One Step to The End

Chapter 36: The dog is king 0036 Explosive, explosive


"What is the officer doing? Does he really want to live..."

The two young stewardesses lay anxiously at the entrance of the alley. They could clearly see Zhao Guanren. Zhao Guanren was squatting in the middle of the intersection in front of him. He raised his shotgun and fired somewhere.

The gun obviously didn't have any effect. Not only did the two red ghosts pounce on him at the same time, but the lighthouse giant also stomped hard on him. No matter how you looked at it, it was a dead end.


Zhao Guanren suddenly pulled the trigger again, but at the same time as the two women shrank their heads subconsciously, they suddenly heard a loud bang, and the whole ground trembled violently.


The two women were instantly knocked to the ground, hugging their heads in panic, but a violent air wave swept across the entire street, and almost all the glass doors and windows were shattered.


The two women's ears suddenly hurt, as if someone had knocked a big gong in their heads, and they couldn't hear anything because of the buzzing, and their chests were filled with blood, but then they felt a bang again, and a huge thing slammed fell in front of him.

Lighthouse Giant! ! !

The eyeballs of the two girls nearly popped out of fear, and the lighthouse giant threw his head up and fell in front of them, only ten meters away from them, lying motionless in a pile of abandoned cars, even the lights in his eyes were extinguished, I don't know if I was killed or passed out.

"Brother Ren!"

Zhang Xinyue stumbled and ran out. At this time, the whole street seemed to be hit by a storm. There was hardly a single piece of glass in sight. The piled up vehicles were blown up in pieces, and the intersection was blown out abruptly. Scorched ground.

But when she ran to the center of the street, she was dumbfounded. The two red-skinned red ghosts had disappeared, but Zhao Guanren had also disappeared, not even the off-road vehicle he was hiding in.

"Brother Ren! Where are you..."

Zhou Miao also ran out in a daze, and only then did she see the appearance of the lighthouse giant. It turned out to be a big monkey with black hair all over its body, but it didn't have a long tail, but it looked very much like the monkey in "Dragon Ball". Transformed Monkey King.

However, this guy should not have been killed by the blast, and there were no injuries on his body at all, but the fall of such a big person probably made him dizzy for a long time.

"Over there!"

Zhang Xinyue suddenly found the wreckage of the off-road vehicle, which rolled behind the bus more than ten meters away, and beside the bus lay a figure lying on its side, still keeping its head curled up, motionless, not knowing whether it was life or death .

"Brother Ren! Wake up..."

Zhang Xinyue threw herself on Zhao Guanren with tears in her eyes. Zhao Guanren woke up when she pushed him, and turned over on his back, with two tubes of nosebleeds rolling down, but he smiled weakly: "Brother, if... Can you give me blood?"

"Okay! I'll give you, I'll give you..."

Zhang Xinyue nodded repeatedly with tears streaming down her face. Even though she didn't know what "first blood" was, she would give Zhao Guanren anything she wanted now, but Zhao Guanren passed out before she finished speaking, but there was still a look of satisfaction on his face. Smile.

"Bring him up quickly..."

Zhou Miao suddenly ran over with a stretcher. It turned out that there was an ambulance not far away. The two women hurriedly carried Zhao Guanren onto the stretcher, and hurriedly ran towards the opposite path. Such a big explosion might trigger a fire at any time. Come a large number of corpse soldiers.




A familiar roar sounded from behind, and the two women looked back in shock. Among the ruins smoking black smoke, two red ghosts crawled out with some difficulty, even though the red ghosts had been blown into black ghosts. , but there was not even the slightest sign of injury or disability.

"My God! It's not dead..."

The two girls ran into a narrow alley in fright, put Zhao Guanren's mask back on, and ran all the way with all their strength.

Desperately, they all unleashed their full potential, and after running for more than ten minutes at a stretch, the two women put down the stretcher panting, and stopped in the back alley of a row of shops.

But without Zhao Guanren's command, the two of them were obviously a little bit blind. After looking at each other, Zhang Xinyue panted, "Tune... adjust your breathing, then hold your breath and move forward, find a place to hang out!"

"But this place is not safe..."

Zhou Miao looked around blankly with her hips on her hips. They hadn't left the danger zone yet, and the distance from the explosion was only seven to eight hundred meters in a straight line. At this moment, she really wanted to give Zhao Guanren artificial respiration and tell him to get up and lead the way, otherwise they would really be inseparable. Know what to do.

"Let's find a place to hang out first, I have to treat Brother Ren quickly..."

Zhang Xinyue lifted the stretcher again, and after the two girls took a deep breath, they speeded up and ran forward, but Zhang Xinyue stopped before running far, put down Zhao Guanren, and pulled open the back door of a shop, sticking his head out Look in.


Zhang Xinyue beckoned in a muffled voice, ran back and lifted Zhao Guanren into the shop. Only then did Zhou Miao realize that it was a KFC. As soon as he entered the door, he came to the back kitchen. There were two bloody corpses of employees lying on the ground. The curtain walls are all intact.

