One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 95: Ron enters


The Full Moon Slash, a combination of shaving + swordsmanship + armed domineering, killed Captain Hook. Dongte was pretending to be proud when he suddenly heard Ron roaring: "Why are you standing there in such a daze?! I'm warning you Dongte. Special, I will spar with you once as a pirate, and you can decide what to do!"

Dongte: "..."

He turned around in an instant, with a ferocious face and roared at the soldiers around him: "I'm warning you! Every time I get beaten, I will practice with you again! It's up to you!"

soldiers:"… "

"Catch! Catch the pirate!!"

"Come on with me! Whoever falls behind is the bitch!!"

"Go over and close the door! Don't let anyone get away!!"

Dongte followed suit, and the layers of pressure made the soldiers' eyes instantly turn red. With an order, like a group of runaway huskies, they burst out with the fighting power of a mad dog and attacked the pirates in the dock. The pirates who were already frightened half to death by Dongte's bloody slash now had no strength to resist and ran away screaming.

Click...! !

The gap opened by the warship is like the bloody mouth of a sea king, biting into the pirate ship. A large number of pieces of wood burst into pieces and were about to be bitten off. Ron frowned slightly, teleported to another pirate ship, and twisted around again.


Bang! !

Bang! ! !

In the eyes of countless people ranging from horror to numbness, Ron looked like a hard-working brick mover, carrying bricks to the side of the warship, then stuffing them into the gaps to build a wall to support the astonishingly heavy war beast.

If it were really bricks, this scene might not be so exaggerated. But the things he used as bricks were pirate ships weighing more than ten tons! !

Near the port, countless people looked at this scene in shock and lost the ability to speak. Looking at the giant war beast that finally stopped collapsing, and the ship graves that were squeezed together, a question suddenly arose in my mind.

This monster, is he really human? !

The pirates are also wondering, how many such monsters are there in the Navy Headquarters? !

He is just a major general!

They are both major generals, why didn't the branch major general they met before have this ability? !

After stuffing the last small sailboat into the gap, the war beast finally stopped collapsing, and Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

"For now, it's stable..."

But at this time, this once majestic giant was just like Wu Laoer who suffered from cerebral thrombosis at the east end of the village. He tilted his head and stuck out his chin, which was extremely ugly!

After solving the problem of the warship's balance, Ron asked the soldiers to get off the ship and stand guard, not to disturb the warship that could barely maintain its balance. Then he turned around and looked at Shipyard No. 1, which was still in chaos. The murderous intent in his eyes no longer needed to be concealed.

boom! !

Floating in mid-air, terrifying high-voltage currents were wrapped around Ron's body, and invisible waves spread outward, whipping up strong winds. Because of the series of actions just now, except for the navy stationed there, there was not a single person in the kilometer radius near the port. Astonishingly, a vacuum zone was formed with Ron as the center of the circle!

The pressure he brought to everyone in the dock was no matter the navy or pirates. His god-like brute force made people unable to breathe. The pirates would rather huddle together and be attacked by the enemy and the navy than get close to where he was.

Dongte's mission was completed well. He seized the dock gate immediately. Regardless of whether they were pirates or escaped workers, as long as they dared to approach the gate, they would be mercilessly killed by the navy... The war beast is the main ship of all of them. , but was almost pushed down by the pirates.

This is a shame that no one in the entire army can wash away!

At this time, whoever dares to talk about civilian casualties should be prepared to die, without hesitation!

With the shame on his head, even if there was no pressure from Ron, Dongte would risk his life if he got violent!

Whether it’s your own or someone else’s…

Thanks to Dongte's activity, the pirates were blocked in the dock. Apart from the port and the sea, the remaining escape directions are only the lumber factory connected to the outside world. No one was stupid enough to try to escape in front of Ron, a monster. They all abandoned the gate and rushed towards the lumber mill.

"Those are... Rob Luqi and Kaku?"

