One Step to The End

Chapter 113: 0113 My sister-in-law and I take a nap


Weeds are overgrown in the vast black wasteland, and the moonlight seems to be swallowed here. There are only clusters of green will-o'-the-wisps, which constantly shuttle between the strange black grasses, and occasionally knock over a pile of yellow bones, or come from a certain place. Drag out the dry old corpse.

"Wear your mask and don't turn on your flashlight..."

A burst of hasty shouts sounded from the depths of the wilderness, and a dozen men and women were running wildly among the grass, each of them was wearing black clothes and masks, and carried different types of cold weapons.

Behind them was a helicopter that was on fire. The flames ignited a large area of black grass, and the flames were rising more and more into the sky, but in the black wasteland of tens of thousands of square kilometers, it was as small as a drop in the ocean.

"ah… "

A shrill scream broke the dullness. A man fell heavily in the grass half as high as a man. His companions ran away like a herd of frightened horses, crazier and more flustered, but people kept falling, and the screams One after another.

"Run! Yellow Fire Eye..."

I don't know who screamed, the only three people who survived didn't even dare to turn their heads, and the other party only screamed this way and there was no movement, but suddenly found a foggy area in front of them, and the three of them didn't even think about it. Just plunged in.

"Magic fog! This is black magic fog..."

A young man was running around in a panic, and there was a strange black mist everywhere. The sky-high fire couldn't even illuminate the place. gushes out from the crevice.

"Oops! We ran into the center of the Black Wasteland..."

A tall girl with ponytails was also covered in cold sweat. She unfolded a folded arm shield to protect her chest, and put a blackened long knife on the arm shield, looking around as if she was facing an enemy.

"Don't be afraid!"

A burly middle-aged man turned on the flashlight and said: "We can't see clearly, and neither can the zombies. As long as we last until dawn, we have a chance to escape. Let's go ahead to see if there is a bunker. Lead the way, you two will be behind!"


The young men and women nodded calmly, followed the middle-aged man and walked forward slowly. Who knew that this place was completely barren of grass, the ground was full of rubble and sand, and many rusty steel bars could be seen. It is a large demolition site.


A gust of wind suddenly blew past the front, and the middle-aged man's flashlight fell to the ground with a "click", and he disappeared instantly, without even making a sound.


After the ponytail yelled, he ran away crazily, and took out a handful of fluorescent sticks from his arms to break them up. While illuminating the road ahead, he threw them vigorously to both sides. The guy also took out a few round plastic handles, and died. thrown behind him.


Two huge explosions sounded from behind one after another, and a wolf-shaped creature was blown to the ground, but the explosion attracted more things, the sound of stones being trampled everywhere, some light sticks were bitten, and Some were trampled out.


Ponytail suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, and when she turned over in a hurry, she actually tripped over a wreckage of a car.

"Quick! Get rid of those rotten wolves, or you won't be able to escape..."

The young man suddenly threw down an emergency light, instantly illuminating the dark ruins, and the ponytail quickly got up, holding the straight knife in both hands and listening attentively.

"This way!"

The ponytail suddenly let out a coquettish cry, and strode forward to slash in the air, the blackened long knife actually lit up with a faint green light, and a huge black shadow suddenly appeared from the black mist, with a bloody mouth full of impartiality Hit on the edge of the knife.


The long knife slashed open the opponent's big mouth, and cut deeply into the skull. A two-meter-high rotting wolf crashed to the ground, but Ponytail skillfully drew the knife to make up the knife, turned around and rushed out again, one after another

Cut down two green-eyed rotten wolves.

"Not good! Yellow Fire Eye, two..."

The boy suddenly screamed from behind, and hastily pulled out the short knife from the wolf's corpse, and Ponytail quickly put away the knife and looked back.

But she was stunned just by looking at it. There were more than two yellow fire eyes coming, and there were at least a dozen pairs of ghost fire eyes shaking in the black mist.


The two ran wildly again, but they didn't know how far they ran, and suddenly their feet were empty, the two uttered a scream at the same time, and both rolled down a big dirt slope, and rolled tens of meters in a row. "The sound came to the end.

"Oops! We're surrounded..."

The boy turned over and sat on the muddy ground in horror, his ponytail gasped, and countless pairs of ghost fire eyes appeared on the dirt slope, densely packed together, some were green, some were yellow, and even some were about to turn red. of.

"Run! As far as you can run..."

The ponytail stumbled and ran backwards, and the boy took out his flashlight to follow, but suddenly saw a lot of white things while running, the two stopped subconsciously, and raised the flashlight at the same time to move forward Fang Zhao went.

"My God! Mass graves..."

The boy let out a horrified cry. Countless skulls appeared in front of him, stacked on top of each other more than ten meters high, and none of the skulls turned yellow. All of them were white enough to advertise toothpaste. Not even a single weed grows, no matter how you look at it, it's evil.

"It's not a mass grave, this should be the eighteenth skull tower..."

Ponytail subconsciously took a few steps forward and said: "Have you heard the legend? In fact, there used to be eighteen skull towers, but one of them was blown up. The explosion destroyed three cities and created this city." A piece of black wasteland, this should be the remains of the skull tower!"

"You don't care what kind of tower it is, it's important to escape..."

