One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 966: After the war!哻划


Hailou Stone is the crystal of the sea, so why doesn't the earth have a crystal

If so, no one stipulates that the crystallization of the earth must be as indestructible as the sea tower stone, right

No one has ever tested the consequences of putting sea floor stone and dynamite rock together.

Ron luckily guessed correctly.

Since ancient times, water and fire have been incompatible. When the crystallization of the earth and the crystallization of the sea are forcibly put together, the result is that both parties are incompatible with each other and perish together.

Bang! !

The damage caused by the Shiji explosion was incomparable to that of the dynamite explosion, but after his explosion, an energy storm that only Ron could see suddenly spread across the world.

That is divine power!

Unlike Im, who stripped most of his power out of his body to form a devil fruit, Shiji's divine power has always been hidden in his body, and even the saint can only borrow it rather than take it away.

Now that the body explodes, the consequence is that this divine power loses its restraint and surges in all directions.


Ron reached out and grabbed it with one hand, and a ball of divine power was held in his palm.

Feeling the feeling coming from above, he said in surprise: "Can't absorb it?!"

This is also a divine power, but like a stone, it prevents him from having any "appetite".

"Could it be..."

Frowning silently, Ron looked at the surging energy tide that spread bit by bit in his field of vision and gradually disappeared on the arc of the planet, and then raised the corners of his mouth.

"I see, is it the power of the sea?"

Shiji was born from Hailou Stone, the crystallization of the sea.

And the sea undoubtedly belongs to this world.

Therefore, this divine power is not an ownerless thing, but a part of the origin of the world.

The existence of Shiji prevents Im from interfering in the ocean, and Im's purpose is to eliminate planetary consciousness. There is no difference between the two in this regard, except that one has succeeded but is confined to the ocean, while the other has not yet succeeded but has engulfed the earth and sky.

Without Shiji as the leader, Ron's only way to devour this divine power belonging to the ocean is to imitate Im's plunder of other origins and invade the ocean of this world.


"Then the world would be destroyed."

If he continues to take action, it means that the destruction of civilization is still not over. This is a very important difference.

Let go of your hand and let this divine power dissipate.

Ron was suspended in the sky, narrowing his eyes slightly and looking at the fragmented planet.

"Civilization collapses from destruction and is reborn from destruction... It's time to end it all."

Destroying a civilization is Ron's job, but destroying a world is not. On the contrary, when civilization fell, Ron had a new job.

That is...

Help civilization revive!

At this moment, a holy light emerged from Ron's body, illuminating the earth and ocean in pure white.

Demons exist not only when one civilization disappears, but also when another civilization rises.

It has two sides in itself, possessing two powers at the same time.

When civilization is on the verge of collapse, it manifests itself in destruction.

But when civilization is on the verge of recovery, what it has is called rebirth.

As Shiji was disintegrated by the explosive rock, it represented the complete end of the civilizational era of "gods", and what followed was the era of mortals.

"You and I are different after all."

Thinking of what Shi Ji had asked him before, Ron felt a little funny.

In Shiji's eyes, gods and humans are opposites that can never be integrated! This is true whether it is him, Im, or other gods that may exist.

The essential differences make it difficult for the two to be closely linked.

This is the truth!

Ron couldn't argue.

But they didn't know that the divinity in Ron's body was special.

He comes from the civilization of mortals, not a god born and raised in the earth.

Rather than saying that the demon who happened to appear in a state of destruction and was unfortunately sealed was a god, it would be better to say that it was the spokesperson of "mortals" and "civilization".

To mortals, it is both a loving father and a strict mother. It destroys civilization and reshapes it, destroys everything and resurrects everything, is both death and life.


Layers of dark clouds began to spread, and thunder rolled in, gradually wrapping the world.

But thunder and lightning did not scare the surviving humans on the planet. They were surprised to find that the muffled thunder made them feel the comfort and tranquility they had not seen for a long time.


Accompanied by dazzling lightning, sudden heavy rain poured down.

Raindrops fell on his body, and a man lowered his head in surprise. He found that the wounds and illnesses left by the tsunami on his body were disappearing rapidly.

"The wound... is the wound healed?"

Looking back, the same was true for the rest of the people in the refuge camp. Even if they were dying, when the raindrops fell on their bodies, their breathing gradually became calmer.

Seeing this, the big man's eyes turned red and he knelt down: "The sky has eyes!"

To him, this was just a sigh in an emotional state, but when he noticed this scene through the eyes of the sky that covered the planet behind the dark clouds, Ron looked very embarrassed.

Because this is not his power.

Mmm, so salty.

At this time, the man opened his mouth wide and licked his lips.

Why is this rain so salty

Just like... sea water

The man shook his head, no, my sweat must have been mixed in.

The rain from heaven brings blessings to all things.

How could it be sea water? !

But that’s really seawater!

The power of the ocean that spread out after Shiji exploded was used by Ron to "generate to others." Just like the saint borrowed the power of Shiji, Ron also borrowed the power of the ocean to save all sentient beings.

The ocean nurtures all things, and only its power can heal such a vast area.



As the raindrops fell, the world fell into ecstasy.

In addition to the incomplete corpses of a few unlucky people, those who died in natural disasters were also resurrected. This was fed back to them by the power of the planet itself, and its power shocked countless people.

Waiting for the dark clouds to dissipate and dawn to return to the world, except for the collapsed mountains and the huge corpse of the mountain ancestor, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

The whole world has ushered in new life.

A few days later, Navy Headquarters.

The Red Earth Continent that suppressed Shanzu was shattered, the Holy Land no longer existed, and the G1 branch also suffered.

Even if most people with intact bodies survive later, they become homeless.

The Maelstrom Iron Triangle miraculously survived this natural disaster.

Later they discovered that due to the characteristics of the maelstrom, for Shanzu, it was also a quagmire that it would take a lot of effort to get out of.

Normal people would subconsciously avoid puddles when walking on the road, why should Shanzu be an exception

So it was very lucky that he survived this natural disaster.

"This loss is a bit heavy..."

With his status as the famous Canglong, he could come to such a conclusion. The loss to the world can be imagined.

"But there are still people! As long as there are people, reconstruction is only a matter of time."

Akainu was on the right side. After finishing speaking, he frowned and said, "Are you really not going to announce the news that you are still alive?"

"Now the whole world is searching for the god who brought their family back to life."

The resurrection seems to be just a smooth process for Ron, but for ordinary people, it leaves a deep impression!

There was one thing that Akainu didn't say. In the years of reconstruction after this catastrophe, only with the true god Ron sitting in can he be able to intimidate Xiao Xiao.

The gods are too far away from them, and careerists will only look at what is in front of them.

When everything recovers, the birds begin to look for food, and the lives of ordinary people will continue after all.

However, at this juncture, Ron actually wanted to retire.

It was announced that he died in that battle!

Akainu couldn't understand. He didn't hold on to that supreme power for many days, right