One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 94: Broken ship


Original title: "Can I board this old ship of yours with this old ticket?"

… Dividing line…

"Oops! There's a fire, come and put out the fire!!"

"Ah! There are pirates, the pirates are coming in!"

“Go and notify Mayor Bingshan!!”

With a series of dense explosions, the dock instantly fell into chaos. The panicked boatmen were awakened by the explosion. Many of them were hacked to death by the oncoming pirates before they had time to ask about the situation. Then, the crazy pirates threw torches into the house and continued to cause chaos.


Awakened by the explosion, Ron kicked open the door and stared at the No. 1 Dockyard in flames with a very ugly look on his face.

But Ron knew that getting angry now would not help, so his expression slowly calmed down, he grabbed the soldier running in front of him and asked: "What happened?"

"Major General Ron! There are pirates detonating explosives to blow up the warship. Major Dongte asked us to put out the fire quickly!"


Blow up a warship

Ron's eyes were filled with unabashed murderous intent. For a moment, invisible pressure erupted with his breathing. In the eyes of the soldiers, Ron's figure suddenly enlarged infinitely, making their hands and feet numb.

"Blow up warships? Do you want to be famous?"

Ron, who was very thoughtful, instantly understood the plan of these pirates. They wanted to use themselves as a stepping stone to fame!

"Very good! You are brave enough!!"

It's been a long time since he had such a strong murderous intention. The last time was on the empty island where he longed for the Thunder Fruit. The corners of his mouth slowly cracked, and his bone-like teeth shone coldly in the moonlight as Ron gave the order.

"Put out the water in the water tank to extinguish the fire. In addition, notify Dongte immediately and bring half of the men to block the door! If you dare to let a pirate go, I will skin him! The rest of the people guard the warship. Anyone who dares to approach will be shot to death. !”


After receiving the order and shouting a hoarse reply, the soldiers fled Ron in a hurry. At this time, the Major General is not a human being at all in their eyes, but a beast that chooses people to eat!

A completely enraged monster!

Wow! ! !

Ron's anger caused the soldiers to explode with 120% power. Not long after, a large stream of water rushed out from the water tank in the center of the warship, along the internal passage of the ship's hull, and rushed towards the fire. Teabeard, who had just run out of the explosion range, looked back and was immediately startled by the fresh water flowing out of the breach.

"No! The warship is not on fire. Evacuate quickly!!"

If the warship burned, the navy, which was busy extinguishing the fire, would naturally not care about them, but they never imagined that the huge fresh water tank of the war beast could actively discharge the water and extinguish every fire source on the warship along the channel. Without the danger of fire, the free navy would never let these culprits go!

At this moment, suddenly, a loud "click" sound echoed in the No. 1 dock. Under the gaze of countless people, a huge gap opened in the side of the war beast's hull. The hard steel plate was distorted by its own weight, making an unpleasant whining noise, and it was about to fall to one side.

Teabeard's mood went from hell to heaven in an instant. Although the warship was not burned, was it still considered damaged? !

Ron, who was about to take action, felt the vibration from the warship under his feet and frowned: "What's wrong?!"

"It's not good, Sir Ron! The release of water from the water tank has caused the hull to become unbalanced. The old pillars cannot withstand the pressure and are beginning to collapse!"

What a broken ship! !

Warring States Period I¥%#(%… &¥!!!

Ron's mouth twitched speechlessly, and he scolded the stingy Zeng Guo in his heart.

Boom... click!

Before he finished speaking, the warship shook suddenly, and the rotten pillars instantly turned into powder, causing the warship to fall sideways. The deck was in chaos, and no one knew what to do in the face of the war beast that was about to fall.

Could it be that the navy's righteous beast is about to fall here

Thinking of this, countless soldiers felt inexplicably sad.

If the war beast really falls to the ground, this will be a shame that they will never be able to wash away in their lifetime! !

At the same time, it also belongs to Ron! !

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning rushed out from the deck and landed on the top of a sailboat covered by an oilcloth on the side. Dongte, who had just led people off the boat to intercept the pirates, looked back and was shocked when he saw this scene: "Major General Ron!! Get out of there!!"

In front of the huge war beast, Ron is just a tiny insect. It's going to fall, and Ron can't stop it! Even if the natural element will not be crushed to death, he is located above the sea water. If he is caught in the vortex and falls into the sea, it will really make the sky and the earth useless.

