One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 962: Fake corpse!


"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Ji's eyes were about to burst.

Ron's deduction was correct. The blood power in the Silbaz family was indeed his preparation for recovery.

However, one thing Ron didn't know was that even if Rayleigh died, this power would not disappear.

It will only disperse again and gather in the bodies of other living people with the blood of the Silbaz family.

He can create new puppets at any time if he wants.


Here comes the crucial question.

Does he have that chance

Looking at Ron in front of him, Shi Ji felt clear in his heart.

The answer is no!

Not to mention regrouping to make puppets, he now doesn't even have the time to swallow the power in Rayleigh's body.

So nothing can happen to Rayleigh, he must live!

Once killed, all he has left is the power that devoured Ziyim in this newly resurrected body.

With this little power, facing the cunning and dangerous Canglong and the starry sky beast at the same time, the outcome is obvious.

Even if they win, it will only be a miserable victory.

Maybe he will fall into suspended animation again.

By then, Im will be eaten, the Saint of the Sea will be sealed, he will fall asleep again, the Azure Dragon's body will be destroyed and he will enter the next reincarnation and wait, everything will be as Ron wishes...

There will no longer be any gods in this world!

"What a ruthless scheme!"

Only those who are ruthless to themselves are worthy of being cruel.

Seeing that Ron's fist wrapped in black thunder was about to fall on Rayleigh, the blue light covering half of Shiji's body shone violently, turning into a blue light, which flashed in the retina.

Bang! !

A figure flew out, still holding a dark and fierce slender heavy halberd in its hand.

"Ahem... Bah!"

After rolling continuously for thousands of meters, Ron coughed up a mouthful of bloody phlegm and stood up.

"How does this feel? The pig hit the tree, you... pretended I didn't say anything."

He originally wanted to quote "wait and wait".


Ignoring Ron's nerves, Shi Ji pulled open the slashed robe that was neither a monk nor a Taoist. A gap as thick as a baby's arm appeared in the front of Shi Ji's body.

The gap is still a body of sea tower stone mixed with prismarine particles, but with the movement just now, the proportion of prismarine has increased significantly.

But that's not important. What's important is that at the heart of Shi Ji's chest, a viscous liquid with a color and texture similar to that of laundry detergent flowed out.

That's Shiji's blood!

Even though he is a god evolved from the crystallization of the sea, he still has something that can flow.

Ron's original strength alone was not enough to cause such a horrific wound, but in order to save Rayleigh, he ran straight into it.

Ron did nothing more than use the method used by ancient hunters when hunting brown bears. He put his javelin on the ground and used his own weight to kill the brown bear while it stood up and jumped down to bite him to death.

Of course, choosing a bear as your opponent is rarely a thing in itself.

There was no gratitude in Rayleigh's eyes for being rescued. His mind had already been dominated by Shiji when he was activated, so he was called a clone by Ron.

When the smoke dispersed, Rayleigh decisively turned into a blue light and rushed towards Shan Zu in the distance.

"You actually let him deal with Shanzu alone? Are you so confident?"

Even if he and Yimu were hit hard one after another, Shanzu was not someone to be trifled with.

Unable to be completely transformed into a stone body by divine power and change the essence of life, Rayleigh did not have as strong a defense as Im, so he would end up being hit disastrously.

"It's enough to hold it back... isn't that exactly your purpose?"

Shiji is not a fool, Shanzu is very strong, but neither of them is a friendly unit.

The purpose of Ron "waking up" it was obviously to split himself in two and stop suffering from combined attacks.

It can be seen from the continuous attacks just now that he was completely suppressed.

If he hadn't desperately used Rayleigh's weakness to trick him, it would have only been a matter of time before he was killed.

He has never seen the immortal God of the Void in physical form.

Because it has an entity, it means it can definitely be killed!

Just like him.

This goes against the nature of the Void God, just like a mermaid who wants to go ashore to see the prince but refuses to give up her fish tail.

Only those who commit great treason and seize the power of the gods will be bound by the body.

Ron's eyes slowly turned cold: "So, you are sure you can kill me before he can't hold it anymore, right?"

The best way is undoubtedly for Shiji himself to quickly deal with Shanzu, leaving Rayleigh to delay. It is better to cut off one finger than to injure ten of them, so as to destroy the enemy's strength to the greatest extent. This principle applies to the whole universe.

But he didn't dare.

Almost everyone who had fought with Ron had experienced this emotion. No one dared to expose their naked weakness in front of Canglong.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use stupider methods to fight and put the cart before the horse.

However, fear is something that can make "putting the cart before the horse" "natural".

Ron smiled playfully and showed his white teeth: "Then I hope you get what you want!"

Something is wrong!

Shi Ji was suddenly shocked. There was something else he hadn't thought of!

No, he was trying to distract himself!

