of bullets could not get close at all, and was forced to stay in the air. Seizing the opportunity, Ron teleported to the control instrument at the door, opened the protective cover, and pressed the stop button.


"...the training is over, the hit rate is 0.3%..."

Ron: "..."

Because it was "stolen" and they didn't dare to show it to the public, no one knew how to change the voice of the instrument, which continues to this day.

This 0.3 hit rate is probably the result of the rubber ball colliding and damaging itself...

"Hey! I'll call the teacher tomorrow and ask. I've obviously touched the threshold, but I can't maintain the effect even if I move my body... What's the use of this domineering attitude!"

Ron looked irritated and buttoned his hair.

It's night, in the tavern street of the Capital of Seven Waters.

Due to the arrival of the navy, some areas on the island are more lively than before. Pirates and criminals only dared to hide in taverns and casinos, waiting for the navy to leave. Cats catch mice, soldiers catch thieves, this is nature. No matter how arrogant a pirate is, after seeing the horror of the war beast, it will be difficult for him to muster the courage to go head-to-head with his own navy.

At the same time, Bingshan sent people to tell these guys that the Navy had indeed discovered them, but would not take action for his sake, and told them to hide well and not go out and wander around these days.

Most of the pirates just came here to repair their ships. The Capital of the Seven Waters was one step away from the final destination, the Shampoo Islands. No one wanted to fall here, so they stayed in the corner. But since it is "most", there must be a "small number" of pirates who are very unwilling to do this.


The glass was smashed to the ground and shattered into pieces, attracting everyone's attention.

"Afraid...I'm afraid of nothing! Hiccups!"

This is a fat little giant, more than three meters long and wide. He has a full brown beard, bare chest and breasts, and looks gangster. He tied his long brown beard into three strips and hung down on his chest. It was now stained with wine.

"I am the future Pirate King! How can a mere major general show off his power in front of me!"

"Yes, the navy is just showing off its power with warships and cannons! What's so great about it!"

The boy next to him complimented him, knowing that the drunken captain could only follow his words, otherwise he would be greeted by the captain's sword.

"Hey... who is he?"

At the next table, a person asked his companion in a low voice.

"Teabeard, the great pirate with a bounty of 55 million Baileys, is said to have been unusually strong and strong since he was a child. He accidentally killed the town's sheriff and went to sea to become a pirate."

"55 million Baileys! This is an incredible number!"

The man took a breath. In the first half of the Grand Line, there were very few people with bounties exceeding 100 million. It was rare for a bounty to exceed 100 million every year in a supernova. In the world they have access to, 55 million Baileys is already a big shot who can dominate one side!

"Who says it isn't? I heard that after they repair the ship, they will head to the Chambord Islands, aiming directly at the New World."

The respondent silently took a sip of strong wine and his eyes lit up: "One day, we will meet in the new world! I swear!"

Here, Teabeard drank more and more, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt: "If I had a big ship, I would have gone to the New World earlier! Maybe I would have been one of the supernovas a few years ago!! Damn the Navy, where are you going? No, you actually bombarded my beloved Beard!"

"That's right! Those villains in the Navy never dare to fight head-on, but they only know how to sneak attack and destroy the ship!!"

People at a table in the distance suddenly slapped the table and stood up, cursing, and their words were full of dissatisfaction.

In fact, it only takes seven days for the record pointer of the Seven Waters City to be saved. Most of the pirates who stay here for a long time come to repair their ships. Among the reasons for repairing ships, being damaged by naval bombardment definitely accounts for the largest proportion.

The closer to the end of the first half of the stage, the tighter the naval defense becomes. The pirates who gathered in the tavern to drink today have more or less had similar experiences.

"That's right! That's it!"

When Teabeard heard that someone supported his statement, he laughed loudly and said: "If the navy hadn't mastered advanced shipbuilding technology, would I have had to hide here and there? Let's fight with open swords and guns. Who have I, Mr. Teabeard, been afraid of?"

"Damn the Navy!"

"Shameless, trash!"

"You eggless coward!"

For a time, the entire tavern was filled with angry curses against the navy.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted with righteous indignation: "In that case, we might as well burn that monster-like warship overnight and let that shitty major general taste the consequences of having his ship destroyed! At the same time, tell the Navy Headquarters that we can Not to be trifled with!”


Everyone stopped cursing all of a sudden, and all eyes were focused on that person. The latter suddenly thought and lowered his head quickly: "Yes... I'm sorry! I didn't say anything!"

"No! You are a talent!! Why didn't I think of that?!!"

Teabeard walked over with heavy steps and grabbed it in his hand. An ordinary person is like a doll in front of Teabeard, and it is effortless to lift it up. While shaking the unknown pirate in his hand, his eyes flashed: "It's before dawn, and it's the time to relax the defense! All it takes is a few barrels of oil and a few A barrel of explosives can burn it down! And if you burn that monster-like warship, I will become famous!"

Wealth, fame, and power are the dreams that all pirates pursue throughout their lives.

Now an opportunity to become famous in the sea is in front of them. The pirates' eyes suddenly turned red and their nostrils gasped.

"Captain Teabeard, you have just experienced a naval battle. You should be running out of gunpowder, right?"

A pirate with an iron hook tied to his right hand stood up and said with an evil smile: "Do you need us to support you?"

"Woohoo!! The more, the merrier! Who else wants to come with us?! If you want to make a fuss, just make a fuss about him!!!"

All the pirates looked at each other, and someone immediately chose to participate.

"We, the Beiliu Pirates, are joining us!!"

"And us! So are we!"

"Very good! Boys, come with me to burn the warship!!"


At the bar of the tavern, cp9 member Bruno slowly wiped the cups without stopping them to ask for payment. He just looked at the pirates pouring out of the door calmly, and then picked up the phone from behind the closet.

"Hey, Lucci. I have a favor that I can sell to that Major General Ron, what do you think?"

… …

By the way, the little mouse "Tyrannosaurus" in the iceberg was picked up on the same day he met Straw Hat and the others in 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, so he doesn't have it now. It is true that Rob Lucci's Hadori cannot speak. Although the movements are miraculously coordinated, it is indeed Lucci who is using ventriloquism. Then Iceberg conquered the remaining six shipyards of the Seven Islands of Water in 1515 and merged into the Carrera Shipbuilding Company, but the specific time was not stated, so it is assumed here that he has completed the work.

Let me explain, after all, when reading a fan, especially if you know the original plot, it’s really awkward to find the problem, isn’t it