One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 956: Seize God!


God calls the thunder gun!

boom! !

The black and red thunder turned into a meteor and struck Im hard. The terrifying electric current exploded instantly, wiping out everything within the range.

There is no smashing, only disappearing!

But not including Im...

Buzz! !

A ball of dazzling vibrating white light surrounded him and dissipated the current. He resisted the numbness caused by the thunder infusing his body. Im, who had black thunder snakes swimming around him, snorted angrily and clenched his right fist.

Bang! !

The concussive force that is indescribable in words squeezed Ron's body from all directions, giving him the same feeling of weakness that made him hated by the whole world when Bika fell into the sea for the first time.

The power of the Shock Fruit at its peak has changed the world!


Zizzi...boom! !

Black-red flames bloomed on the surface of the body, and the powerful awakening power spread, instantly annihilating the shock.

But at this time, Im had already seized the opportunity and pounced on him again.


Boom! !

The two of them kept fighting in mid-air, and every collision was accompanied by a powerful impact that could destroy the island. Orange sparks flew in all directions, and the sound of gold and iron was heard endlessly.

The evolved Thunder of Destruction is extremely dangerous, but Im, who takes all seven fruit abilities into his body and burns them, is not weak either.

This is true regardless of speed, strength or destructive power.

The two fought for hundreds of rounds in the blink of an eye, but no one had the upper hand.



At this time, Ron seized the gap and tore a huge gap in Im's chest. However, Im was not to be outdone, and punched him to pieces.

Blood oozed from the wound, but Im's breath did not diminish at all.

It is true that he does not have Ron's unreasonable self-healing ability, but in this state, his flesh injuries are also meaningless.


The blackness spread to the chest, like a swarm of squirming black insects. After a while, the huge gap with vaguely visible internal organs in Im's chest also dissipated. The ability of the Dark Fruit to absorb injuries is so unreasonable.

If it weren't for px-0, the "Tyrant" Xiong with the flesh ball fruit ability, who was taken away by the Revolutionary Army as soon as Ron took charge of the Holy Land, and did a favor so that Im had no time to take action, his recovery ability would have been even stronger. .

Both parties took a breath, and then...


Fight together again.

No one knows how long it will take for them to decide the winner, including themselves. But both of them knew that the other had limits.

Either push the opponent to the limit first, or reach the limit yourself first. There is no third possibility.

No, maybe there is.


The separation was severe again, and suddenly, a white light lit up in the sky in the distance. A wave of terrifying energy that was no less than theirs shook the world, causing them to stop their movements.

"That position..."

Ron frowned silently, and then his expression tightened.

"It's a temple!"*2


The two looked at each other, and white light burst out from Im's body. Among devil fruits, the space fruit, like the time fruit, is too restrictive and cannot be used in actual combat, but at this moment, it is an ability that is enough to change the situation of the battle.


A bolt of thunder passed by, shattering the white light, but hitting nothing.

Over the East China Sea, the white light group dispersed, revealing Im's figure.

Looking at the astonishingly bright stone pebble outside the ruined temple, Im looked happy.

"Good chance, she's weak again!"

Although I don't know what method the navy used to seal her again without harming her life, it was originally a "house invasion and robbery". There is not much difference between the owner being weak and dead.

Landing outside the temple island, Im raised his hand and pressed it into the void.


The white light shield appeared again to stop the intruder, but the main body was severely damaged again, causing the light shield's effect to decrease sharply.

This is also a problem that has always troubled Yi Mu. Back then, he was on the verge of defeat. He only managed to defeat her because of the rebellion of twenty royal families. He only had the strength to remove the seal from her soul to prevent her from recovering, but he did not have the ability to take away her own soul by force. strength.

If Orric hadn't kidnapped Bai Xing and made sure that he and Im were not on the same side, she would never have done that even if she had another chance to escape.

After all, once you have a body, you have a fatal weakness, creating the possibility for Im to kill her completely for no reason.

