One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 968: After finishing the book, Chang Yi made some remarks


The reason why I am writing now is because it was already 12 o'clock when I finished coding last night. Dashu has to get up early to go to Chengdu today. Naturally, I have to stay in good spirits while driving. I don't want to go to Station B for Xiaoming's highlights... I thought I wouldn't be able to go back today. Come on, I didn’t expect to be busy soon.

And this is Dashu’s daily life of writing books.

Since I am not working full-time, I have to bounce between work and coding, jumping up and down, and find a balance point that does not interfere with each other to complete what each of them should do. Make sure there are no mistakes in the work and no mistakes in the updates.

So I sometimes joke, for a conscientious author like me...

Uncle Feng’s face: Who else? !

And in the past two months, I even had to take time alone to spend time with my girlfriend. Trinity, what a feeling... should I just find an excuse to break up

Every time it’s like “I worked so hard in the last five minutes,” I said very tiredly. Dog head saves life

The average reading of Thor's book is 2,000. I can't say it's good. After all, it's not uncommon for high-quality products to be put on the shelves every month. But it can't be said to be bad. At least in the end, there were still 500 book friends who were willing to read it.

When I thought about the pitfalls, I didn’t notice that the preface didn’t match the postscript and everyone was still so enthusiastic. I’m ashamed!

Including this book, Dashu has been writing the book for two and a half years, starting in May (?) of 2017 and now in September of 2019.

I summarized my shortcomings in writing books, plot, plot, what else is it plot!

There is a lot of setting, but it cannot be transformed into an attractive enough plot, and the whole story is a mess.

Now that I've written it, I think I understand why there are so many formulaic articles. Because formulas are the easiest way to create a touching plot, the twists and turns and ups and downs in the formulas will automatically push you along.

The most important thing in a novel is the plot. The plot drives everything, and for this everything can be sacrificed.

The writing style of such excellent works as King Spare Your Life, Bombshell Ren, and House of Horrors can only be written by a few geniuses after all.

So this creates a problem.

Turning over the three backup settings I have on hand.

One Piece has a detailed outline of 270, which is the same as Thor.

A comprehensive comic with no detailed outline and only a large volume of settings, just like Thor.

This is a game with a detailed outline of 150, pure routine!

The only thing in my hand that meets this standard is a pure routine virtual online game that appeared more than ten years ago... As a side note, Dashu has always been a loyal book friend of the game channel, and he wanted to write a novel at the beginning. A game until I accidentally broke into a fanfic.

As for the trends in the game area in the past two years, you don’t need to go to the editor to ask. As a book lover, you readers should also have a clear idea.

It's true that the wealthy family is full of wine and meat, and the roads are freezing to death.

what to do


It is impossible not to write. How painful is it to form a habit and forcefully break it

Let the big tree be carefully stroked to see if it can be rescued. If not, let’s wait and see.


"Take a week off and then come back."

Dear gentlemen, take care along the way!

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