"Go! Go outside and have a look..."

Zhang Xinyue put down Zhao Guanren and touched a kitchen knife, Zhou Miao quickly locked the door behind her and followed, also touched a kitchen knife for self-defense, tiptoed to the cash register and looked out.

Outside KFC's door is naturally a bustling downtown area. The street full of will-o'-the-wisps illuminates half of the sky, and it can be seen clearly without fluorescent sticks, but there are corpses everywhere outside, and vehicles crashed in disorder. It looks like a large slaughterhouse, but the inside of the store is also Not much better.

"Wow! The business is so good..."

Zhou Miao lay on the cash register and looked out. There were twenty or thirty corpses lying in the store. The headless corpse was stuck in the middle of the gate, and its head rolled out of nowhere.

"What do you think Brother Ren would do if he was awake..."

Zhang Xinyue looked around hesitantly, and Zhou Miao said depressedly: "I definitely won't come here to die, but if you come here, you should be safe. The locker room at the back should be safe. We will take turns to be on duty when we see the lighthouse giant coming. Get out immediately!"

"Well! You go to the locker room and check to see if there is a first aid kit. I will go outside the door and set fire..."

Zhang Xinyue grabbed a large amount of cash from the cash register, turned it out directly from the cash register, dragged the headless body stuck in the door, and immediately got out when no one was around.

A few private cars happened to break down outside the door. She pried off the fuel tank cap one by one and stuffed the money. Regardless of whether it would explode or not, she ignited it directly, and after thinking about it, she ignited the car.


Several cars soon caught fire, emitting dark, dense smoke.

Smoke, Zhang Xinyue went back to see that Zhou Miao was carrying the family bucket and drinks to the dressing room, and seeing her coming, she said, "I found the first-aid kit, go and get some cushions to spread!"


Zhang Xinyue immediately ran to the children's playground, lifted the cushion on the ground and hugged her in her arms. When she ran back, she saw that the fire had already burned to the sky, and she said worriedly: "Oh, it will be troublesome if it explodes, Ren Brother won’t do that when he wakes up, I’m such an idiot!”

There were no windows in the small changing room, and three sides were covered with wood-grained lockers. There were only two stools in the middle, and the two women first spread the cushions on the floor, and then carried the unconscious Zhao Guanren in, and slept like this. The ground will not catch cold anymore.

"Let me give him artificial respiration first, increase the oxygen content..."

Zhou Miao lay beside Zhao Guanren with piercing eyes, still secretly looking at Zhang Xinyue, Zhang Xinyue almost made her laugh angrily, and said angrily, "He's not suffocating, why are you breathing, take your temperature quickly and then Measure the heartbeat, I'll disinfect his wound!"

First aid is a must-have knowledge for flight attendants. After the two women took the measurements, they found that Zhao Guanren was fine, but besides the wound on his head, he also had several wounds on his body, and his clothes were already tattered. Disinfect the clothes.

"Huh? What's going on with his leg..."

Zhou Miao just took off Zhao Guanren's trousers, and suddenly found that his two calves were full of fine red lines. At first glance, he thought they were red capillaries, but when he looked closely, the lines were very regular, which seemed to be deliberate. Tattooed totem tattoos.

Zhang Xinyue wondered: "That's not right! When he took off his pants in the clothing city before, there was no such pattern on his legs. When did he get it?"

Zhou Miao hurriedly took off his socks, and found not only the same pattern on his feet, but also two small circular wounds on his ankles, which were formed by two circles of fine needle holes. Even the shoes were pierced.

"It was stabbed by something, but I have never seen such a thing..."

Zhou Miao knelt on the ground full of worry, and quickly picked up an alcohol cotton pad and pressed it on the wound, but the wound unexpectedly leaked light black blood.

"Blood Princess!!!"

Zhang Xinyue suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Ren said that Xue Ji would attack people with a blood snake. The blood hadn't even passed his feet at that time. It must have been the little blood snake hiding in the blood and attacking him, and then fascinated him." !"

Zhou Miao also exclaimed: "I know! No wonder Chu Qianqian can always find him. These patterns must have a tracking effect, and it must be the ghost of Xue Ji!"

As soon as the words came out, the two women were stunned at the same time, and even felt chills all over their bodies. Although Chu Qianqian gave up chasing and killing them, it didn't mean that Xue Ji would let them go. It is possible to come to revenge in person.



An explosion made the ground tremble, and there was a lot of shattering sounds from outside. Zhang Xinyue's pretty face turned pale all of a sudden, and she said in a mournful voice, "It's over! The car exploded, and the glass wall must have been blown to pieces. But what should I do?"

"you… "

Zhou Miao looked at her in bewilderment, this was the first time she saw Zhang Xinyue lost her mind, like an ant on a hot pot anxious and helpless, this had never happened before when Zhao Guanren was awake, but she quickly I understand, it turns out that the pillars of their hearts have collapsed...