One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 952: Xuantian Yujian Sect


Bai Sheng didn't know why, he suddenly became a trainee detective of the police department.

After becoming an agent, his benefits are all special. Yang Shuhua personally applied for them. The ordinary police department standard weapons immediately turn into fire sticks in his hands, so his benefits are all special.

Bai Sheng became a trainee detective, but once a year, he had the opportunity to go to Donghuangtian to report on his work.

Bai Sheng was still a little hesitant at first, but Yang Shuhua passed him and asked Ying Wang for a special approval application, so Bai Sheng was still ignorant, and realized that he might be going to heaven, the Eastern Emperor's Heaven.

Bai Sheng had never left his hometown village before, and when he thought of leaving his hometown, he felt a little nervous, but he never thought of anything, not even Yang Shuhua, who had arrived several times and wanted to upload Sending a magic circle, or a floating spaceship, to the Eastern Emperor's Heaven... will cause equipment failure.

Even the special subway, this kid can't sit on it, as long as he sits on it, the special subway will break down and can't start at all.

Yang Shuhua didn't expect that this kid's ability to restrain spells would have such consequences. After a few attempts, even Yang Shuhua was quite scratching his head, so he could only let him fly up to the Eastern Emperor Heaven.

Bai Sheng did not expect that this trip would become extremely difficult in the end. You must know that Donghuangtian is already extremely far away from Honghuang. If you use the special subway, you can get there quickly. Slow, but if Bai Sheng flies up by himself... it will take about billions of years.

So not long after Bai Sheng left, Yang Shuhua also discovered this big mistake, and hurried to Donghuangtian to find Xu.

When Xu Liao saw Yang Shuhua, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Why did you let him go to the sky? Although I am not restricted by him, with my demon-level mana, I can suppress this kid in turn. The real treasure master, I don't have much restraint against the Heavenly Demon rank, but how can I make a move?"

Yang Shuhua was a little depressed, and said: "Now he wants to fly by himself, and all other carrying tools will fail. If this continues, I'm afraid that after this catastrophe, he will not be able to fly to the ground. Teacher, please help me find a way!"

Xu Liao said helplessly: "You go to Xuandu and borrow the Xuandu Zhizhen Four Containing Qi Pagodas from him. Although Master Bu Er is infinitely powerful, he can't restrain the Xuandu Zhizhen Four Confining Qi Towers. Let him use it. Xuandu Zhizhen's four forbidden air towers have evolved into a small world, let's fool this kid."

Although the master of the best treasure can suppress all spells, there are other ways. At least it needs a magic weapon of the same level, and at least a magic weapon above the real person level, or a big real person or a big demon god. Of course, this is also bullying Bai Sheng, who has not yet awakened to the natural Dafa.

With Bai Sheng's current cultivation base, the four air-restraining towers of Xuandu Zhizhen can indeed evolve into a small world and confuse him.

Yang Shuhua had no choice but to rush to find Xuandu. Although Xuandu is now in Donghuangtian, he would go to Dayaotian or Taiqingtian from time to time.

Now Emperor Fantian's strength is hidden below, besides Xuandu, Da Yaotian is also bound by Emperor Fantian, but Emperor Fantian doesn't want to stand out, so Xuandu can only maintain this situation. He also respected Xu Lie very much, anyway, Xu Lie replaced Taixu, he is indeed the ancestor of Taoism in the world, and all twelve Taoist priests must respect him.

Xuan Du heard Yang Shuhua's intentions, and hurriedly said: "This is a trivial matter, I'll just go with you."

Bai Sheng also didn't expect that a small matter of his would provoke the two Daoist ranks of the past, and the current Lord of the Eastern Emperor Heaven. In fact, even Xu was depressed. He actually not only supported Yang Shuhua, as long as he was with There is no conflict, he doesn't mind which one ascends to the Supreme, whether it is the transformation of the immortal or the breakthrough of the sky demon.

No matter which one of the six grand masters of the heavens, it has nothing to do with him.

The disciples under him either didn't have enough savings or had ulterior motives, so he didn't expect Donghuangtian to produce a supreme being.

Since the Eastern Emperor Heaven will definitely not have a chance, no matter which Taitian, in this catastrophe of heaven and earth, if someone breaks through the Heavenly Demon Immortal, it doesn't matter if it is promised.

It's just that he didn't expect that Yang Shuhua would be so troublesome, especially Bai Sheng, the reincarnation of the inexhaustible treasure master, who was born to prohibit all spells. Even if he allowed himself, he could only suppress the range of his forbidden spells and trap them , It is impossible to completely eliminate its influence.

Xu Liao thought to himself: "If Buerbao majored in becoming an immortal, or if Yang Shuhua broke through again, it would be very troublesome to talk about. I, Donghuangtian, can't accommodate this kind of person who suppresses magic. I still thought of a way to keep him away. I'm here."

Not to mention Xu, Yang Shuhua and Xuandu intercepted Bai Sheng from a distance, Bai Sheng naturally didn't know that he was going to be fooled by two Daoist figures, and plunged into the small world of Xuandu.

Now that the four emperors have left, they never came back, and the forces left behind gradually collapsed and were disintegrated by Xuandu. Now they all respect Xuandu as the emperor of Xuandu, but it also made him the addict of the lord of heaven .

But how did Bai Sheng know that this place is no longer an ordinary world

He crashed headlong into the small world of Xuandu, remembering what his master said in his mind, the Eastern Emperor Heaven is infinitely vast, with thirty-six realms and seventy-two caves, and it is difficult to explore the end of each void.

He only thought that he had fallen into a certain unrecorded heaven or cave, after all, he had heard of the most lively heavens in the Eastern Emperor Heaven.

At this time, Bai Sheng controlled the giant snake under his crotch, held a three-pointed two-edged knife, and was only short of a set of armor, so he could become a great ancient god.

The small world of Xuandu is vast, so no one cares about him as a new little spirit man, and no one pays attention to him. After flying a giant snake under Bai Sheng's crotch for half a day, he saw a big mountain with countless pavilions. Someone even controlled the sword light and turned into a rainbow to fly around. They couldn't help being curious, and thought: "You can ask, what is this place? I remember Master said, I'm going to report to the police department. I don't know where there is There are no branches."

How did Bai Sheng know that this is the Xuantian Yujian Sect, one of the eighteen sects in the Xuandu Small World!

Everyone in the sect practiced the technique of flying swords, which was a lineage passed down by Xing Huang, but now the spells in the sect have been scrutinized by countless generations, and they have long since become different from the ones passed down by Xing Huang, and have become more aggressive.

The giant snake under Bai Sheng's crotch, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, looked like a villain, so before he got close, he was surrounded by more than a dozen sword lights.