One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 935: Four Emperors


Xuandu smiled and stepped on Xuanguang, and went straight to the first peak in the small world of Xuandu, the Great Peacock Peak!

Xuandu and Emperor Fantian entered this small world without concealing their identities, so the four heavenly demons in the small world have known about it for a long time, and all of them have gathered on the Great Peacock Peak at this moment, but these four heavenly demons don't have very clear faces. nice.

Xing Huang sighed slightly, and said: "I didn't expect that after I climbed to the Heavenly Demon, I felt that there seemed to be some changes in the way of heaven, but I was lured here and couldn't escape. I am sorry for you."

Yuhuang is an extremely handsome girl, but with a calm face, she said: "Brother Xinghuang doesn't need to be so depressed, the man who imprisoned us has so powerful and unfathomable, even I didn't expect it, There is still such a tyrannical force in the world. Even if the four of us are heavenly demons, we would not be able to match this person together. Without this person, we thought we were the strongest in the world, and this is also an excellent lesson."

Xihuang was a gentle and quiet woman, with ten-color flower vines coiled around her body, with a deep breath, she sighed and said: "It's good that this person is here, I can also know how my child is."

The Emperor let out a muffled snort. He was tall, with a stern face. Among the Four Emperors, he was the most imposing. He was also the only one among the Four Emperors who had developed the second immortal vein, and his cultivation surpassed that of the other three.

He whispered: "This place is actually not bad. If I hadn't been imprisoned in Xuandu, I might not be able to comprehend the way of heaven and refine a fairy vein. However, this place is also quite strange. If I leave here, I'm afraid that my cultivation will It will still fall and return to the level of entering this place."

The four emperors have a complicated mentality. Seeing Xuandu coming from afar, they have no intention of making a move. After all, the generation of sky demons are all wise, and they also know that doing it is only self-defeating, so they all want to know. What to do here.

Xuan Du came in front of the Four Emperors, smiled slightly, and said, "My lord ordered the four of you to visit. I have imprisoned you for so long, if my lord shows mercy, you can go out."

Xing Huang was taken aback, and asked: "You can really leave?"

Xuan Du smiled and said: "Of course you can leave, but when you leave this place, you will fall back to the realm of demon gods if you leave this place, and you will not be able to keep it."

The four emperors were shocked together, they didn't believe this, they didn't doubt that the other party could kill themselves, but it was absolutely impossible to deprive the four of them of their cultivation, after all, they were also the generation of sky demons.

Xuandu didn't explain, and took the four emperors to visit Emperor Fantian.

When Emperor Fantian saw the four sky demons, he laughed and said, "Sure enough, you entrusted your whole body to the way of heaven. The way of heaven in Xuandu is different from the outside, right?"

The four emperors were shocked together, and the emperor with the highest cultivation level asked, "What the hell did you do?"

Emperor Fantian said with a smile: "Cultivating to the realm of the sky demon, you have to plunder the way of heaven and turn it into your own fairy veins. Therefore, the two generations of heavenly courts in ancient times have to deprive most of the lives of those who have promoted to the sky demon, so that the way of heaven can bear it." Stop plundering, I have imprisoned you here to save your life. Now that the third generation of heaven has been born in the world today, the seal of heaven and earth has been signed, so there are only twelve places that can set foot on the Supreme. Now twelve The quota is already full, if you go out, you will be killed."

Xing Huang's face was ugly, but he also knew that it would be useless to turn his face, and asked: "Even so, what if we would rather die than give up our cultivation?"

Emperor Fantian glanced at him and said with a smile: "If you were so disobedient in ancient times, I would have killed your entire family. Now that the emperor is in a good mood, let me tell you. This Xuandu is a The purposeful small world can open the way of heaven by itself. Now the mana is integrated with Xuandu, so only in Xuandu can there be the magic power of the sky demon. If you leave this place, you will not get the protection of heaven in Xuandu. The strength of the demon god was restored. If the department is not convinced, you can also try to break through the sky demon outside, but it is not my decision outside, but the old guy Haotian, who is much more ruthless than me. How many sky monsters back then , all died in his hands, not to mention the five heavenly demons of Kibe, the two supreme beings of the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan, and even Pan Xiang was almost killed by him. It's getting cold early."

The four emperors have nothing to say, they are the generation of sky monsters, they lived in ancient times when they were not sky monsters, of course they know how tyrannical Emperor Haotian is. Even if they ascended to the Heavenly Demon, they were still juniors, and their cultivation had to be the last one, so how could they compare with those great Heavenly Demons in ancient times

Emperor Haotian slaughtered the sky demon, but he was really relentless.

Xing Huang sighed slightly, and said, "Can we enter and leave Xuandu freely in the future?"

Emperor Fantian chuckled, and said: "Of course it can! Now that the world is different, those old guys finally promoted the reenactment of the prehistoric era and brought all the monsters back to the ancient times. It's just that the ancient times are not the same now. When you leave this place, when You can feel the changes in the world."

Xi Huang, who had not made a sound for a long time, asked softly, "How is my child?"

Emperor Fantian was a little embarrassed, and said: "Your child is naturally also my child, but at the beginning it was a little bit more ruthless. It seems that there are more than one, and there are countless descendants. Now there are only two who have become climates. One is called Xu Mansion, one is called Xu."

Xihuang actually didn't understand what happened to her own children, after all, they were all monsters in the beginning, and their offspring were not like human beings, and Emperor Fantian said so, so she couldn't say anything, but asked: "Can I see them? "

Emperor Fantian chuckled, and said: "Of course I can see it. Now that kid in the Xu Mansion is living a very healthy life, and the other one is even better. Now he is also the position of the Heavenly Demon. Haotian also knows that it is my blood, so There's a spot reserved for him."

The Western Emperor was not talking, but the French Emperor asked coldly: "Emperor Fantian! With your status, power and martial arts spirit, if you recruit us, we will only surrender willingly. Why do you have to imprison us?"

I don't know how long Pan Heng thought about this question, and how many times he thought about it.

The Pope finally couldn't bear it any longer and asked.

You know, Emperor Fantian is unparalleled in power, and even overwhelmed Emperor Haotian. He really conquered the world, all the monsters in the world bowed their heads, and thousands of immortals came to court. If he had not broken through the way of heaven, no one could overthrow Haojitian.

If Emperor Fantian wanted to recruit, the Four Emperors would never dare to refuse.

Emperor Fantian laughed, a little embarrassed, and said: "I wanted to break through the heavens at the time, but I couldn't take care of some problems in my cultivation, so I couldn't change the means."

Xuan Du was beside him, with a serious face, without saying a word, of course he knew that his lord's cultivation was definitely not faulty and he couldn't slow down, but at that time... he wanted to get four little white mice!