One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 955: You're done!



The raging tide lapped on the coast, and the sound of the waves was deafening. Looking at the dangerous rapids zone outside Ravdru, Akainu's eyes slowly became serious.

"Rav Drew!"

A former navy man, who would have thought that he would one day come here again


The water waves hit the side of the ship, causing the warship to shake uncontrollably.

Akainu retracted his thoughts and ordered: "Go ashore!"


The messenger quickly ran away and delivered the marshal's order.

Creak... creak...

At the same time, with the sound of gears turning, the harpoon muzzle chain vacated in front of the warship tightened, dragging the Sea King out of the water.

How to drive Sea King to Ravdru

For this proposition, Akainu made a lot of preparations.

The ferocious harpoon cannon penetrated Pipa's bones, and then opened its iron claws and hooked them on Neptune. No matter how hard she struggled, her weak body eroded by the virus could not break free.

Looking at the familiar desert ahead, a trace of panic flashed in Neptune's eyes, and he understood their plan.


"I will never go back. Kill me if you can!"

"Hmph, what kind of skill is it to scream with someone else's body?"

Akainu snorted coldly: "If your true body is here, I will make you happy."

After saying that, he personally found the Hailou Stone Chain, jumped on the other party, and began to tie him up.

After a while, Neptune turned into a mummy, and the chain attached to the harpoon cannon was disconnected from behind, throwing her heavily on the beach.

"Keep an eye on everyone, let's go!"

In front of the ruins of Ravdru and the huge stone monument, Dongte turned around as if feeling something, and the corners of his mouth turned up.



The others heard the words and took a look, but couldn't see anything in the long yellow sand.

But soon, a black line appeared at the end of the field of vision.

"That is… "

Urso pulled down the scope and looked closely, sweating profusely: "It's Admiral Akainu!"


Akainu's reputation immediately shocked the Straw Hats. After all, he was a well-known hardliner in the navy. "Absolute justice" was never a slogan.

"So you really want to keep us here, huh?"

Zoro's face was dark and he put his hand on the hilt of his sword and asked.

"Don't worry, Master Canglong's order only includes dealing with Sea King..."

Dongte hit him, glanced at "Jinbei" who was silent on the side, and shrugged.

"He has no interest in you at all."

"But he didn't order Akainu not to attack us, right?"

Nami covered her forehead and added.

In response, Dongte kept smiling politely.

"What to do, Captain?"

Sanji pursed his lips in displeasure and asked.

Do you want to fight "Marshal" Akainu, "Navy Ghost Sword" Quindonte, and more than a thousand elite navy soldiers with huge bodies and waists

"Hehehe, we are pirates, Sanji, do you need to tell us what to do?"

Luffy jumped up from the stone he was sitting on and shouted.

"Little ones, run away!"

"I knew it… "

Sanji sighed helplessly.

"Eh? Σ(⊙⊙"a! Is the navy going to arrest us?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Chopper, run away!"

After that, Zoro picked up Chopper, who had not yet figured out the situation, with one arm and ran out quickly.

"Oh, hehe, I feel more comfortable like this! Goodbye, everyone in the Navy!"

"These brats..."

Having just climbed over a sand dune, Akainu looked at the Straw Hats running away with a dark expression and let out a "hum".

What the Straw Hats didn't know was that this distance was still within the range of the Navy's individual electromagnetic gun, but Akainu hesitated for a moment and ultimately did not choose to take action.

"That's it!"

Turning back coldly, Akainu ordered: "Why are you still standing there? Chase me!"

Is this to... capture someone alive

The soldiers were stunned when they heard this, and then a group of people waved their weapons and rushed out with howls.

Ahead, the Straw Hats noticed this scene and immediately ran faster.

The soldiers and the Straw Hats ran further and further away, while Akainu led Neptune to the huge stone monument.

Glancing at Jinbei next to him, he frowned: "Princess Shirahoshi?"

"Jinbei" turned around after hearing this. When he saw clearly the sea king next to Akainu, there was finally a hint of color in his dead eyes, and he nodded sadly.

"Yes, it's me."

The famous "Sea Hero" looked like this, and Akainu shuddered.

Then he looked at Dong Te: "What to do next? Didn't it say that as long as she gets close to Rafdru, her soul will be pulled in?"

"That's just a speculation based on the existing reality. It's obvious that Master Canglong guessed wrong."

Dongte shook his head and then smiled: "But it doesn't matter, Marshal, look... isn't there a reaction at this distance?"

Akainu turned around, and sure enough, Neptune's eyes turned white at this moment, and his whole body was twitching, as if he was suffering from epilepsy.

The seal only targets her, but because she is currently hiding in Bai Xing's body and is shackled by her body, her soul cannot escape.


Dongte pulled out his sword, and the evil and dirty cold aura spread from the tip of the sword, making Akainu frown.

"This sword..."

"The famous Demon Sword Seven-Star Sword, the 'Flaming Sword' Fei Yanji and my former sword were smelted and recast by Qingquan... They are most suitable for killing people."

Dongte uses the Kisaragi-ryu killing swordsmanship, and the Kisaragi-ryu killing sword has the effect of affecting the mind. Combined with the special abilities of the Seven Star Sword and Concubine Yanji, although the effect is weakened a lot, the quality is by no means weaker than the Supreme Great Knife. .

"Really? That's up to you."

Akainu nodded and turned to let the medical team come over.

At the same time, an inaudible friction sound sounded behind him, and the shadow of the sword flashed from Neptune's neck. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see the wound at all.

But that was enough for what they were going to do.


Instantly, a terrifying aura overflowed.

Neptune's pupils stopped trembling and turned scarlet.


The whining wind sounded, and a gray shadow seeped out from the wound on his neck. At some point, dark clouds filled the sky, and together with the faint screams, people couldn't help but get goosebumps.

The gray shadow flowed out of the wound "with difficulty", and then was pulled over by the stone tablet under the influence of some unknown force.

The shadow was stretched and straightened between the two, and Donte grinned as he saw Neptune's struggle.

"Do you know what my knife is called?"

Having said that, Dongte once again raised the super Nagano sword with a lightsaber handle that was over 20 centimeters long and slashed it down with all his strength.

"Blade Inscription: Zanpaku!"


The sword shadow passed by again, but this time the target was the gray shadow. The sharp blade cut into half the depth of the shadow, and then quickly retracted.


He didn't expect that Dongte's sword would have the ability to directly harm the soul even after he killed Neptune. The screams that filled the air instantly surged, and then the shadow accelerated and submerged into the stone monument.


At the same time, "White Star" over there also passed out, and the white soul light ball floated up from Jinbei's body, and slowly moved closer under the call of the main body.

Dongte passed the knife across, as if he felt the threat. The soul light ball "shooed" and disappeared into the torso in the blink of an eye.

After doing this, Dongte nodded with satisfaction and asked.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, I just feel like your style is a little different from ours."

Akainu's eyelids twitched, he glanced at the sword on Dongte's waist with fear, and ignored him: "Medical soldier, hurry up and save people!"

It's just a small wound. With the mermaid's physique, it can still be saved.

Then, he looked towards the front half and clenched his fists.

"The rest is up to you!"

Dongte followed his gaze and stopped at Shanzu's vaguely visible huge body, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"He won't lose..."

"It didn't happen before, it won't happen now, and it won't happen in the future!"

"I hope so..."