One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 959: A powerful opponent!


"There is a difference between divine power and divine power. You also swallowed half of his torso. You should understand this."

In other words, creating and controlling Devil Fruits is Im's own talent, not something incidental to his divine power.

Divine power is equivalent to fuel, and is only responsible for driving his body to use this instinct.

And when they shared Im, they only shared the divine power in his body, rather than integrating his instincts.

I really want to devour his instinct...

The two weird vines are still lying on the island. Add some salt to the soup and drink it.

After the words fell, Shiji stepped heavily.


laugh! laugh! laugh!

The body beneath his feet seemed to come to life, with sea-tower stone spikes shooting out.

"Don't you think you can?"


As Ron spoke, he made afterimages of the thunder halberds in his hands and opened them one by one. Then he faced Shi Ji, who flew forward again, took a sharp breath, and the lightning exploded.

Awakening Technique Titan Mode!

boom! !

Shiji, who repeated his old tricks, didn't expect Ron to be able to explode in the moment of battle. The projected thunder halberd was wrapped in terrifying and suppressed black thunder, which was unstoppable.

"Something capable..."

His eyes were slightly condensed, and Shi Ji, who was moving super fast, had no time to change direction and was directly hit by the explosion.

But before Ron could take a breath, a figure flew out from the burst of lightning and punched his chin.


Feeling that his teeth were a little loose, Ron's head became dizzy and his tall body flew out.

But that was not the end. As he flew out, a group of sea water appeared on the path at some point.


Ron ran straight into it, and the thin water instantly turned into a muddy swamp, making him unable to move.


Shi Ji raised one palm to him, and then tightened it suddenly.

Suddenly, the viscous water quickly crystallized, revealing an indigo color like prismarine.

Terrifying pressure surged from all directions, squeezing toward the center, trying to crush Ron into pieces.



Layers of water flow emerge from the void and continue to wrap around the crystal, forming new crystals.

During the continuous squeezing, the huge body in Titan mode began to shrink in a magnitude visible to the naked eye.

Ron didn't know what the "Void God" in Shi Ji's words was, but the other party could see through his immortal nature at a glance, which proved that this method was absolutely effective.

Even if it doesn't kill you, it will make you unable to resist.

Anyway, he has never tried turning it into a mess of meat or something.


Eyes of the sky!


The dull sound of thunder resounded through the sky. Shi Ji frowned and raised his head, looking at the Thunder Throne that was slowly taking shape under the gaze of the Eye of Heaven.

Then, the thunder suddenly surged, and black thunder spears full of destructive aura slowly poked out from the dark clouds covering the sky.

Black Thunder God's Palace of Thunder and Heaven's Thunder Prison!

Boom... click! !

Kilometer-long jet-black thunder guns descended from the sky in endless numbers.

Ron's move with the strongest control over thunder and lightning is the Thunder God's Seal. After integrating it with Skynet to develop, the Eye of the Sky that was born is not just a simple perception skill, but a thunder and lightning launching turret with his overall strength!


Shiji impatiently raised his hand, holding up the prismarine barrier formed by the water condensation, preparing to resist the attack.

Ron had devoured a large amount of the divine power that belonged to him and Im. Otherwise, with the undigested power in his body, he could only fight Im for a while.

But with the blessing of divine power, even Shi Ji dare not ignore this kind of thunder.

Again, the gods may not be powerful, but their essence must be different.

Just like a two-dimensional attack, no matter how devastating it is, it can't interfere with the three-dimensional world.

But no matter how weak the three-dimensional attack is, opponents at the same level still cannot ignore it.

call out!



The downpour is no longer enough to describe the thunder in the sky. With the supplement of the other self in the body, plus the blessing of Yimu and Shiji's divine power, it only takes a day or two for Ron, who burst out with all his strength, to learn from Shanzu to destroy the world. .

And when an attack of this level is concentrated in a small area, the scene is staggering.


Bang bang!

The raging black lightning and explosions directly covered Shi Ji. The prismarine barrier continued to collapse and crystal clear gem fragments appeared. Facing the endless thunder bombardment, Shi Ji was immediately trapped in place.

"good chance!"

Sensing this scene, Ron, who was sealed by the prismarine, mobilized his muscles all over his body. Dark thunder and lightning quickly traveled on the surface of the blue sapphire sphere, and then exploded with a "boom".



Two shattering sounds sounded almost at the same time. Ron mobilized his thunder to break the prismarine. The power of attacking Shiji would naturally weaken, so the latter decisively pushed the barrier out, letting it collide with the thunder falling in the sky and explode, and he flew out. .

The speed was still as fast as a frame, but Ron was already prepared.

Martial arm underworld gate!

Buzz! !

A terrifying amount of armed domineering energy covered his right arm. Under the strong trembling and buzzing sound in the air, Ron turned around and punched Shiji in the middle.

! ! !

"You actually captured my movements?"

Centered on the two of them, a huge disk-shaped shock wave rushed in all directions. Shi Ji looked at the fragments of sea-story stone that collapsed on his arm in surprise, with an expression of shock and uncertainty.


At this time, streaks of lightning as thick as hair continued to disintegrate around the body, and some even climbed onto the skin.

Feeling the sticky pressure, Shi Ji suddenly raised his head.

"That's it! What a genius idea!"

Above the head, the huge eye in the sky turned and stared at him at some point.

It's not just as simple as launching turrets and suppressing opponents, it itself is what was born after Ron's vision and color domineering merged with the fruit ability, so everything that happens within the coverage of thunder cannot escape Ron's perception.

The specific effect is similar to the moves Ron and Tea Dolphin showed when they were candidates for advanced generals. Faced with the strange power of Tea Dolphin's deceleration fruit, he directly touched the hair strands all over the space to see how much lightning spread in different areas. To determine the enemy's movements, and simply abandon my own perception.

Therefore, as long as Shi Ji moves or appears, the place where the thunder and lightning scatter is the direction from which his attack will come.

"But... can your reaction speed keep up?"

Instead of destroying the Eye of the Sky, Shi Ji's far superior knowledge to Im allowed him to understand that it was just an extension of Ron's ability. Putting the cart before the horse and destroying the Eye of the Sky would give his opponent an opportunity to attack.

Every power has a source.

So just destroy it from the source.


In the sound of gold and iron clashing, two iron fists, one large and one small, sparkled and swayed past.

Generally speaking, Shi Ji suffered a loss. After all, no matter how fierce his attack was, as long as it couldn't shatter his whole body with one punch, there was nothing he could do against the immortal Ron.

On the contrary, the stone fragments shattered by him in this punch collision are not so easy to replace.

This is an extremely tricky guy!

Shi Ji silently narrowed his eyes.

It's just a big rebellion. If he was in his heyday, he would definitely not take it seriously, but now...

After making up his mind, Shi Ji's body suddenly disappeared from sight.

"So fast!"

Ron didn't even have time to turn around before a terrible feeling of threat surged through his body. He could only rely on the feedback from the Eye of Heaven to instinctively kick backwards.



He managed to block the first attack, but the second was unexpected.

Seeing the blade transformed from prismarine sink into his knees, bringing out a string of scarlet, Shi Ji grinned and sneered.

"Well, after all, we are mortals. We can't keep up even if we speed up a little."

The kneecap was penetrated, and the pain made Ron's eyelids twitch.

He knew that the warm-up was over and the opponent was about to get serious.