Noticing the killing black thunder, Shi Ji coldly snorted and a blue light burst out.

Fist of Azure!

No matter what conspiracy you have, strength is the most important!

Bang! !

The energy accumulation was interrupted, but his arms and legs had been completely assimilated into prismarine. Shi Ji also saved his energy. After all, once the assimilation was complete, it would be a huge burden for him.

The beautiful blue aurora illuminated the eastern hemisphere, and the black thunder curtain was almost instantly swallowed up by the light, and then made a muffled sound.

Ron's body enlarged as he flew upside down, his mouth was bloodshot, and his eyes were wide open.

Titan mode!

Eyes of the sky!

Ding ding ding ding!

A crisp trembling sound echoed through the sky, and eyes outlined by black thunder appeared hundreds of meters behind him, at an angle of 30° to the ground, looking slantingly at the blue light.


Black light emerges!

Countless black thunder dragons suddenly appeared in the sound of thunder, and as soon as they appeared, they bit diagonally downwards. Looking around, the sight was filled with these terrifying thunder beasts, and it was almost impossible to see the end.

Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Shiji waved his crystal-clear gem fist and continuously shot out blue light, tearing apart the thunder dragons, causing a series of explosions, and quickly rushed to Ron.

In terms of speed alone, he is even faster than Ron, the incarnation of thunder and lightning!

Because he is the will of the ocean. Wherever the ocean exists, there is him.

This is different from lightning that needs to be conducted. The ocean has covered a huge area since the beginning of its existence!

Ron was knocked away again, and suddenly, Shi Ji felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Ding ding ding ding!

The Eyes of Heaven suspended in the sky kept making crisp knocking sounds, and then exploded on the spot with a "bang".

"Use yourself as bait to lure me into a trap?"

Shi Ji quickly understood what happened, and then sneered: "That further proves that you are at the end of your rope, Canglong!"

He has no other backup plan, otherwise there would be no need for it to be so complicated.

Shiji firmly believes in this.

! !

It was as if the sky was cracking open, and the Eye of the Sky exploded into pieces like broken glass. The distance of hundreds of meters passed in an instant, and the black thunder roared, swallowing everything.


But soon, accompanied by a buzzing sound, the blue-light figure rushed out of the thunder and lightning area and came to Ron.

"Suffer death!!!"

He couldn't bear it anymore, even if Shanzu was still here, he would not let go of any opportunity to kill Ron.

This guy is a threat as long as he lives!

When Ron lowered his gaze to look at him, suddenly, two blue beams of light shot out of Shi Ji's eyes and rushed into his brain.

This is his final trump card!

A move that directly obliterates the opponent's soul by looking at each other.

As the incarnation of the ocean, Shiji not only masters destruction, but also has the ability to nurture thousands of creatures like the ocean.

In this regard, he is very similar to the demon in Ron's body. It is both destruction and rebirth, both the end and the starting point.

The essence of life comes from the soul!

The thunder in the space disappeared in an instant. Seeing Ron's body falling downwards with his eyes closed, Shi Ji covered his sore eyes with his hands and raised the corners of his mouth.

"After all, it's just arrogance and rebellion!"

Then he took a deep breath and added silently.

"The extremely difficult rebellion..."

In the eyes of his former self, Ron was still not strong enough, but the threat he posed to him far exceeded any opponent.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if such a monster had the same power as him.

Even the gods who terrorize the entire universe cannot stop his journey.

After waiting for the soreness in his eyes to pass, Shi Ji slowly put down his hand and turned around: "You are the only one left, you evil beast!"

But this time...

boom! ! !

A terrifying force as deep as a prison descended from the starry sky, and the terrifying and oppressive aura gradually came closer. From slightly rippling raindrops to a torrential downpour, it only took a few seconds.


Whatever you are afraid of will come to you. Things like flags cannot be set up randomly. Shi Ji has proved this with his strength.

He looked down in disbelief, his mouth opening slightly uncontrollably.

"How can this be?!!"

There, Ron was floating upwards wrapped in thunder, his eyes still closed. But the trembling eyelids undoubtedly proved that he was on the verge of waking up.

"So... you're not as careless as me? It's really... "

Suddenly, Ron's slightly dissatisfied voice sounded.

At the same time, he silently opened his eyes, and in an instant, the space in front of him was filled with thunder, constantly collapsing, and then healing again.

That terrifying power fluctuation caused the space to fragment just by relying on its aftermath.

Shi Ji suddenly remembered a word.

Fake corpse!

Ron opened his eyes and glanced at Shiji, then looked at the blue light surrounding Shanzu in the distance, and looked up to the sky and sighed.

"And it turns out that plans can't keep up with changes after all, don't they?"

For Ron, who has always been scheming, his plans always go astray unexpectedly, which is the most unpleasant thing for him.