The young man hastily bypassed the pile of skeletons, but just as he ran to the side, he suddenly saw a green glow shooting towards him. He quickly raised his knife to block in front of him, but the short knife broke with a "dang", and the green The light of the knife struck his chest.

"ah… "

The boy screamed and flew upside down, and hit the pile of skeletons with a bang. A large number of skulls rolled down, almost burying him alive.

"Not good! Ghost Warrior..."

The ponytail retreated to the boy in panic. The boy couldn't get up after holding on for a while. It turned out that the chain mail he was wearing inside also exploded, and his chest was immediately stained red with blood.

"Go away, I'm done..."

The young man struggled to pull the skull, and the blood kept flowing down his body, even the skull around him was stained red with blood, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I can't escape, level six Yellow Fire Eye..."

The ponytail hung down the long knife in despair, only to see a tall and thin black zombie walking out of the black mist, dragging a shiny Toyo sword, a pair of golden yellow eyes, but it always kept a distance of more than ten meters , has been pacing back and forth but not close.

"It doesn't seem to dare to come over..."

Ponytail's eyes lit up suddenly, and he realized that the zombies chasing them hadn't followed, but the boy was dying, and said weakly: "Julie! If you can get out alive, please tell my mother, don't worry about it." I'm sad that her son... is a warrior!"

"I'll definitely tell her..."

Ponytail looked at him full of sorrow, but a black knife suddenly stabbed out from the pile of skulls and hit her waist and eyes. Ponytail froze in shock. Pierced her chain mail.


Someone under the pile of skeletons smiled wretchedly and said, "You're lucky. I ran into a flower girl as soon as I opened my eyes. Whose agent are you? The headlights are quite big. Obediently put down your weapon and don't move around."

, or if my brother shakes his hand, your kidney will be gone! "

"You... who are you..."

The ponytail dropped the weapon tremblingly, and the boy also let out a flash of surprise, and slid down from the pile of skeletons.


A large pile of skulls flew out suddenly, and a big man leaned out from the pile of bones. His face was unkempt, his face was scabbed with blood, and he was wearing half a tattered fish scale armor. Corpse soldiers are no different.


There was another rattling sound in the pile of skeletons, and a pretty loli also came out suddenly, shaking her two furry pointed ears, and flipped flexibly from the pile of bones to the ground with both hands.


The ponytail almost made her eyeballs pop out, only to see that pretty loli was wearing a maid outfit, with a fluffy white tail flicking behind her buttocks, she clapped her hands and asked arrogantly: "Where did the eight devil kings die? Did we get blown up?"

Ponytail said in astonishment: "The Eight Demon Kings? You... you mean the Eight Demon Kings of the Eternal Night Legion?"

"Nonsense! It's not the Eight Demon Kings of the Eternal Night Army, could it be the Eight Demon Kings of your family..."

Qiao Luoli looked her up and down with her arms crossed, and the man with the knife said, "Answer the questions you ask, whether the Eight Demon Kings are dead or not, and whether the Soul Suppression Tower has been moved by them, and the Lord of Eternal Night will see." After all, it's that big black skull!"

"Lord of Eternal Night? Who are you guys..."

Ponytail looked at him in horror, but the other party said strangely: "You are so stupid, but you are quite good at it. I blew up this piece like this and you didn't die. Don't force me to take off your pants to see the devil!" Wen, hurry up and tell the truth!"


The opponent suddenly turned his hand and stabbed forward, a white sword light came out of the knife instantly, and shot through the brain door of the Nether Warrior with a "puchi", and the seriously injured guy was shocked and shouted: "An artifact! An ancient artifact, I finally lived to see it!" It's the artifact!"

"You earth leopard, this knife is a fart..."

The man curled his lips in disdain, and said with a smile: "I think you're about to die, don't waste the blood in your body, I'll dig a hole for you and bury it later, and burn a few big bills for you, so you can rest assured let's go!"

"Hee hee~ It doesn't hurt! It will pass as soon as you close your eyes..."

Qiao Loli squatted beside the young man, and took out a golden amulet from her small pocket, which made the young man tremble all over.


Ponytail suddenly knelt down on the ground and said excitedly: "Senior! You are the master who blew up the skull tower, but you may have been asleep for too long. It has been four years since you blew up the tower!"

"What did you say… "

Zhao Guanren said in astonishment: "Four years? Are you kidding me? I just took a nap with my sister-in-law. How come four years have passed? Where did the Eight Demon Kings go?"

"Some died, some changed..."

Ponytail said ecstatically: "I didn't lie to you. In fact, almost four and a half years have passed. We are mercenaries from Chishan Dabao. We came here by accident after the helicopter crashed, but the dead are still ours." The sworn enemy of mankind!"

"Is Qisha dead or not, does Zhang Xinyue recognize her, and does Zhou Miao know..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her with a stiff face, but the other party shook his head and said, "I don't know the two people you mentioned, but I have heard of Qisha, the orc queen, and a new successor has replaced her. Seriously injured and retired!"

"How could this be, four years have passed in one fell swoop..."

Zhao Guanren looked at Li Shishi in shock, and Li Shishi was also dumbfounded.

(This chapter was forced out by you. It’s all saying that I’m done, and honest people believe it. I’m also drunk!)