And as Im continued to disperse seeds to create devil fruits over the past eight hundred years, her body became weaker and weaker. If she had the idea of deliberately setting an ambush at the beginning, then she didn't dare to let her out later.

Eight hundred years ago, both sides suffered losses and Yi Mu narrowly won. As a result, both sides maintained an endless cycle in which neither could do anything about the other for eight hundred years.

However, they all made the same mistake and ignored the most important part!

This world is not only their world, but also the world of mortals!

While they claimed the world as their own, mortals stood up against them!


The burst of electricity hit the back of his head, and Ron's tall body flew down, causing the heavy halberd to fall.

"It's half the deal, Lord Im, what do you want to do?"

So fast!

From the Grand Line to the edge of the East China Sea, the distance is more than a thousand miles? !

Unexpectedly, Ron could come over so quickly. Im was instantly frightened and turned around to block.

If he continues, it only takes one second for him to break the light shield, but if Ron is given one second to attack, Im guaranteed that he will be chopped into pieces!

You must know that Ron's strongest ability is the speed given to him by the Thunder Fruit!

Bang! ! !

As expected, this attack was very powerful.

Im's legs instantly stepped on the rocks and sank into the ground. The hard skin and muscles struggled to withstand the violent thunder, and were torn apart by the thunder halberd and embedded in the flesh.

If you covet that second, you can imagine the consequences.

But at this time, Ron's nose flapped and his eyes looked greedily at the temple.

"I smell... food!"


Im was instantly shocked. The smell of food... Doesn't this mean that Ron has mastered the same level of methods as them

But the latter didn't give him any time to think about it. A circle of electric current filled with destructive aura bloomed, wiping out everything outside the island's light shield, and then compressed and wrapped around him.


boom! !

Human cannon!


Instantly, blood splashed!

This trick looks funny, but it works every time.

After all, according to normal thinking, who would have thought that he would be launched as a cannonball by his opponent

He even has a super electric dash that launches himself.

Im was caught off guard, and terrifying acceleration filled his body, causing him to fly out like a cannonball and land on the light shield.


The tenacity of the light shield made him bounce forward, but in front of him, Ron followed closely and stabbed him with a halberd.


The ferocious heavy halberd pierced the chest without mercy and came out.

For Im, who possesses the ability of the Dark Fruit, tearing is better than penetrating for the same injury, but Ron still did it.

Because his goal is not Im, but the light shield behind Im!


Harsh lightning resounded across the sky, with Im as the center, and the terrifying thunder spread up onto the light shield, dyeing it black and red.

The light shield surrounding the temple suddenly sunk in a large amount like a balloon, with the thunder halberd as the center, and continued to penetrate deeper.

Finally, it finally reached the critical point, and the light shield "bang", like an exploding lighter or broken glass, exploding into white flakes all over the sky.

Far away in the depths of the new world, Akainu and Tote, who were silently waiting for the return of the pursuit troops, covered their ears at the same time.

Behind them, the stone tablet that sealed the god suddenly let out a trembling sound, as if it was wailing, and the sound waves were deafening.

"Ron didn't say that!"

The aura that seemed like the sky was collapsing was pressing down on him, Akainu barely resisted it and roared angrily.

The corner of Dongte's mouth twitched, and he said it as if I had heard it before!


Then the stone tablet burst out with a circle of impact, sending them flying together, along with the thousands of naval soldiers guarding them and the yellow sand all over the ground.

On the temple island above the East China Sea, the same impact occurred, but for the two of them, this fluctuation could not even make them blink.

Feeling the majestic power in the air, Ron withdrew his thunder halberd and chuckled.

"You seem to have deceived... me, Lord Im."

"This power is simply not something that mortals can absorb!"

But Im ignored it, and in the moment he escaped, relying on the speed given by the vampire fruit, he turned into a black line and rushed towards the depths of the temple.

He has seen that the source of that power comes from a seated statue in the temple!