However, Ron ignored his anxious shouts and glanced at the gap at the front of the bottom of the boat, Ron thought silently.

"The explosives were placed near the port and did not go deep into the belly tank. If this part is supported, the remaining pressure will not be a concern. So..."

Ron glanced at the sailboat at his feet, which everyone knew well, and sneered: "Then borrow it and use it!"

In the dock, Lu Qi, who was dealing with pirates and putting out fires everywhere, looked up and looked at Ron floating on the side of the sailboat, frowning silently: "What does he want to do?"

This question is what everyone present wants to know.

Facing the fallen majestic beast, is there any way Ron can stop it

If Ron knew what they were thinking, he would smile and say, "Of course!"

The collapse of the war beast was not the whole, but the side structure was damaged by the explosion. In addition, the water tank was discharged to extinguish the fire, and the old pillars collapsed, thus losing its balance. In the final analysis, it is just a corner without support. If there was something that could block the collapsed part and support the balance of the warship like a stepping stone, this steel behemoth would have survived.

Just in time, Ron found the right support.

That is the pirate ship in front of me...

He grabbed the oilcloth and pulled it backwards. The wide oilcloth was thrown out and drifted away in the wind. As the oilcloth faded away, the black pirate flag on the mast was exposed in the firelight. Captain Iron Hook looked at it from a distance and was horrified, roaring angrily: "Asshole! What do you want to do to my ship?!"

"do what?"

Ron sneered and opened his mouth: "Like you, find a stepping stone!!"

After saying that, the angry Ron raised his feet, and the bulging muscles burst through his trousers, revealing the knotted muscles underneath that were like steel. Then under the horrified eyes of countless people, Ron spun on the spot, shouted loudly, kicked into the wooden plank on the side of the pirate ship, and lifted it upwards!

"Here I go... open it!!"


Click! !

"No...are you kidding me?"

"That's a human?!"

Under everyone's gaze, which ranged from surprise to horror, the thirty-meter-long pirate ship seemed to be pushed by the waves, creaking and wailing as it left the sea. The moonlight shines into the bottom of the ship and is stirred into pieces in the conspicuous depression in the water.

Not to destroy, but to use brute force to kick the pirate ship into the sky! !

What kind of terrifying power is this? !

Then, Ron repeated his old trick. Before the pirate ship started to fall, he turned around and kicked the stern of the ship.

Boom... boom! !

Suddenly, the pirate ship weighing more than ten tons plunged straight into the gap in the side of the war beast at a terrifying speed. Its exaggerated weight seemed like an insignificant rubber ball in front of Ron.

"Asshole!! My ship!!!"

Captain Hook looked at it from a distance with his teeth gnashing of teeth.

For a pirate group, the pirate ship is their faith, their pillar, and their treasure is more important than the captain! Now their pirate ship was kicked into the side of the warship by Ron. It was obvious that even if it was pulled out, it would not be able to continue sailing. Suddenly he roared like crazy and rushed towards Ron.


Tsk…! !

The sword screams, the moon is cold, and murderous intent bursts out!

Kisaragi-ryu murderous sword full moon!

Suddenly, a not particularly tall figure turned into a ball of silver light and flashed past Captain Hook in an instant. Most people present could only see clearly that the moonlight-bright sword light drew a disc in the sky, and then the light and shadow disappeared, revealing Dongte's slender and tall figure.

I saw him holding the scabbard with one hand and slowly inserting the good sword back.


Boom... creak! !

The next moment, with the crisp sound of swords clashing, a line of blood appeared on the bridge of Captain Iron Hook's nose. As soon as the blood line appeared, it quickly extended and ran through his body in the blink of an eye. Under the horrified gaze of countless people, two corpses, one on the left and one on the right, fell to the ground.

At this time, Dongte slowly turned around and looked at Captain Hook's body with cold eyes.

"Don't take action against my commander without permission, Bage Yalu!"

The breeze blew, and the pirates' hands and feet were cold, and they were speechless.

In the distance, Ron, who was observing whether the pirate ship could withstand the pressure of the warship, rolled his eyes: "No wonder so many people are crazy about the swordsman's way. It is indeed the ultimate weapon for pretending!"

… …

Tom died in 1512, and then Frankie returned to the Seven Waters Capital in 1516 in the Haiyuan calendar. The timeline of this book is 1515, so there is no role for Frankie.