At a glance, Ron saw Kaku and Rob Luqi fighting the pirates in front of the lumber factory. At this time, both of them were injured and looked like they were in a hard fight. In the future, Barry, who was one of the five foremen of the No. 1 Dockyard, vomited blood and sat paralyzed with his back against the pile of wood. He picked up a musket and opened fire to support the two.

"I see. Do you want to gain trust?"

Ron took one look and stopped paying attention. To gain the trust of Iceberg, what could be more effective than to protect the heart of the shipyard from serious injury and near death in the lumber mill

Everyone in cp9 is really talented!

"It's time to end this farce...!"

Taking a deep breath, surging high-voltage lightning condensed on his arm, and a ferocious thunder and lightning python appeared out of thin air, protruding from his shoulder and staring indifferently ahead. At the same time, Ron slowly closed his eyes and sensed the life breath of everyone in the dock. As long as he doesn't make large movements now, the sound produced by his body will not interfere with his domineering power. Although it is intermittent, he has indeed reached the threshold.

"Are there four hundred and fifty people left? Forget it, the battle lines are too close, so we can deal with as many as we can!"

Then, Ron raised his hand, and the perception in his mind disappeared instantly. He opened his eyes, followed the memory just now, and threw out the thunder python condensed on his body.

Thunder python walks away!

hiss! !

The thunder python, which looked inexplicably similar to the White Snake of Hell Island, rushed into the ground in an instant, like water droplets blending into the sea, without causing any ripples. But then, the thunder python entered the ground, and thousands of thunder snakes with thick arms sprang up in all directions, crawling quickly along the ground. These small lightning snakes are extremely fast and can catch up with the fleeing pirates in an instant, roasting them until they are seven-year-old. For a moment, the air was filled with the strange aroma of cooked meat.


"Not good! There is current on the ground!!"

"It's Major General Ron! The Major General has taken action!!"

Razer's attack target is everyone except the navy. Ron can't tell who is the boatman and who is the pirate. Anyone who dares to fight with the navy will be killed. They deserve to die! Faced with such a targeted attack, the pirates were instantly frightened, and the navy became more powerful. Those who were about to lose their strength suddenly burst out with astonishing strength and fought fiercely!

Because all of them know that as long as Ron appears on the frontal battlefield, victory is only a matter of time!

And what the group of pirates in front of them lack most right now is time!

In front of the dock gate, Dongte looked at the pirates who fell to the ground wailing in the electric light and breathed a sigh of relief. His abdomen was bleeding profusely and was barely wrapped with a cloth strip. Opposite him, Tea Beard became more and more anxious and cursed bitterly: "Asshole! Get out of my way!!!"

"Huh, what do you think?!"


Dong Te opened his left foot and stepped down with one foot, assuming a sumo stance. At the same time, he put his sword hand on his knees and gasped for air. Even though the blood was flowing profusely, the fighting spirit in his eyes did not diminish at all.

Looking at Teabeard, whose eyes were red with anger, Dong Te grinned, spat out blood, and laughed.

"Want to leave? Climb under my crotch, you fat pig!!"

Behind him was the dock gate. Hundreds of soldiers ran out to bring in wooden bars and blocked the gate with their bodies from the outside. Even if he is killed, this door cannot be broken open in a short time.

At the same time, their commander, the super rookie who continued the legend of the three monster admirals of the Navy, Major General Ron, had already freed up his hands.

The dawn of victory is like the rising sun on the horizon, it is about to bloom!

On this point, Dongte had exactly the same idea as ordinary soldiers.

Ron is here, victory is here.

… …

md, I was tricked by the dark room again. I accidentally bumped into the power switch and the computer burped. After restarting, I found that the chapter was gone. I was so frightened that I quickly looked through the installation directory. The good news is that the document has not been lost, and the three chapters of the manuscript are still there. The bad news is that these three chapters are actually saved in the backup state of the first modification. One chapter is only about 1600, and it needs to be completed again! It’s a sinkhole! !

Different people have different coding habits. Most authors start to finish coding at 1800-2000. Some people code a little more nonsense and later modify and delete it. Dashu first roughly codes what he wants to write, and then expands it.

It is a return to the state before expansion.

I go! !