One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 941: hundreds of thousands of years


Mo Taixu escaped into the Dao of Heaven, Patriarch Yuding, Patriarch Panxiang, Taiye Dragon King, Patriarch Sa, Taishang, Yuan Yuan, Xuanyuan clan and others all withdrew their mana and returned to silence, leaving only Yue Peng alone cleaned up the mess and commanded the army to refine the only Demon Abyss in the world.

Xu Yaoyao looked at it, couldn't help laughing, activated the Dao Jue, and then escaped into the Dao of Heaven.

At this time, he has already realized that he is connected with the fate of Mo Taixu, and it is precisely because he has comprehended the Dao Jue that he combined the Taixu Golden Flower and Taixu Yuan into a Dao talisman. Let Mo Taixu also see through the secret of the way of heaven.

The matter of hunting down Mo Taixu is an inescapable responsibility, and it naturally falls on him.

Xu Liao stepped into the Dao of Heaven, activated the Dao Talisman, and turned into hundreds of millions of golden flowers, and immediately felt like a fish in water, swimming freely.

Originally, the Three Xus were selected by the Dao of Heaven, and Taixu was the head of the Three Xus, most favored by the Dao of Heaven.

Xu promised to occupy the position of Taixu, and added the essence and luck of Mo Taixu's heavenly way, so the way of heaven transferred his favor to Mo Taixu to him. The person who knows the way of heaven best and is most favored by the way of heaven.

With just a little judgment, he realized where Mo Taixu was hiding.

Although Mo Taixu used his wisdom to see through some of the mysteries of the way of heaven, but in the end this mystery was not realized by himself, but because of the connection with Xu's qi mechanism and fate, he came up with the idea and explained the inspiration.

He knew that he couldn't escape Xu's pursuit, and in the Dao of Heaven, Xu had taken advantage of the right time and place, so he didn't dare to stay in one place, but kept spreading the devilish energy, fleeing all the way to the deepest part of the Dao of Heaven.

Xu Liao secretly pinched the formula and made some calculations, he couldn't help feeling surprised.

Heavenly Dao doesn't like Mo Taixu, so when Mo Taixu entered the Heavenly Dao, he was led by the Heavenly Dao and went straight to the end. The battle of the Conferred Gods begins!

In other words, even if he promised not to continue the arrest, it is impossible for Mo Taixu to escape his life.

This is the doomed doom of Mo Taixu, just like Sanxu's doomed fall, if it hadn't been for Xu occupying the position of Taixu, then resigning to Xu Qingtian and recalling Mo Taixu from the way of heaven, Sanxu at this time Xu must fight head-on with the rising monster clan, and was plotted against by Emperor Haotian, which hurt the foundation, and fell under the demon clan's heaven in the future.

Xu Li sighed and was about to leave when he saw the way of heaven shifted and sent him a path. This was the fragment of the way of heaven polluted by Mo Taixu who spread the devilish energy. If no one pays attention, these polluted fragments of the Heavenly Dao will gradually expand, interfere with the operation of the Heavenly Dao, and even give birth to a brand new Heavenly Demon.

Xu Yao pondered for a while, and he knew that Tian Dao wanted him to clean up the filth.

There was nothing he could do about it, as soon as he flicked his sleeves, he went straight to the first Heavenly Dao Fragment.

Xu Li didn't even bother to watch, what's so strange about this shard of heaven, he just stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the shard of heaven collapsed, no matter whether it was magic energy or inspiration, it was all shattered, and the law of heaven would naturally swallow these broken pieces, thereby making oneself more complete.

The way of heaven is running smoothly, and there is a sound of whimpering, which is urging Xu to continue.

Xu laughed, and moved forward again. The more fragments of the Heavenly Dao, the less smooth the operation of the Heavenly Dao. It’s just that these fragments of the Heavenly Dao are almost all related to immortals or sky demons. The Heavenly Dao cannot be cleaned up by itself. Disintegrate it and return it to the way of heaven.

Xu Liao smelted and destroyed dozens of fragments of the heavenly dao, and suddenly sensed that the heavenly dao had fallen again into a mass of essence, he casually put it into the dao talisman, and sighed slightly.

At this time, he no longer needs any treasures, as long as he has the Dao Talisman in his hand, all the treasures in the world are meaningless to him, so he collected this group of heavenly dao essence with the Dao Talisman, and immediately let this treasure that combines heaven and earth, The power increased again.

Xu Xu went all the way forward, but he didn't know how many years had passed, how many pieces of the heavens had been destroyed, and some of them were occupied by the tyrannical Heavenly Demon and Immortal. gas.

Such a long time, Xu didn't know how long it had passed, but when he suddenly felt refreshed and found that he had broken through the way of heaven, he pinched his fingers and calculated slightly, and it was already hundreds of thousands of years later.

The prehistoric world is still ruled by the six princes of the heavens, and the immortals and monsters of the heavens. After hundreds of thousands of years, their fortunes are different, but because the world is peaceful and there are few wars, there are almost no powerful figures who fall, and all the rules are still the same It used to be the same.

Xu Liao thought to himself, if he just went back, he could still go back hundreds of thousands of years, but... it was meaningless.

After thinking for a while, he stepped out of the heavenly way, and the heaven and the earth roared. In the hundreds of thousands of years, all the fragments of the heavenly way that should have existed in him collapsed, leaving only those fragments of the heavenly way that he had disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is the position of the immortal, the change of the sky demon!

One thought can reverse the past and the future, expand the void, produce infinite changes, obliterate the long river of time, and transform the sun, moon and universe.

This also means that Xu Liao's cultivation has improved further, and his understanding and manipulation of the way of heaven has become more subtle. This is also because he was born to be favored by the Dao of Heaven, and he also has the Dao Talisman in his hand, and he has comprehended the Dao Jue, which made it so incredible.

Another sky demon, or an immortal, whose cultivation base is similar to his, or slightly higher, will definitely not be able to do this. Only by injecting powerful figures like Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian can it be so incredible.

Xu Liao stomped his feet lightly, among the six princes of the heavens, all the heavenly demons and immortals knew that he had returned, as for the heavenly demons and immortals, of course they didn't feel anything.

Xu Liao calculated silently, and found that there were so many sky demons and immortals back then, and there are still so many now. Before the start of the Conferred God War, no one could be promoted to Supreme.

Fortunately, below the demon gods, the ranks of real people have increased a lot, and some are even born after Xu left the prehistoric world, and he doesn't know the new generation at all.

Of course, it would take years of savings to be able to be promoted to the level of a demon god and real person. He knew most of them, especially since he could sense that Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei were promoted to real people respectively. This change made him overjoyed.

Back then, he was quite worried about how his two wives would improve their cultivation. He did not expect that the two wives would be promoted successively after hundreds of thousands of years of meritorious service.

Now that the Six Heavens are open, there is no war between them, and it is convenient to communicate with each other, so Qu Lei doesn't want to stay in Donghuangtian, so she goes to Dayaotian and settles in Yaohuai Street. Bai Qiulian is Donghuangtian, Taiqingtian, and Dayaotian often come and go. After all, Donghuangtian is Xu's territory. Taiqingtian has her two children, and Dayaotian is the old nest of the Bai family. Go to Yudingtian to visit the master.

When Xu Liao joined the ancestor of Yuding, the first disciple he accepted was his girlfriend, so Bai Qiulian's seniority in Yudingtian is not low.