One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 97: Monster Ron


As Ron used the Razer to cover the battlefield, the pirates were defeated. Before he rushed over to rescue Dongte, the situation was firmly under control.

Rob Luqi and Kaku took the opportunity to break out of the lumber factory, and together with the navy, they drove the remaining pirates into a group. When he took the time to look back and saw the movement here, even though he was as calm and scheming as he was, he couldn't help but feel a "what's going on" Confused.

"Lucci! Don't be in a daze, hurry up and put out the fire!!"

Barry forced himself to stand up and greeted. He would have never known Lu Qi before tonight, but after a fierce battle, the two of them gained his recognition and were treated as companions.

"Yeah, ok Barry Foreman."

Ron glanced at Ron who was kidnapped by Teabeard, then gave up investigating and ran to put out the fire with a bucket.

Taking Ron hostage

Boy, you have great ideas!

On the other end, Teabeard dragged Ron back and threatened the soldiers who wanted to get closer: "Don't come over! Otherwise I will kill him with one shot!! Don't move too. I know you are strong, but you can Block a bullet?"

Don’t tell me, it’s really possible!

The corners of Ron's mouth twitched crazily, and for the first time, he felt a trace of regret for using violence to solve problems. His reputation in the sea was due to newspapers published a few weeks ago, and there were countless people at sea who did not know him.

Apparently Teabeard is one of them.

"This is true, the ignorant are fearless!"

With an extremely speechless sigh, Ron stepped on his feet and froze his whole body like steel. Teabeard suddenly felt that the body of the hostage in his arms was so hard that he couldn't drag it, and he was startled.

"Don't move! Do you want to die, you bastard?!"

"Yeah, I just want to die!"

Ron completely ignored the muzzle of the gun in front of his eyes. He exerted force with both arms and forcefully pulled Teabeard's left hand from his neck, and then pulled it down.


Ron's strength was so amazing that Teabeard was pulled to his knees by him. This made Teabeard's pirate temper surge up, and he aimed the gun directly at Ron, with an evil and bloodthirsty smile on his face, and pulled the trigger.

"Damn it!! Go to hell!!!"

boom! !

The bullet flew out and Ron's head exploded.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Do you see that? This is what you will get if you disobey me!!"

Teabeard's face was filled with madness. He knew that without the hostages, the remaining navy would never let him go.

He can defeat Dongte one-on-one, but can he still break out of a tight encirclement against a thousand people

What happened in Pukki was a war, and the pirate alliance numbered tens of thousands. In order to avoid accidents, Ron mobilized a total of 1,300 members of the navy to go to sea. Even if there are casualties in the battle now, they are just a drop in the bucket.


Smiling, Teabeard gradually stopped moving, the madness in his eyes was replaced by fear, and he looked at the figure in front of him, his eyes widening in fear.

"No... This is impossible!! Why didn't you die?!"

"Yeah, why didn't I die..."

While Teabeard remained kneeling, Ron pressed his hands on his shoulders, and the penetrating wound on his head crackled with electricity and quickly disappeared.

"Please go to hell and ask someone else this question!"

After saying that, Ron slowly increased his strength and folded Teabeard's whole body back in half. Teabeard's fat body could not provide him with any support at this moment. In front of Ron's strange strength, the whole person gradually bent backwards in a posture that violated the human body structure.

I just heard a "crack" sound, and my spine cracked...


Teabeard suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes popped out and were covered with bloodshot eyes. Feeling that there was no slack in the strength on his shoulders, Teabeard opened his mouth wide, squeezed out the blood foam and internal organs fragments from his throat, and roared.

"Ah!!!... Let go! Let go, bastard!!"




Death was so close that Teabeard fired like crazy and hit Ron indiscriminately. But it's still useless. Natural elementalization cannot be hurt by bullets that do not come with armed Haki and are not made of sea floor stone. When the bullet was empty, Teabeard's head was almost attached to his butt. In vain, he stretched out his hand and beat Ron wildly, but the effect was not even as good as the bullet.

After all, the bullet was able to force the elementalization out of Ron by exceeding the upper limit of Ron's body's defense, and his fist directly hit Ron without being injured.

"Oh... I... I don't want to... die..."

In the end, Ron pressed down with both hands at the same time, only to hear a series of explosions. Teabeard finally spit out the word "death", and his whole body became extremely sore in an instant. The big pirate Teabeard, who was finally able to fight against the Straw Hats in the new world in the future, had his spine snapped in half and died.

His whole body was twisted together in a weird posture that would make yoga experts shake their heads. The fat on his belly was pulled and torn, leaving only a white film wrapping his internal organs. The fat in the interlayer mixed with blood flowed down the torso.

Ron let go of his hand and stood up slowly, shook off the grease and sweat on his hands, stared at the corpse coldly, and said calmly: "You should be glad that I don't have time to slowly torture you now, otherwise you will die if you beat my soldiers." , just a treat!”

The breeze blew and the harbor was silent.

Countless people looked at Teabeard's inhuman body in horror and swallowed hard.

Are you kidding me

Is this just enjoyment? !

The soldiers couldn't help but shudder, but soon a feeling of reverence and fanaticism burned in their chests. They all looked at Ron with burning eyes and tightened their grip on their weapons.

That’s right!

This is our commander, Major General Ron!

We are his soldiers! !

"Brothers, kill me!!"


For a moment, the soldiers burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm and rushed towards the stubbornly resisting pirates. Ron looked up thoughtfully and glanced at the mad dog-like soldier, with a smile on his lips.

"It seems to be working well..."

In order to become stronger, since he did not choose to become a pirate but joined the navy, how to be a good navy is what he should consider.

And a good navy has two words: "power" and "strength"!

"Power", strength.

Ron is very confident in this aspect. If he can't become a top powerhouse even with the Thunder Fruit, he will be like the useless Enel, and he will be dead. It only proves that he is just such a man.

"Quan", right.

This is a long journey... Establishing prestige among the soldiers is Ron's first step in reaching the pinnacle of power.

Is the Navy a lackey of the World Government

Are they the minions who help Tianlong do evil

So you can't be a navy

No no no!

Only the weak will choose to resist when faced with oppression, and the strong will never consider this issue.

Because they are people who oppress others and are naturally cannibals!

The strong change the world, and the weak adapt to the world and adapt to the rules set by the strong. This is an eternal truth. Pirates and the navy, the revolutionary army and the world government are the confrontation between freedom and tyranny. They seem epic, but "freedom" itself...

Isn't it the cry of the weak? !

In the magnificent era of great pirates, weren't they a group of weaklings amusing themselves and deceiving themselves

When they choose to resist with force, regardless of their strength, they have put themselves in the position of the weak and challenge the strong.

From the moment he got up from the hospital bed, Ron vowed to become a strong man.

In Ron's eyes, simple resistance is the path chosen by losers and weaklings! What he yearns for is "power" itself, the impossibility of transcending limits, rather than proving his own strength.

The more filthy, corrupt and unpopular the world government becomes, the greater this opportunity is for Ron!

No one has the ability to make him succumb, and he has never succumbed. This is due to different levels of thinking and different perspectives of thinking.

From this point of view, Ron is a born strong man!

Because he wants to!

Rule the world! ! !

… …

On the motherland’s 69th birthday, I wish everyone a happy National Day, eat well, drink well, and have fun!

Dashu promises that there will be no updates during the seven days of going out to hang out, and his conscience will be the basis!

So here I am asking for collections, recommendations, and compliments when passing by. Thank you all!